[sacw] SACW (11 Oct. 01)

Harsh Kapoor aiindex@mnet.fr
Thu, 11 Oct 2001 02:44:37 +0100

South Asia Citizens Wire
11 October 2001


#1. Bangladesh Hindus seek protection
#2. Bangladesh: An appeal to BNP by an unknown individual
#3. India: Anti War Demonstration in Calcutta on 13th October, 2001
#4. India: "Oppose US War, Curb Terrorism through Lawful Means" -=20
Left parties called for anti war protest actions on October 12
#5. Press Release - Pakistan - India Peoples' Forum For Peace and=20
Democracy [ India Chapter]
#6. Diaspora: Solidarity for Peace and Resistance to Terror - Public=20
Statement by South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy=20
(SANSAD) & International South Asia Forum - Vancouver (INSAF)
#7. The myth about Islamic world



BBC News
Wednesday, 10 October, 2001, 16:34 GMT 17:34 UK


Awami League protest - minorities tended to support them

The BBC's Waliur Rahman reports from Dhaka

Leaders of the minority Hindu community in Bangladesh have met the=20
country's president and asked him to ensure the safety of the=20
country's minorities.

Hindus are worried the Durga festival may be put off

The meeting followed reports in the Bangladesh media of an increase=20
in attacks on Hindus since the victory of the Bangladesh Nationalist=20
Party-led coalition in last week's general elections.

The European Union has also raised concerns over the reports.

The minorities are widely considered to be supporters of the rival=20
Awami League party which was defeated in the polls.

Festival concerns

The Hindu leaders said they feared they might not be able to=20
celebrate the forthcoming Hindu festival of Durga Puja beginning=20
later this month.

President Shahabuddin Ahmed said the government would take necessary=20
action to ensure the safety of the minorities.

Earlier, similar concerns were raised by the European Union envoy to=20
Dhaka, Antonio de Souza Menezes, who said he has received complaints=20
of violence against the minorities.

Mr Menezes said many non-governmental organisations have contacted=20
his office and expressed concern at the level of violence against the=20

He said he has discussed the issue with the Bangladesh Nationalist=20
Party, whose leader Khaleda Zia, was sworn-in as the country's new=20
prime minister on Wednesday.


News From Bangladesh
10 October 2001

An appeal to BNP by an unknown individual:

By Tayeb Husain


BNP's election victory and road to power do not necessarily guarantee=20
improvement of law and order situation in Bangladesh or future=20
welfare and prosperity of her people. Judging everything carefully=20
one can suggest that voters had to choose the BNP because there was=20
no other better alternative. The election manifestos of BNP and AL do=20
not say much about welfare, development or any radical proposal that=20
could have really impressed people. Careful studies also suggest that=20
most of the points in the manifesto of both these major parties are=20
somewhat vague.

It is again doubtful if a larger percentage of population even=20
understood what those points really were. However, there is no doubt=20
about it that people did vote for BNP on tactical ground. They wanted=20
AL to go away because, most people were convinced that AL=20
administration was a thoroughly corrupt one and they run an awfully=20
partisan administration. But most importantly, people were wearied=20
for the total apathy of the administration to deteriorating law and=20
order situation in the country. AL goons were also in the forefront=20
in most of the cases for exertion, murder, rape and other illegal=20
activities. Now AL is gone, hopefully, at least for 5 years. But can=20
people feel relieved and look forward for a change for the better?

The answer depends on the correct move of one person and her prudence=20
in managing the future affairs of the government. Needless to admit=20
that this write-up is not of a pundit, but of an ordinary, unknown=20
Bangladeshi citizen. And the objective of this appeal is to draw=20
attention of the BNP leadership, party-men and even their goons to=20
think twice before they adhere to any wrong doing as a BNP member or=20
under the protection of the party. I strongly believe that the BNP=20
leader Khaleda Zia and the leadership at large can improve their own=20
images and do a great service to the nation if they take immediate=20
action and sincerely try their best to solve the following problems:

a. The Problem of Law and Order situation

Deteriorating law and order situation was the prime cause for AL=20
election defeat. If law and order can not be improved radically and=20
immediately, one can safely predict, BNP government would not last=20
long and people will surely dislodge BNP government by joining AL in=20
street demonstrations or similar agitation. It is reported recently=20
that within 24 hours of election results, gangs belonging to the=20
BNP-led four-party alliance started taking over control of the=20
country's underworld activities by chasing away the AL gangsters.

The emerging BNP and their alliance faces of the underworld is said=20
to have already taken over markets, bus terminals and important=20
parking lots, which generate Crores of Taka in black money every day.=20
The AL hoodlums had controlled all these installations over the last=20
five years. The BNP leadership must remember, they will not only meet=20
the same fate as that of AL in future election if they can not check=20
these gangsters.

The question should NOT be how to stop the hoodlums and their heinous=20
activities but to eliminate them completely from the society as per=20
the law of the country. And victorious BNP, if you are wise, please=20
start checking your own hoodlums first. By doing so you will make=20
your image better and the country safer for yourself and for us all.=20
Please do not compromise with the hoodlums for any political gain=20
whatsoever. Ultimately you will be attaining great benefit for your=20
party if you pay heed to this simple but most urgent demand of the=20
ordinary population.
b. Student Politics

Please ban politics in educational institution and please help=20
regaining academic atmospheres in our universities and colleges. Time=20
is running out. We are already in a catastrophic situation and please=20
get rid of your goons from the educational institutions right now.=20
The teachers of our universities and colleges are highly politicised.=20
This awful situation must stop.

Let the BNP and the alliance take first step by dismantling their own=20
student wings. Bangladesh is an independent country and student=20
community must not destroy their future indulging in destructive=20
politics or working as goons of any political party. Let common sense=20
prevail in our politicians at large and let us make our educational=20
institution peaceful places of learning and intellectual activities.

c. Religion and Politics

Please keep religion out of politics and let it remain as one's very=20
personal matter. Again, 85% or more of Bangladeshi population are=20
Muslims and that is also the great reason for which we need not make=20
Bangladesh an Islamic republic. Let BNP make this point clear to=20
their alliances, which have religion in their bags to play politics.=20
'No anti-Islamic law' is okay but let it be 'No anti-Hindu or=20
Christian law' also by adopting secularism as our hallmark as the=20
state policy. Let the state guarantee fully that none is=20
discriminated for his/her religion, colour and creed.

Let us not forget that discriminating individuals or a group for=20
their religion, colour and creed is a crime against humanity and any=20
decent human being shall oppose it. For a Muslim it is more than an=20
obligation if I have understood the religion correctly. I do not mean=20
to treat minority communities in a different way but please make sure=20
that their right are not violated by the majority population. Treat=20
the minorities kindly and as your equal in every respect. Protecting=20
minority rights as your own, I am told, is the supreme responsibility=20
of a real Muslim.

d. Employ decent people in your administration

BNP will be doing a disservice to them and to the nation at large if=20
any corrupt and dishonest person is offered any ministerial position=20
or for that matter any responsible position in the public service. By=20
wining landslide victory and thereby obtaining absolute majority BNP=20
now have got the golden opportunity to do many good things and this=20
opportunity should be not be missed for making the administration=20
clean, transparent and effective.

Please remember that even your enemy will respect you if you try your=20
best to do good things for the nation. Honesty and sincerity of=20
purpose will make you respectable and people will cast their votes=20
for you in the next election too if you honestly try to run a clean=20
administration. Why not give the Prime Minister's position to a=20
non-political person and ask him to form a government with people of=20
clean records, high talents and capability? Sheikh Mujib could remain=20
immortal if he would have done so instead of becoming President and=20
Prime Minister of Bangladesh and ran a partisan, corrupt and=20
inefficient administration. Please learn from history.

e. Establish rule of Law to run the country

Establish rule of law and not personal rule in the country, please.=20
Only Rule of Law should be the criterion of running the=20
administration. Political decision MUST not be implemented by the=20
politicians but by the neutral civil servants. Please make sure that=20
no minister or politician ring to the police to release a hoodlum=20
arrested for a crime. Let the police do their job without your unholy=20

Your job is to take political decisions fairly and then let the=20
neutral bureaucrats implement it. If BNP can put the concept of rule=20
of law strongly in the minds of their party men, every one from the=20
ghettos to the luxury Banani palaces, they will set an example never=20
to be forgotten by the grateful nation.
f. Finally, an appeal to Begum Khaleda Zia

I do not believe that there are many honest political leaders in=20
Bangladesh. Almost each and every one of our politicians is corrupt=20
in some way or other. If Begum Zia is an exception I do not know. But=20
there are rumours about her and her son. Thus, I suggest, please stop=20
corruption of any sort, including the political one, right now. You=20
can ask other to be honest only when you are honest. It is not a big=20
game to try your best to be honest when you are the leader of the=20

Please remember, performing Haj and going to Mecca do not mean=20
anything if your own soul is not clean. Please make the PM's office=20
out of bound to your offspring and relations. That will make a big=20
difference in running your administration. What more you can expect=20
in life than becoming the most powerful person in the country? Now,=20
your greatest and the ultimate reward should be to learn that your=20
good government has benefited millions of people and everyone has got=20
a little happiness and security in a free society due your honest=20
administration. Please think about everybody, specially those=20
unfortunate people in the slums and in the remote villages who have=20
been neglected and oppressed not for decades but for centuries. Let=20
them smile with you.

Tayeb Husain, writes from Lund, Sweden e-mail: gtmail@n...



Protest demonstration on 13th October,2001

Pakistan - India Peoples' Forum For Peace and Democracy

The Other Media, B-14 (Second Floor) Gulmohar Park, New=20
Delhi-110049. Tel: +991-11- 6163830. Fax: + 91-11- 619804
016. TEL: 244 4876

10th October, 2001

Dear Friends,

Our Forum is participating in a Joint Demonstration on 13th October,=20
2001, with other like-minded civil society and mass Organizations and=20
democratic people of Kolkata to protest against the imperialist=20
attack on Afghanistan by the so called anti-terror world coalition=20
led by America.

The demonstration will be in the form of a protest rally starting=20
from Shyambazar 5 Point Crossing sharp at 2 PM and will march through=20
Bidhan Sarani, Raja Keshab Chandra Sen Street, Rajabazar, A P C=20
Road and it will go upto Park Circus Maidan.

The two focus point of the rally will be:

1. To organise ourselves to fight against the war machination of the=20
so called coalition against terror being led by imperialist America,

2. To raise voice against the Govt. of India's attitude of abject=20
surrender to the war process initiated by America.

We request all our all our members, sympathisers and friends to=20
participate in the rally whole-heartedly, failing which we will be=20
failing in our democratic and anti-war task of the moment

Sincerely yours
Joint Secretary, PIPFPD West Bengal Chapter.
32664 OF 1998'.



Date: Wed, 10 Oct 2001 16:17:54 +0530 (IST)

Dear Friend,

The Left parties have called for nationwide protest actions on October 12
against war-mongering that is being pursued by the US and its allies. In
Delhi the protest rally will start from:

Mandi House [ New Delhi] at 11.30 am. on Friday, 12th October

All those who wish to oppose the present actions of the US are invited to
attend -- as individuals or organisations. Attached below is the statement
issued by the Left Parties in this Context. A number of other organisations
have already indicated that they are joining in the above march.




12 October Protest Day:
Oppose US War, Curb Terrorism through Lawful Means

The armed forces of the United States have begun their military attack
on Afghanistan. Various cities have been bombarded by American and
British warplanes and ships. More attacks are in the offing.

The Left parties have, from the outset, stated that those responsible
for the terrorist attacks in United States on September 11 should be
brought to justice, proceeding through the United Nations and on the
basis of international law.

By launching a full-scale war against Afghanistan, the main sufferers
will be the people of that country. The missiles and bombs rained on
Afghanistan will kill thousands of innocent people.

All democratic and peace-loving people in South Asia are deeply
concerned about the casualties of war and the consequences for the

The Left parties strongly reiterate their demand that the BJP-led
government, in no way, participate in this American-sponsored war. Such
a step would have dangerous consequences for our region and for the
national sovereignty of our countries.

The Left parties call for a joint campaign in protest against this
unilateral war launched by America and its NATO allies. The Left parties
call upon all their units to mobilise the people to hold protest
demonstrations and meetings on 12 October all over the country to demand
a halt to the war and to wage the struggle against terrorism in
accordance with international laws.



Pakistan - India Peoples' Forum For Peace and Democracy [ India Chapter]


6th Oct. 2001

The 'fedayeen' attack on Jammu & Kashmir Assembly on September 30 by=20
Jaish i Mohammad in which 38 persons, including children, lost their=20
lives is a despicable act. No grievance or anger justifies killing of=20
civilians in any conflict by any side. While there is little that can=20
be done to prevent "suicide attacks" it is worth pointing out that J=20
& K has a very high concentration of troops maintaining an obtrusive=20
presence and operating under extra-ordinary laws.

The Indian security forces and army personnel posted in Jammu &=20
Kashmir, in the present circumstances, while taking steps against=20
such terrorist acts, should demonstrate extreme caution and make=20
distinction between innocent citizens and the terrorists. The=20
government of India, instead of ad hoc responses to terrorist=20
attacks, should initiate a dialogue with all the involved parties and=20
the citizens of Jammu & Kashmir, for a long term solution of the=20
problem of its people.

The Kashmiris are definitely very unfortunate to have been caught in=20
the fire of two countries but the call to attack Pakistan by the=20
Chief Minister, Mr. Farooq Abdulla is uncalled for especially at this=20
time when the threat of war in our region is so real and imminent.

E. Deenadayalan
For the Secretariat

The Other Media, B-14 (Second Floor) Gulmohar Park, New=20
Delhi-110049. Tel: +991-11- 6163830. Fax: + 91-11- 619804



Dear friends:

Appended below is a public statement that was released here=20
yesterday. It was also distributed at a large public rally last night=20
in downtown Vancouver, where many of us (South Asians) participated=20
with a SANSAD banner and placards.

hari s.
Solidarity for Peace and Resistance to Terror

A calamity fell on the world on September 11. The suicide attacks on=20
the United States took thousands of innocent lives in New York,=20
Washington and on four domestic jets and brought devastating grief to=20
many more thousand parents, spouses, children, and friends. The=20
American people became victims of the kind of terror and grief=20
experienced by hundreds of thousands of innocent people around the=20
globe for many years. All people of good will share the anguish of=20
the American people, as they have shared the anguish of the people of=20
Palestine, Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo, Yugoslavia, East Timor, Sri Lanka,=20
Colombia, Kashmir, Afghanistan, among others.

The government and the media of the United States have predictably=20
responded to these attacks with the language of violent revenge in=20
the name of justice and security, falling easily into the old=20
terminology of colonial domination to demonize the enemy. War, which=20
is territorial, has been declared against terrorism, which has no=20
territory, and to make this plausible, Osama bin Laden has been=20
personified as the enemy. The "terrorist", the historical product of=20
social and political injustice, has been removed from history and=20
made into an embodiment of metaphysical evil, and the people of the=20
world have been told that they must take the side either of the=20
United States or the "terrorists". All brown people in North America,=20
from the Middle East and South Asia, have become targets of racist=20
violence and suspicion. It has become dangerous to express any=20
criticism of the dominant view. All language other than the language=20
of "America's New War" is targeted as the language of the enemy. The=20
rights and liberties of all, but particularly those of refugees and=20
immigrants from the Middle East and South Asia, are under threat.

The United States and Britain have launched a brutal military attack=20
on Afghanistan, with the reluctant, and often coerced or bought-out,=20
support of many nations. It has no sanction of the United Nations,=20
the legitimate arena for international justice. The people of=20
Afghanistan, who have suffered from the effects of a prolonged civil=20
war, the rule of the Taliban, a severe drought, and international=20
embargo, are further terrorized and devastated by this military=20
attack. Millions more will join the desperate army of dislocated=20
refugees. The military campaign is bound to further aggravate the=20
volatile political situation in the entire South Asian region.=20
Religious bigotry and fanaticism - in state power or not -, which had=20
already been a threat to the social and cultural fabric of the=20
sub-continent, are bound to grow in intensity.

Despite the simplistic division of the world between the allies of=20
the U. S. government and the "terrorists", as announced by the=20
President of the United States, the majority of the people of the=20
world are neither the one nor the other. They want peace, and believe=20
that conflicts should be resolved through understanding and=20
negotiation rather than violence and war. "Terrorism" which is now=20
declared as the principal enemy by the United States is after all a=20
creature of its own historical policy, in the pursuit of its=20
hegemonic and economic interests - particularly oil, gas and other=20
natural resources. To present "terrorism" as an alien evil is to=20
cover up the responsibility of the United States, and its role in the=20
suffering of millions of people around the world. There can be no end=20
to "terrorism" unless we accept the inseparable relationship between=20
the violence produced and sustained by the policies of the United=20
States (and its allies or puppets) and the violence of the=20

South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy (SANSAD)
International South Asia Forum (INSAF)
(604) 420-2972; sansad@s...



The Hindu
11 October 2001


By Amit Baruah

SINGAPORE, OCT. 10. The ``Muslim'' world has come under scrutiny=20
after the September 11 terrorist attacks in the United States. As=20
television and newspaper reports fly thick and fast about protests in=20
``Islamic'' countries, some basic questions about terminology stare=20
you in the face.

Is Indonesia an ``Islamic'' country? With the largest number of=20
Muslims, this multi-religious nation of 220 million also has a=20
sizeable number of Christians and Hindus.

Does Malaysia with some 60 per cent of Malay-Muslims in its=20
population of 22 million also count as a ``Muslim'' country? In these=20
days of charged reportage, some assumptions need to be challenged. Is=20
Indonesia an ``Islamic'' nation or is it just a country where the=20
largest number of Muslims live? This difference may prove to be=20
crucial in the days ahead.

By using terms such as the ``Islamic world'', the Western television=20
networks, perhaps unintentionally, create an ``the U.S. versus them''=20
scenario. No one calls Western nations the ``Christian world''=20
(except for some extremists).

Osama bin Laden and his associates want to create a ``monolithic''=20
Islamic world and must be enraged that other ``Islamic'' nations are=20
actually backing the U.S. to find those responsible for the September=20
11 kamikaze attacks.

Just as ``Hindu'' and ``Christian'' nations have divisions and=20
differences over wealth, resources and their use, the situation in=20
``Islamic'' nations is the same. (The Taliban, it may be recalled,=20
fought a ``jehad'' against the Northern Alliance, who consider=20
themselves as good Muslims).

Today, the Indonesian President, Ms. Megawati Sukarnoputri, is at the=20
receiving end of militant Islamists, who are demanding that her=20
Government sever diplomatic relations with the U.S. after the=20
retaliatory strikes against Afghanistan. Her Government has rejected=20
the demand. She, along with other leaders of Muslim- majority=20
nations, is battling the same forces at home that the international=20
coalition against terrorism has taken on globally.

The skirt-wearing Ms. Megawati must, however, deal with the militants=20
in her own way. Her Vice-President, Mr. Hamzah Haz, is an Islamist,=20
who in the past had opposed a woman becoming President of Indonesia=20
by invoking ``Islamic'' principles. Today, he is making some=20
dissenting noises, but remains part of the Government.

The Indonesian Government for its own domestic reasons will not speak=20
the way Washington wants it to speak. Many people (not just Muslims)=20
have concerns about the American military strikes killing innocent=20
civilians, but the focus seems to be on those who take to the streets=20
and shout the loudest when the camera is on them.

The Malaysian Prime Minister, Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, has declared that=20
a conventional war cannot defeat the forces of terrorism. He has=20
opposed the military strikes, but is also the first world leader to=20
propose a global conference against terrorism.

Politicians, at times, coddle militant elements for expected=20
political gains or just to stay in power. Indonesia, for instance,=20
has seen the rise of extreme Islamist groups and their attacks on=20
Christians in the Malukus.

For every country, extremism and extremist elements fired by their=20
own perceptions of their religion, constitute a clear and present=20
danger. The cross-country mobilisation by the BJP-RSS-VHP-Bajrang=20
Dal, which led to the destruction of the Babri Masjid in 1992, was=20
just as warped as the views of many extreme Islamists.

Moderates of all political persuasions have to fight their battles=20
within national parameters first. Fiery rhetoric, coupled with=20
civilian casualties seen on television, can bring many on to the=20

Samuel Huntington's thesis of a ``clash of civilisations'' is being=20
given currency by Western news networks. The ``Islamic world'' is a=20
myth - same as the ``Christian world''.


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