SACW | June 1-4, 2009 / Sri Lanka: After War / Pakistan: Job for Secularists / Kashmir AFSPA / Bangladesh, India: Gender / US: Christian Taliban

Harsh Kapoor aiindex at
Wed Jun 3 20:00:58 CDT 2009

South Asia Citizens Wire | June 1-4, 2009 | Dispatch No. 2631 - Year  
11 running

[ SACW Dispatches for 2009-2010 are dedicated to the memory of Dr.  
Sudarshan Punhani (1933-2009), husband of Professor Tamara Zakon and  
a comrade and friend of Daya Varma ]

[1] Sri Lanka: Media again under threat (Editorial, Daily Mirror)
    - A Statement by the Asian Human Rights Commission
    - SAFMA, SAMC condemn attack on SL journo
    - Sinhala Ultra-nationalists Threat Letter to Centre for Policy  
Alternatives (CPA)
    - Taking Forward the Struggle for Equality, Justice and Democracy  
in Sri Lanka (Rohini Hensman)
    -  Letter from a Tamil in North-East Sri Lanka (in EPW)
    - Aid workers forced to leave Sri Lanka under strict new visa  
rules undefined (Jeremy Page)
    - The idealist I once knew became the Tamils' Pol Pot (N Ram)
[2]  Bangladesh: Questioning the assumptions that underpin our  
national conversation on gender (Naeem Mohaiemen)
[3] Pakistan: Window of opportunity (Farhat Taj)
[4] India: Outrage in Kashmir and Omar's about turn on AFSPA  
(Editorial, Kashmir Times)
     - India looking at dialogue option on Pakistan again (Siddharth  
[5] India: Is Sikhism succumbing to fundamentalism? (Sathnam Sanghera)
[6] India: India's missing women (Pamela Philipose)
    - Courting Anger (Editorial, The Telegraph)
    - No Woman, No Cry (Hemchhaya De)
[7] Miscellanea:
   - USA: Violent Campaign of the Anti Abortionist Christian Taliban  
- A compilation of selected commentary & reports (
   - Clinics in the Cross Hairs (Editorial, Washington Post)
   - Lessons from Tiananmen (Ian Buruma)
   - Spanish Civil War volunteers are granted citizenship 70 years on  
(Deborah Haynes)
[8] Announcements:
(i) Public Discussion: Internationalising Caste - Everybody's Issue?  
Or Nobody's Issue? (New Delhi, 4 June 2008)
(ii) Workshop: Religious Cultures in South Asia, c. 1500-1800  
(Oxford, 5-6 June 2009)
(iii) Public Forum: Struggles for Land, Livelihood and Life in India  
(Vancouver, June 21, 2009)


[1]  Sri Lanka:

Daily Mirror, 3 June 2009


The dastardly attack on the General Secretary of Sri Lanka Working  
Journalists Association Poddala Jayantha, on Monday has again sent  
shock waves around the media circles. Abducted by an unknown group  
late afternoon on Monday as he was on his way home, he was later  
found beaten and left on the road side by some people. Admitted to  
the ICU, he was later declared out of danger.
A known advocate of media freedom, Jayantha’s attackers did not only  
inhumanely beat up an unarmed journalist, but also poses a greater  
threat to free expression in the country.

The manner in which half his beard was shaved off and then brutally  
beaten up, is a crude reminder of the punishments meted out by the  
insurgents in the 1989 era. Such attacks are neither welcome nor  
healthy for a country rising from the ashes of war. These attacks can  
only have a negative impact towards the normalization process that  
the country seemed poised for as the government announced the end of  
a three decade old war last month.

It is still not clear if Monday’s attack is an isolated one or part  
of a line of attacks that the media has continued to experience over  
a period of time. The number of journalists killed, attacked or  
threatened out of the country during the last few years is  
significant. It is not a number a democratic society can be proud of.  
Only independent investigations in to all these cases can bring light  
to this growing trend and where the threat emanates from, and thereby  
eliminate those unfairly accused.

The Media Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa yesterday assured that  
investigations in to this particular attack, has already begun, and  
that the government will bring the findings before the media as soon  
as possible. It would be to the government’s credit if this could be  
accomplished without delay and the fears growing within the media  

Certainly, many hold their reservations about the manner in which  
certain media organizations have carried out their duties in a manner  
threatening the war effort of the government.

It is also no secret that the government had aired its own  
reservations against such individuals and organizations. However the  
fact remains that if the security establishments have any evidence  
against any journalists or media organizations, then they must allow  
for justice to take its course.

The longer these accusations are levelled without sufficient  
investigation, the more difficult it will be for them to gain any  
credibility. Mere accusations that remain unsubstantiated, would  
prove a serious hindrance to the process of democracy the government  
claim it remains committed to.

The need for investigations in to these kinds of attacks and punitive  
measures against culprits becomes all the more important given the  
international pressures against the government at this juncture.  
Being at the receiving end of numerous counts of human rights  
violations, the government only loses the moral high ground it  
desperately needs to fight these claims, by allowing such attacks to  
go unchecked.

The responsibility of the government to create an environment  
conducive for an independent media, is paramount if Sri Lanka is to  
gain the real benefits of peace.

No society threatened against listening to constructive criticism,  
and learning to appreciate the voices of dissent, can hope to progress.

Creating such a mature society would prove fruitful to the  
government, more so than ever; as it begins a discussion on allowing  
all communities equal rights.

The wider the rights to free expression allowed, the more viable the  
outcome of a debate on a political solution enjoyed by all.

The hopes resting on the Rajapaksa regime to create such a society  
are large, and the benefits to the country’s future growth immense.  
The faster the government is able to arrest this unhealthy trend, the  
greater its chances of maintaining the goodwill it had won over the  
largest percentage of the population ever in the history of this  

o o o
June 2, 2009


SRI LANKA: Journalist attacked – a civil society organisation  
threatened and a provocative campaign against freedom of expression  

Poddal Jayantha was abducted yesterday (June 1), and was later found  
with head and leg injuries. He is now undergoing treatment in a  

Mr. Jayantha is the General Secretary of the Working Journalists  
Association and there were earlier attempts to abduct him from his  
home which he narrowly escaped due to the intervention of family  
members and neighbours.

This latest attack comes in the wake of a provocative campaign in  
which the army commander, as well as the Inspector General of Police,  
has made incendiary remarks which link the critics of the government  
to the LTTE. Both television and media publicity has been given over  
to allegations that some journalists have been in the pay of the  
LTTE. However, no names have been revealed and no cases filed. Such  
remarks have ignited some groups who, in a situation of euphoria  
created after the assassination of the LTTE leaders, are being  
permitted to engage in acts of violence against anyone that is  
identified as unpatriotic.

At the same time of the attack on Mr. Jayantha, a group of journalist  
was talking to the president of Sri Lanka complaining about the  
attacks on the media. The President was then informed of the attack  
on Mr. Jayantha and his response to the news was to call upon the  
Inspector General of Police and request investigations. This is a  
typical response of the president after any attack on journalists.  
While he makes a public relations gesture of disassociating himself  
with the attacks and calling for investigations he has failed, so  
far, to send a strong message as the head of the state to the armed  
forces and the police to stop the campaign against journalists. The  
result is that his public statement condemning the attacks is not  
taken seriously by the law enforcement agencies or by the public.  
Tacit encouragement for provocative campaigns and attacks on the  
media and all others who freely express their views continue unabated.

There is a permissive atmosphere to engage in acts of violence. The  
jubilation over the assassination of the LTTE leaders is now being  
manipulated to silence all dissent, particularly that in the south.  
Provocative posters against the leader of the opposition asking him  
to leave the country are being exhibited in Colombo and given wide  
publicity by the state media. The posters read, ‘Back Biter get out!’  
and are accompanied by the opposition leader’s photographs. The  
accusation aims to attribute the source of the criticism made by the  
United Nations and other countries about alleged human rights abuses  
in Sri Lanka to the opposition leader. All criticism against human  
rights abuses in Sri Lanka is being portrayed as unpatriotic actions  
deserving serious punishment which implies attacks similar to that  
suffered by Mr. Jayantha.

Meanwhile, the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA), a well known  
civil society organisation based in Colombo, received a warning  
letter from a group calling itself Sri Lankans Affectionate towards  
the Motherland, referring to the CPA and other organisations as  
conspirators who will be watched. The organisation was asked to close  
their office throughout the entire week parallel to the dates of  
honouring the warriors. The organisation was also asked to display a  
banner bestowing ‘your honour’ to the warriors; it was asked to  
donate Rs. 1,000,000/= to honour the warriors. Furthermore, the  
letter stated, "You should certainly stop all the programmes  
conducted by your institute which are detrimental to the sovereignty,  
unitary nature and dignity of this country". The letter ends with the  
following note: "Let us destroy conspirators. Let us march forward  
fearlessly. Let us protect Mother Lanka."

Previously letters were sent by an organisation calling itself the  
Mahason Balakaya, the Battalion of the Ghosts of Death, making  
similar threats to human rights organisations and lawyers.

All these activities are being done with the full knowledge of the  
government. As mentioned above, high ranking state officers and  
leaders of the forces, including the police, are among those who are  
taking an active part in these campaigns. Under these circumstances  
many groups such as covert police units, military cells or criminals  
can attack whoever they chose to.

In the recent times no similar incidents have lead to any serious  
investigations or prosecutions because the investigating capacity of  
the police has been paralysed by political interference. The lack of  
investigations is used as an excuse; it is said that the lack of  
evidence is the reason for not prosecuting cases. At the Human Rights  
Council, Sri Lanka claimed that it has a functioning system of the  
administration of justice. This, however, is far from the truth. The  
system is entirely dysfunctional because of political interference.  
What is prevailing in the country today is the situation where every  
type of lawlessness is possible.

The Sri Lankan government lacks the capacity to investigate due to  
politicisation and lacks the political will to enforce rule of law.

Under these circumstances the citizens have no way to protect  
themselves. The groups that face the greatest danger naturally under  
these circumstances are those who express their views. Thus, the  
media and every other form of opposition are under enormous threat.

An extraordinary situation of violence is likely to develop,  
particularly in the south mobilised directly or indirectly by the  
ruling party itself with the support of some leaders of the armed  
forces and the police.

The citizens and the international community need to alert themselves  
to the dangerous situation that is developing and take whatever steps  
that are needed to avert this danger.

o o o


SAFMA, SAMC condemn attack on SL journo
Wednesday, June 03,2009

LAHORE: The South Asia Media Commission (SAMC) and the South Asian  
Free Media Association (SAFMA) on Tuesday strongly criticised an  
assault on a prominent Sri Lankan journalist, Poddala Jayantha.

Poddala, the general secretary of the Sri Lanka Working Journalists'  
Association and a member of the Free Media Movement (FMM), received  
injuries to his head, chest and legs when six assailants ambushed him  
on his way home.

The unidentified attackers dragged Poddala into their car and  
abandoned him near a hospital after beating him up. They also cut his  
beard and hair.

SAFMA Secretary General Imtiaz Alam and SAMC Secretary General Najam  
Sethi condemned the incident and called it a blatant violation of  
freedom of expression and independence of the media.

After the official end of hostilities between the Tamil Tigers and  
the government, the focus must now be on solving the long-standing  
issue of media freedom, Alam and Sethi said in a joint statement.

The incident is the second major attack on journalists following the  
killing of Lasantha Wickrematunga, a leading Sri Lankan journalist,  
on January 8.

Both Alam and Sethi said the situation for journalists in Sri Lanka  
had worsened following the end of the almost 30-year-long civil war  
and was threatening independent journalists like Poddala and  
institutions like the Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA).

Media organisations called upon Colombo to make an impartial inquiry  
into the matter and end the culture of impunity. They also appealed  
to the Sri Lankan government to make war zones accessible to the  
media for impartial reporting.

o o o

Centre for Policy Alternatives (CPA)

CPA received this letter on 1st June 2009 via the post. The scanned  
Sinhala original is available as a PDF to download, along with the  
English translation.



The wretched war that lasted throughout 30 years has now come to an  
end. Blood thirsty wicked terrorists were finished from this country.  
That happened in such a way that even their carcass didn’t mix with  
the Sri Lankan ( Lak Polawa ) soil. That is through the dedication of  
the present government, fearless military commanders and heroic  
warriors born in our motherland. And also, through the sacrifice of  
their bones, flesh and streams of blood. Furthermore, this was  
achieved by defeating the activities of the wretched traitors like  
you who commit evil things against “Mother Lanka”.

Even though the terrorism is now over we have been observing the  
behaviour of people like you who were dependent on them, and who  
appeared for them. We know that you have got furious of this  
marvelous victory of our motherland. And also we know about the  
conspiracies you engage in, even at the moment, in alliance with the  
International. When the entire country was enjoying the bliss of  
liberating the motherland you did not even hoist the National flag.

Now you (Thopa) also must get together for bestowing the honor for  
the warriors.

Parallel to “Ranaviru Upahara” (Honoring the Warriors) celebration  
you must,

* Throughout that week you should close down all the places of your  
institute, which has become a bane to the entire country, and should  
display the National flag and also display a banner bestowing your  
honor to the warriors (Ranaviru).

* You should donate One Million rupees to the “Api Venuven Api”  
account as an honor to those Warriors who were lost to the motherland  
and who got disabled due to your traitorous course of action.

* Furthermore, you should certainly stop all the programmes conducted  
by your institute which are detrimental to the Sovereignty, Unitary  
nature, and Dignity of this country.

* Stop abetting Terrorism and Separatism.

We are carefully watching your course of action in the future as well.

Let us destroy the conspirators. Let us march forward fearlessly. Let  
us protect Mother Lanka.

Sri Lankans affectionate towards the Motherland

o o o

by Rohini Hensman (, June 3, 2009)

by a Correspondent (The Economic and Political Weekly, May 30 - June  
05, 2009)

Jeremy Page, South Asia Correspondent (The Times, June 3, 2009)

by N Ram (The Guardian, 1 June 2009) 


[2] Bangladesh:

Forum, May, 2009


Naeem Mohaiemen questions the assumptions that underpin our national  
conversation on gender

Event, record, reaction, and then, meta-discussion. On the surface,  
Ey Poth Amadero is a standard-issue feminist event. Organised by  
Drishtipat, modeled after Take Back the Night, a rally for safe space  
for women on the street. With a police permit, a meeting spot,  
printed banners, designated march route. A polite event, no  
provocation, nothing out of control. Not Run Lola Run, more a gentle  

At the post-march concert, musician Anusheh diverted from this  
script. Onstage she said into the mike: "If men keep pinching us,  
women may start pinching back." This fragment of the speech was  
captured on ZI's mobile phone camera and posted on Facebook --  
generating a forum discussion on Anusheh's "eye for an eye.”

SH writes: "If some dog bites someone, you don't advise them to bite  
back. Those who do eve teasing are mentally sick, they need to be  
sent to a correction facility."

Then AK adds: "[Anusheh], when you are on a stage and delivering  
something other than a baby, you should be more careful for your  
words ..."

NK, the first female voice on this forum, disagrees: "Label 'mentally  
sick' in itself gives men a way out: that it is an illness and so  
beyond their control."

SH responds: "Not only woman, any decent person may feel shy to  
protest, considering that the protest may create an odd scene."

Now NK loses her temper: "Where is this man SH from? Does he live in  
Bangladesh? Why on earth should anyone 'feel shy because it will  
create an odd scene'?"

Things are getting personal, and perhaps NK is blending male voices  
on the forum with street abusers. These men posting here are  
sympathetic, feminists. Perhaps just a question of language?

But AK also loses his cool in response: "Where is this woman NK from?  
Amsterdam? Tell her that no one is begging for her patience."

Later he realises the problematic parts of his outburst. The comment  
reappears with 'Amsterdam' deleted, but 'this woman' is still there.

Forum discussions aside, you never faced Diane DiMassa's comic book  
character Hothead Paisan. Out to smash patriarchy with hammer and  
scissors. Yelling at the street thug: "Consider yourself stopped!" --  
and then proceeding to make it happen. That, you would have found  

More power to the unreasonable.

More men arrive. HK writes: "Women must be brave enough to reject  
socially acceptable notions of propriety and shame and mount acts of  
resistance that will force men and the society at large to recognise  
them as beings who are owners of their own bodies, who will not  
accept being violated."

Well articulated. I step in and point to AK's phrasing of "delivering  
a baby" as sexist language, ironically on an anti-sexism forum. But  
I'm nit-picking. Do we have to be that careful among allies and  
fellow travelers? Well, Facebook is an open forum. So we don't always  
know where people stand. Not every "friend" is a close friend,  
sometimes they are a politeness "accept." Accidentally sexist  
language is still worth debating.

ACK talks about confronting a harasser and being scolded: "[The  
harasser] was thotomoto. I noticed a half-grin on my mother's face,  
even though later on she semi-scolded me, saying it's inappropriate  
for women to make such a scene in public. Come on it's the 21st  
century -- is the woman's role *still* to be unseen and unheard, and  
to take crap from hormone-charged men?"

Susan Faludi said in 1992: "Whenever women protest their treatment  
it's either written off as hysteria or it's, 'Oh, stop complaining.  
Stop being a nag. Stop whining. Stop sulking.'"

But I had to take time out from this facebook debate to consider  
Anusheh's statement. Well, no, perhaps "pinch back" was not the  
wisest advice. But isn't it interesting to note how much energy is  
burnt discussing that one careless phrasing, rather than the issue at  
hand. Most cases of sexual harassment in Bangladesh are man-on-woman,  
but why so much enthusiasm for condemning Anusheh's comment, which  
refers to a social phenomenon that is rare (woman-on-man violence)?  
The vast majority of violent attacks are on women by their domestic  
partners, the majority of groping and speech assaults are by men on  
the street.

So why are we still talking about Anusheh?

For Ey Poth, a series of op-eds were also published. Shabnam Nadiya's  
personal, angry, narrative inspired an old gentleman to write in. He  
had always wanted to take his grand-daughter to physical defense  
classes, and now he wanted to fund a karate school for girls. I  
smiled. He was not advocating the reverse chimti, but rather, girls  
get tough, fight back against the predator. Self-defense.

The language of support often comes with a "but." Yes, we support  
your right to walk freely on streets, but you "must" be modest in  
clothing as well. Otherwise you are "provoking it." The oldest form  
of blaming the victim. On Uttorshuri blog, a very strong defense of  
women's rights still included this instruction: "Women need to be  
able to operate in this society openly without fear, harassment and  
intimidation. But at the same time -- there needs to be a reciprocity  
of respecting the societal norms."

What societal norms? The author explained further: "You cannot expect  
to walk the streets of Dhaka in mini-skirt." But wait, what an absurd  
strawman argument: who is walking in mini-skirts? Anyway, we can't  
allow this to get flattened into that hoary debate on "modest"  
clothing. Which always ends in one destination: the woman's fault.  
Sermons that talk about women as "temptation," and underneath a  
fantasy about women as objects for conquest or protection (from who?  
you? themselves?).

Shilo Shiv Suleiman

It's never about what a woman wears. Whatever I wear is my business  
-- nothing I wear gives you the right to touch me in any fashion.  
When we look at sexual harassment, sexual assault, rape, wife  
beating, and a host of other man-on-woman violences, the issue is  
male power and aggression, coupled with the male gaze. Susan Kappeler  
said: "The root problem of men's relations with women, is the way men  
see women, is seeing."1

During the 2000 New Year celebrations, a woman was semi-stripped on  
the Dhaka University campus. Along with the chorus of cries against  
the "louts" ("lower class," never in our family, of course), there  
were aggressive judgments against the victim. Why was she on campus,  
even accompanied by friends, at midnight? Doesn't she know our  
society? In the end, it was her fault, for not staying indoors, for  
not being more invisible.

By 2009, many more women are out at night, by necessity of work, or  
because public spaces have become more open. But if something happens  
again today, the same line will come out. What was she doing out at  
night? Why was she there? Why was she dressed like that? Why this,  
why that?

When confronted, eve-teasers often say: "She was asking for it."  
Blank Noise Project is one among many groups formed in India to fight  
back against eve-teasing, which has become an epidemic in Indian  
cities where women are joining the workforce. Among their many public  
art projects, the simplest and most effective one is the t-shirt that  
states: "I Never Ask For It."

Fatima Mernissi, analysing modernising Moroccan society, highlights  
new economic frictions that aggravate male-aggression tendencies.  
Women are in public space in unprecedented numbers because they are  
working, a transition that is not always welcomed by men.

"Women's increasing encroachment into traditionally male spaces  
greatly intensifies the sexual aspect of any encounter between men  
and women, especially in the urban centres ...When women go to work  
they are not only trespassing in the universe of the umma but are  
also competing with their former masters, men, for the scarce  
available jobs."2

Let us circle back to the blogger who called teasers "dogs" and  
"mentally sick." This distancing device let's all other men of the  
hook. So it's not us after all, just a few bad men, right? Social  
pressure, sexist work environments, compliant state, the patriarchy  
framework, none of it is to blame? Nothing to fix on the systemic  
level, no laws or legislation needed? Just lock up a few bad seeds.  
And the bad ones are always, we are told, "lower class," "chotolok,"  
"basti type."

Neat, convenient, and untrue. In 1998, India was rocked by the Rupan  
Bajaj vs K.P.S. Gill case. Gill was director general of Punjab  
Police, and a national hero for his role in anti-terrorism cases such  
as Operation Black Thunder. But a fearless Bajaj family took him to  
the highest court, over drunken sexual groping of Mrs. Bajaj at a  
posh party. According to reports, this was a long-standing habit of  
Gill, but no one had dared cross the powerful official. The Supreme  
Court ruling of three months rigorous imprisonment stunned civil  
society. Because Gill was a hero, "one of us."

As Kalpana and Vasanth Kannabiran pointed out: "The concern was that  
of the middle and/or upper-class man who identified himself, in his  
vulnerability and temptation, totally with Gill, even while setting  
himself apart from the 'pathological bottom pinchers in public  
buses', the 'riff raff,' the nameless faceless man on the street.  
This identification and this opposition essentially had to do with  

The faceless man comes into focus through cases like this, and the  
net gets uncomfortably wider. It can and has been many of us. And it  
isn't just about street groping. It's in offices, factories, venues,  
and most insidiously, homes. So many people hear of a case of wife  
beating, hostile factory floor, office sexual innuendo, invasive  
photography, phone stalking, and then casually make excuses. O to  
sherokom chelei na. Bhodro ghor theke. It can't be true. She must  
have done something first. Or she's being hysterical.

Or maybe she was being unreasonable. Fed up and fighting back.

1. The Pornography of Representation, Cambridge, 1986.
2. The Meaning of Spatial Boundaries, Beyond The Veil, Al Saqi Books,  
3. De-Eroticizing Assault: Essays on Modesty, Honour & Power, Street  
Press, 2002.

Naeem Mohaiemen works on art and technology projects.


[3] Pakistan:

The News
June 4, 2009


by Farhat Taj

About 2.7 million people have been internally displaced from Malakand  
Division due to the ongoing operation against the Taliban terrorists.  
According to the estimate of AIRRA about 80 percent of the IDP's have  
been accommodated by relatives, friends and complete strangers in  
Swabi, Mardan, Nowshehra, Charsada and Peshawar, in their houses and  
hujras (guest houses) according to the Pakhtoon tradition of  
hospitality. Some have gone to relatives and friends in other parts  
of Pakistan. Only about 20 percent of the IDPs are in the camps made  
by the government. This is a humanitarian crisis of biblical scale,  
but it contains an opportunity for moderate and secularism-oriented  
political parties, like the PPP and the ANP, to establish and  
strengthen their bonds with people. They can certainly avail this  
opportunity if they reach out to them with their full district  
organisational strength and with the spirit to snatch the political  
space occupied by the pro-Taliban terrorists religious groups through  
humanitarian work.

The performance of both the PPP and ANP as political parties in terms  
of extending a helping hand to the IDPs is not up to the mark up  
until now. The information secretary of the PPP even issued an  
extremely irresponsible statement in this context. She said: ''We do  
not want the IDPs to spread all over the country as we are still  
facing trouble caused by the permission given to Afghan refugees of  
yesteryears to stay anywhere. Can we afford to repeat the same  
experience?" How could she equate the Afghan refugee with the IDP's  
who are citizens of Pakistan! Fauzia Wahab must know that Pakhtoon  
workers of the PPP have scarified lives in the party's struggle for  
democracy. The PPP is rooted among the Pakhtoons and the party has  
committed workers among them, and there are jiyalas among the IDPs as  
well. Similarly, the ANP tainted its secular credentials by imposing  
the so called Nizam-e-Adal Regulation on the people of Malakand.

On the other hand, religious groups, including the banned ones, are  
much more active in helping the IDPs than the PPP and ANP. The  
workers of the religious groups give a food pack and also a lecture  
on how 'the brutal army and the PPP government have rendered the  
people homeless to please the US. The banners of the religious groups  
in the camps openly ask for the operation to be stopped. The PPP and  
ANP must immediately reach out to the IDPs to out manoeuvre the pro- 
Taliban religious groups and parties. The pro-violent jihad right  
wingers have mobilised their entire machinery to convert at least  
some among the devastated IDPs into suicide bombers. Both the PPP and  
ANP have the potential to foil the design of the religious groups.

The PPP and ANP must immediately mobilise their district-level party  
organisations in Mardan, Swabi, Peshaswar, Nowshera and all other  
districts where the IDPs have come. Both parties have thousands of  
committed workers in those districts. They all must be mobilised to  
reach out to the IDPs in camps as well as those staying in schools,  
and with people in hujras and homes with appropriate help and  
support. This is something that the two parties have not been able to  
do up until now.

The two parties must immediately mobilise their overseas branches to  
collect donations to finance the work of the district-level  
organisations of the parties. There is an active PPP branch in  
Norway. I have talked to them. They told me they would be ready to  
collect the donations to facilitate the relief work of PPP districts  
organisations in Pakistan, if they are directed by the PPP  
authorities in Pakistan. I understand most overseas branches of the  
PPP and ANP would be ready for the task, if directed by the parties'  
authorities in Pakistan.

In this context too the two parties must move to challenge the  
monopoly of the Pakistani religious groups and parties on the  
donations of the expat Pakistanis. The religious parties have close  
contacts with Pakistani mosques abroad. There is an institutional  
structure in place through which the mosques collect donations from  
Pakistanis abroad and send to the parties in Pakistan to finance  
their work. The Jamaat-e-Islami is linked with Islamic cultural  
centres all over the world and Minhajul Quran has its Idara-e- 
Minhajul Quran around the globe. As far as I understand, most of the  
expat Pakistani never know where the money donated by them to the two  
mosques is used. Both Idara-e-Minhajul Quran and Islamic Cultural  
Centres claim that the donations are used to facilitate the  
humanitarian work of the parties in Pakistan. But this is certainly  
not so simple. The Jamaat's tenuous but live links with Al Qaeda and  
other jihadi groups are well-documented and it is in that context  
where the misuse of the money sent by the overseas Pakistanis lies.

This is the space that both the PPP and ANP must retake from the  
religious parties. The two must fully involve their district-level  
organisation, in collaboration with the parties overseas branches, in  
bringing some normalcy in the lives of the IDPs. This will strengthen  
the ties of the parties with the people and reduce the influence of  
the religious groups through humanitarian work. This may be important  
for making Pakistan peaceful, democratic and free of religious  

The people of Pakistan have two enemies--the Taliban and  
Talibanisation. To deal with the former is the job of our soldiers  
and policemen and to control the latter is the duty of the political  
parties, like the PPP, the ANP and even the PML-N. The soldiers and  
policemen are magnificently performing their job. They are giving up  
their lives every day to eliminate the Taliban evil. If the political  
parties did not perform their job, in the near future we will have  
the Taliban eliminated by our brave security forces, but the  
Talibanization will loom large. I would request the leaderships of  
the PPP, ANP and PML-N to mobilise their grassroots-level workers to  
help the IDPs and do not leave the field open to the pro-Taliban  
religious parties and groups, who have by now mastered the "art" of  
exploiting human sufferings for the realisation of their militant  
version of Islam.


[4] India:

Kashmir Times
June 2, 2009


Shopian outrage once again reveals rulers' insensitivity towards  
human life

The outrage in Shopian provides an eerie backdrop to chief minister,  
Omar Abdullah's backtracking on his commitment to ensure revocation  
of the draconian Armed Forces Special Powers Act (AFSPA) 'after the  
elections.' Going by the official version of his statement in this  
regard, on Sunday, he has virtually washed his hands off the demand,  
after meeting the Prime Minister and the union home minister in  
Delhi. Tragic irony is that while Omar was allowing himself to be  
persuaded to step back from his demand in Delhi's corridors of power  
people in his own state were mourning and protesting against yet  
another outrageous consequence of prolonging the AFSPA. Two young  
women in Shopian were allegedly raped and murdered, sending shock  
waves across length and breadth of Kashmir Valley. Protestors in  
Shopian and adjoining areas have alleged that the two women who had  
gone to visit their orchard had been waylaid, molested and killed by  
security forces personnel deployed along the route taken by the two  
victims. In a situation like this, as has also been the case in one  
or the other area of Kashmir, it is the perception that matters and  
influences the course of events on the ground. It is not that the  
Shopian incident is a rare occurrence or that the apprehensions being  
expressed by the relatives of the two victims as well as by the  
protestors sympathising with them are being voiced for the first time.
A string of quite recent incidents, resulting in killing of innocent  
persons allegedly by security forces personnel, like that in  
Baramulla, Pulwama and Srinagar districts in the past few weeks,  
leads directly to the inevitable conclusion that disproportionately  
excessive deployment coupled with licence-to-kill is bound to result  
in grave human rights abuses. It clearly proves the point that all  
this talk about sanctity of human life and human rights is utter  
nonsense. One had expected a youngman of Omar Abdullah's frame of  
mind to realise its bloody implications and try to seek a remedy.  
During the recent Lok Sabha polls, union home minister P Chidambaram  
visited Kashmir and soon after the chief minister reiterated his  
assurance that the AFSPA would be lifted after the polls. And here he  
is taking a U-turn and coming forth with the sham suggestion that the  
AFSPA should be 'amended'. It needs no great intelligence to decipher  
what it all adds up to. The chief minister's about turn clearly  
suggests continuation of the draconian measure with or without some  
window dressing. Omar should muster moral courage to admit that he,  
like his predecessors, Ghulam Nabi Azad and Mufti Mohammad Sayeed,  
cannot imperil his throne by persisting with his demand for  
abrogation of the AFSPA in Kashmir. There is no big deal in what he  
is now trying to tell us that the act should be amended. This demand  
has been there for many years and the people in Manipur have  
sacrificed a lot to support it from time to time.
The question is that in Kashmir there is a situation in which the  
continuation of the AFSPA along with disproportionately excessive  
deployment of forces is taking a heavy toll of human lives. How do  
the chief minister and his myopic masters there in Delhi expect the  
ground situation to normalise in Kashmir? People acted in good faith  
by participating in two rounds of recent elections with the hope that  
their miseries would get mitigated.
The latest incident, in Shopian, underlines the need for immediate  
appropriate response to the goodwill invested by the people via the  
elections. Omar may be younger than his predecessors but he is  
turning out to be no different from any of them when it comes to  
providing a humane dispensation and showing greater sensitivity  
towards those who had reposed trust in his leadership. This state of  
affairs is perhaps what fits Ghulam Nabi Azad's favourite expression  
that 'for too long the people of Kashmir have been duped by hollow  
slogans and false promises'. History has gifted a chance to Omar to  
prove that he was different. But his statement on Sunday belies this  
expectation as much as it provides a frightening backdrop to the  
bloody drama in Shopian.

o o o

The Hindu, 4 June 2009


by Siddharth Varadarajan

One big concern for Indian policymakers is the U.S. attitude

New Delhi: Notwithstanding the Lahore High Court decision to release  
Lashkar-e-Taiba chief Hafiz Mohammed Saeed from house arrest this  
week, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and External Affairs Minister  
S.M. Krishna have begun the process of reviewing India’s diplomatic  
options vis-À-vis Pakistan.

In particular, the big question being examined is how viable and  
desirable the strategy of suspending dialogue with Pakistan still is  
in the face of the increasingly fragmented nature of political  
authority in that country and the mounting perception worldwide that  
India needs to engage with its neighbour. “We should not negotiate  
out of fear but we should not fear negotiations either,” a well- 
placed source told The Hindu on Wednesday morning while providing a  
foretaste of the different options now under consideration at the  
highest levels of the government
[. . .]


[5] India & Diaspora:

 From The Times
June 2, 2009


The fatal shooting at a Sikh temple in Austria shows up an ugly  
schism in a religion built on monotheism and equality

by Sathnam Sanghera

There were riots across northern India last week after a shooting at  
a Sikh temple in Austria resulted in the death of a sect leader and,  
given that Punjabi culture is something I bang on about on occasion,  
it wasn’t surprising, I suppose, that a couple of news producers  
rang, asking me to put the disturbances into context.

I declined because: (a) as a community we are only just learning to  
talk about ourselves, and too often any kind of commentary is taken  
as criticism; (b) commenting about religion is a dangerous business  
when people are being killed and one has absolutely no theological  
authority; (c) I feel about broadcasting the way many feel about  
general anaesthetic (you should do it only when you absolutely need  
to); but mainly because (d) it’s quite hard to explain what Sikhism  
actually stands for.

You see, one of the founding principles of the monotheistic religion,  
established in the late 15th century by Guru Nanak, was opposition to  
Hinduism’s oppressive caste system. Yet the world’s fifth largest  
organised religion has a caste system of its own, with differences  
between Jat Sikhs (a group that I belong to and which makes up about  
two thirds of Sikh society) and non-Jat castes, such as the  
Ramgarhias, remaining a source of political, social and religious  

Even in Britain you’ll find different Sikh temples belonging to  
different groups on the same road, and — according to some media  
reports last week, many of them disputed by the groups involved — the  
violence in Austria was sparked after orthodox Sikhs from one caste  
objected to preachers from another caste being disrespectful towards  
the Sikh Holy Book.
Related Links

* Riots after Sikh guru shot dead in Vienna

* From Punjab to Putney: the rise of British Sikhism

Also, officially, Sikhs don’t worship human beings, since Guru Gobind  
Singh, the tenth Sikh guru, named Guru Granth Sahib, the Holy Book,  
as his successor. But certain Sikh sects do believe in living human  
gurus, some mainstream Sikh families revere spiritual figures and  
ancestors, and — according to some media reports, again disputed by  
the groups involved — the violence in Austria was sparked when  
members of a certain sect gave the Guru Granth Sahib pride of place  
next to photographs and idols of their own human “gurus”.

Then there’s the issue of booze. Officially, Sikhs don’t drink, and  
some families don’t even allow alcohol to be kept in their houses.

But as the academics Gurharpal Singh and Darshan Singh Tatla point  
out in Sikhs in Britain: The Making of a Community: “Consumption of  
alcohol has always been high among Sikhs, with the per capita rate  
among Sikhs of Punjab among the highest in the world” and “a  
particularly distinctive feature of British Sikh society today” being  
“the high rate of alcoholism among males . . . Consumption rates are  
higher than in any other ethnic minority and in the white community.”

There are other contradictions. Sikhs are meant to adopt the name  
“Singh”, meaning “lion”, as a way of encouraging equality (one’s  
caste can often be identified by a surname), but many of us use it  
only as a middle name. The Gurus declared men and women to be equal,  
but Punjabi culture is highly patriarchal. Sikhism is the only major  
world religion that acknowledges that other religions are a valid way  
of reaching God, but some believers risk being disowned for marrying  
outside of their religion.

Also, Sikhs, partly as a result of having no clergy (the idea is that  
everyone can be directly in touch with God without priests) and  
partly as a result of factionalism, have never been very good at  
building institutions to represent them, and yet have had great  
success campaigning on issues such as the right to wear the turban,  
so much so that Sikhs can legally ride a motorbike with a turban  
instead of a helmet. When, the other week, the police announced that  
they were developing a bulletproof turban, apart from a few tiresome  
jokes about the “turbanator”, there were almost no objections from  
any quarters. Imagine the fuss there would have been if the religious  
headwear in question had been a burka.

And if there is anything that epitomises the fluidity of Sikhism, it  
is the turban. Long hair, beards and colourful headwear are  
synonymous with the religion — I kept my own hair unshorn until the  
age of 14 — but if you ask any Sikh why they keep their hair uncut,  
they will give you a different answer.

Some say that it’s a way of showing respect for the God-given form;  
some that it is a way of expressing love for God (like a married  
person would wear a wedding ring); some link it to intelligence,  
health and spirituality; some say that Guru Gobind Singh made the  
keeping of unshorn hair mandatory to give Sikhs a binding identity.  
There are others who will argue that long hair isn’t actually  
necessary to be a Sikh.

In fact, a great many Sikhs, if not the majority, don’t have long  
hair and don’t sport turbans. And those with turbans are not  
necessarily hugely religious: I know one turbaned man who runs that  
most un-Sikh of things, an English pub; another who started wearing a  
turban simply because he had developed a bald patch; another who is  
actually an atheist.

As it happens, I don’t think that these ambiguities are necessarily a  
problem. Such issues crop up with all organised religions, and for  
me, and I am a believer, the massive variation in observance is  
appealing, as you’re basically left to define your own religiosity.  
Not least, it’s an expression of another of Sikhism’s fundamental  
teachings, that empty ritual is meaningless, and it ensures that  
believers concentrate on the things that really matter, namely “Nam  
simran” (meditation on and awareness of God) and “Sewa” (community  

But the concerning thing about last week’s events is that we seem to  
have another contradiction developing. This most modern and liberal  
of world religions, which allows its believers to develop their own  
relationship with God, is developing a fundamentalist streak, with  
certain people determined to tell others what to believe and how to  
believe it, under pain of death if necessary.


[6] India:

The New Nation
June 4, 2009


by Pamela Philipose

Indian elections have always thrown up its share of curiosities. Take  
one that emerged in the searing summer of 1991, as the country  
prepared to face a general election. A certain Suman Lata constituted  
the Akhil Bharatiya Mahila Dal and promoted it as India's "first and  
only women's party". She, rather courageously, expressed her  
intention to field 400 candidates. History was not been kind to Suman  
Lata's party. It sank without a trace.

Quixotic though this move may seem the unhappy fate of Suman Lata's  
party does point to a serious flaw in the world's largest democracy:  
Roughly half its population - 48.26 per cent of Indians to be precise  
- still remains poorly represented in mainstream politics.

It is 57 years since post-independent India had its first tryst with  
a general election. Today, as the country heads for its 15th Lok  
Sabha election, several of its most important political parties are  
either headed by women or have vocal women leaders, yet women have  
never constituted more than 10 per cent of the Lower House of  

In 2004, when the last general election took place, 44 women became  
parliamentarians. This is the exact same number that was returned 20  
years earlier in the 1984 election! If we are to go further back in  
time, this figure appears even more insignificant. In the 1937  
elections held under the Government of India Act, which had  
reservations for women, 80 women were elected to power.

The bald truth is that in post-Independent India, women have never  
been able to breach the 10 per cent mark in terms of parliamentary  
representation. It should, therefore, surprise nobody that  
'democratic' India - with a rank of 105 out of 135 countries - fares  
far worse than its neighbours, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan in  
terms of parliamentary representation for women, according to 2009  
figures compiled by the Inter-Parliamentary Union.

What accounts for the paradox of having so many women leading parties  
but few actually representing parties in Parliament? According to  
Sanjay Kumar, psephologist and fellow at the Centre for the Study of  
Developing Societies, New Delhi, "The plain truth is that political  
parties in the country have always chosen to privilege male political  
aspirants over female ones. Not enough tickets are given to women."

The number of women given tickets across political parties has  
actually declined from 247 in the 13th General Elections to 177 in  
the 14th General Elections. Important parties such as the Congress  
and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), which have always claimed that they  
are committed to women's empowerment, have invariably let women down  
when it came to handing them tickets. Take the Congress's record in  
the polls to the six state assemblies late last year: In Delhi, eight  
out of 70 candidates; in Chhattisgarh, 10 out of 90; in Madhya  
Pradesh 29 out of 230. The coming General Elections are not going to  
witness any radical changes in this pattern, going by all available  

Political parties cite "winnability" as their argument for why women  
don't get tickets. But counters political scientist Zoya Hasan, the  
author of the recent 'Politics of Inclusion: Castes, Minorities and  
Affirmative Action', "The winnability factor is more a presumption  
than anything else. Going by whatever analyses that have been done,  
it is simply not true that women fare worse than men in Indian  
elections do. In fact, in India, where most people vote for parties  
rather than individuals, it follows that if successful parties field  
women they would win."

She points to the poor record of the CPI (M) on this score despite  
having an articulate Brinda Karat vociferously pushing for better  
political representation for women. "In the 2004 elections, it was  
clear that the party would do well. So what prevented it from  
distributing tickets to women?" asks Dr Hasan. The real issue, she  
states, is that women lack networks and financial muscle. At a time  
when standing for a Lok Sabha election would entail amounts that are  
anything over Rs 100 million (US$1=Rs 51.2), women may find it more  
difficult to raise funds of this magnitude. The other factor that Dr  
Hasan underlines is the lack of public visibility. "You just don't  
have enough women in organisational positions within parties and even  
women leaders themselves don't promote women," she says.

According to Surat-based political analyst, Dr Ghanshyam Shah, a  
retired professor of the Social Sciences, this is because political  
parties don't consider women's empowerment a priority issue. He says,  
"There is only rhetoric about it and little intent. Nothing  
exemplifies this better than the treatment accorded to the Women's  

The Women's Bill - reserving 33 per cent of seats in the Parliament  
and state assemblies for women - has been hanging fire since 1997  
thanks to the dogged opposition mounted by male MPs from a few  
regional parties. They argued that it would only empower elite women  
at the cost of men representing Other Backward Classes (OBCs). In  
2008, the Bill was introduced in the Upper House of Parliament (Rajya  
Sabha) after women Members of Parliament (MPs) formed a human chain  
around the law minister to enable him to do this. But the big  
question is whether it will get passed in the Lower House and become  
the law of the land.

Dr Shah dismisses the argument that the Bill will only see power  
being transferred to elite women, as mere hypocrisy. "There is  
provision within the Bill to reserve seats for SCs/STs. In any case,  
what is stopping political parties from giving tickets to lower caste  
women and those from OBCs?" he asks.

In 1993, India enacted the 93rd and 94th Constitutional Amendments,  
reserving 33 per cent of seats in local bodies for women.

Today, the symbolic and actual value of having more than a million  
women preside over Panchayati Raj institutions is the best argument  
for why reservations for women is the only way to address the poor  
representation of women in the Parliament and state assemblies. There  
are innumerable examples of the transformative character of having  
more women as lawmakers. The case of Rwanda, where women legislators  
ensured the passing of a law protecting victims of sexual abuse, an  
issue their male counterparts may have considered a waste of time, is  

Meanwhile, in India, voices demanding the Women's Bill are getting  
louder. In the Women's Charter, which was part of the All India  
People's Manifesto initiative promoted by the 'Wada Na Todo Abhiyan'  
after consultations with more than 230,000 people in 100  
parliamentary constituencies, the enactment of the Women's Bill  
emerged as a key demand. Several women's groups have also made the  
same demand in a Women's Charter that was released recently in New  

As Delhi-based political scientist Neera Chandoke has argued in  
'Challenges to Democracy In India', "Democracy is much more than a  
system whereby citizens elect and dismiss their representatives.  
Democracy is about assuring freedom and equality to all citizens in  
their everyday life, so that they can develop their capacities."

Indian democracy continues to be diminished by the fact that women's  
political empowerment in the country remains an unfinished agenda.

o o o

The Telegraph
June 4, 2009



The Indian practice of killing wives or daughters-in-law or driving  
them to suicide is flourishing. The count is going up, not down: from  
2005 to 2007, deaths for dowry have gone up from over 6,000 to over  
8,000. Every right-thinking citizen would be horrified by not just  
the statistics but by the increase in violence as well, and wonder  
how this rising tide of domestic murder can be stemmed. Exactly this  
horror and concern seems to lie behind the remarks emanating from the  
Supreme Court bench that refused the bail plea of an accused in a  
bride-burning case. The judges made clear that pouring kerosene over  
a woman to burn her is a “barbaric” act, unfit for civilized people.  
The court’s sharp remarks implied that it was death, not a life  
sentence, that such offenders deserved. Given the increase in the  
crime, the remarks seem to suggest, capital punishment alone would be  
a possible deterrent.

Without questioning for a moment the rightness of sentiment behind  
the court’s remarks, it is possible to feel deeply uncomfortable  
about them. A court’s pronouncement represents the balance imaged in  
the concept of justice; it cannot afford to be touched by anger. In  
times such as the present, when most institutions are blamed for acts  
of excess or impropriety, the court is especially important as a  
symbol of balance. The legal process, which culminates, ideally, in a  
punishment befitting the crime, is a fundamental requirement of  
civilized life. Since everyone has a right to be legally tried, it is  
the only bulwark against a violent ethos of public revenge and  
oppression. The court represents society’s agreements about the  
punishments regarding each category of crime. It is an impersonal  
institution that channels society’s constructive sentiments into law  
and procedure. Even its rhetoric is impersonal, neutral, it cannot  
afford to seem intemperate. Even a touch of personal ire in a  
judicial pronouncement can cause alarm, for the balance between  
sentiment and legality is strenuously achieved. While India does have  
capital punishment, it is used with great restraint. To mention it  
with reference to an offender already sentenced to life imprisonment  
in order to emphasize the brutal nature of his crime seems  
unnecessary. The man is already paying for his crime according to the  
law. The denial of bail should be enough to drive home the gravity of  
his deed.

o o o

The Telegraph
June 3, 2009

More and more women are turning to the Domestic Violence Act, even  
though it continues to be hamstrung by a lack of adequate resources.  
Hemchhaya De reports

Saira, 25, saw her dreams coming true when she moved to Mumbai from  
Calcutta after her marriage. But after a few months, trouble started  
brewing in her marital life. When she became pregnant, her husband  
asked her to abort the foetus. Or else, he said, he would divorce  
her. Saira obliged.

But this was not the end of her plight. When she became pregnant  
again, she was made to undergo an abortion one more time. Then, after  
she became pregnant for the third time, her husband asked her to move  
to her parents’ home in Calcutta and get an abortion done once again.  
Her parents’ pleas to their son-in-law to let Saira return to her  
marital home fell on deaf ears.

Saira has decided to file a case against her husband under the  
Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act. Despite the trauma  
she has been subjected to, the 25-year-old doesn’t want her marriage  
to break up and wants to move back to her Mumbai home.

Rita, 26, doesn’t want a divorce either. She just wants her husband  
and in-laws to recognise her right to stay in her marital home. Both  
she and her husband are doctors. She has to live through mental  
torture from her in-laws who never fail to point out that it’s their  
home and she has to either abide by their rules or move out. Yet her  
husband doesn’t want to live away from his parents. Rita has sought  
legal counselling and filed a case under the Domestic Violence Act.

Seema, who’s in her late 50s, is also planning to file a case under  
the Act against her husband who has just retired from work. Her  
husband bought a flat after retirement, but he locked it up and told  
his wife that they didn’t need such a big flat. He rented a room in a  
building and asked her to shift there. Seema has been staying there  
on her own. Her husband never visits her; nor does he allow her  
access to the new flat, which she co-owns.

Saira, Rita and Seema are potential beneficiaries of a landmark  
section of the Domestic Violence Act, which came into effect in 2006.  
Section 17 (1) of the Act says, “Notwithstanding anything contained  
in any other law for the time being in force, every woman in a  
domestic relationship shall have the right to reside in the shared  
household, whether or not she has any right, title or beneficial  
interest in the same.”

Thanks to efforts made by non governmental organisations, women  
activists and lawyers, awareness of the Act is spreading slowly but  
steadily across some parts of the country.

“The Domestic Violence Act is a path-breaking law in many respects.  
It recognises several forms of domestic violence — physical torture,  
mental torture and, more importantly, economic violence,” says  
Manabendra Mandal, executive director, Socio-legal Aid Research and  
Training Centre (SLARTC), Calcutta, one of the 11 ‘service providers’  
in the state. Under the law, service providers are tasked with  
helping victims of domestic violence with legal aid, temporary  
shelter and medical and financial assistance.

Mandal reveals that over the past few months they have been  
increasingly receiving cases filed under the Act, either from  
protection officers or from district magistrates.

The law stipulates that a state government is to appoint a required  
number of protection officers for each district in the state. They  
can be either government employees or members of NGOs with a minimum  
experience of three years in the social sector. For instance, there  
are two protection officers for Calcutta while there is one officer  
for each of the other districts. Among other things, protection  
officers are required to help the magistrate in discharging his  
duties as specified under the Act, receive complaints of domestic  
violence, take preventive or emergency action and facilitate the  
aggrieved person’s access to legal processes and other services. A  
woman can approach a protection officer in her district directly with  
her complaint.

Though activists argue that the law is still hamstrung by the lack of  
an adequate number of protection officers and service providers,  
others say that even then there has been a marked increase in the  
number of cases registered under the Act. Says Moushumi Kundu,  
protection officer, Hooghly district, “There is definitely a lot more  
awareness now about the law even in the rural pockets of my district,  
thanks mainly to awareness campaigns carried out by some NGOs.” Kundu  
reveals that about six months ago, there was only one registered case  
in the Serampore subdivision of Hooghly. But now the number is 20.  
“On an average, we have around 250 registered cases under this Act in  
Hooghly alone. The number can vary from one district to another. But  
in most places the number is more or less the same.”

Data collected through various sources show that there are now 15,320  
cases registered under the Domestic Violence Act in India. That  
figure may look encouraging, showing as it does that more and more  
women are coming forward to avail of this law. But activists feel  
that this does not really amount to progress. “This is nothing if we  
consider that women account for as much as 50 per cent of the our  
billion-strong population,” says Ranjana Kumari, director, Centre for  
Social Research (CSR), New Delhi. She adds that the funds allocated  
for implementing the Act are still very meagre in many states. “In  
states like Bihar and Madhya Pradesh, it’s as little as Rs 3-4 lakh  
per annum. Andhra Pradesh has the highest allocation — Rs 10 crore,”  
she says.

“In an interesting development, while the number of cases registered  
under the Domestic Violence Act is on the rise, there may be a  
decline in the number of cases being registered under Section 498A of  
the IPC in some states. (Section 498A is a criminal law to punish  
dowry offenders.) Of course, this can also imply that the police are  
not discharging their duties properly in 498A cases,” says Soumya  
Bhaumick, consultant, CSR.

But though the Domestic Violence Act seems to be helping women, some  
point out that it is early days yet. Flavia Agnes, lawyer and women’s  
activist associated with a Mumbai-based women’s organisation called  
Majlis, cautions against media hype over the Act. “It’s true that  
many NGOs are raising awareness among victims. But this awareness is  
not really getting translated into more judicial orders,” she says.  
The appointment of protection officers is also erratic, she says. “In  
states like Maharashtra, the appointment of protection officers is  
quite irregular.”

Majlis activists will organise a workshop for women lawyers and  
service providers in Mumbai this week to do a reality check on the  
implementation of the Domestic Violence Act. The Centre for Social  
Research will also take part in a training programme for service  
providers in Calcutta.

Clearly, this is one law that needs to be constantly monitored at the  
implementation level to make sure that women can root out violence  
from their homes.



Why they assassinated the Kansas Doctor George Tiller?
compilation of selected commentary & reports

o o o

Washington Post
June 3, 2009


After an abortion provider's killing, a need for greater security

GEORGE TILLER knew the danger of providing late-term abortions. His  
home was picketed, his office was blown up and in 1993 he was shot in  
both arms by an anti-abortion zealot. He never considered stopping  
his work, because he knew there were women who needed his help. His  
murder is a tragedy for his family, his patients and his profession.  
It should serve as a wake-up call that more must be done to ensure  
that women have access to this legal procedure.

Mr. Tiller was shot to death Sunday as he handed out bulletins in his  
Kansas church and as his wife sang in the choir. Yesterday,  
authorities charged Scott Roeder with first-degree murder, and they  
are investigating what have been described as his virulent anti- 
abortion views. Mr. Tiller is the fourth abortion provider to be  
killed since 1993; the attacks he and his Wichita clinic endured are  
not isolated events. The National Abortion Federation has catalogued  
6,143 such incidents of violence in the United States and Canada  
between 1977 and 2009, including arson, bombings and butyric acid  

It is unclear how this violence has affected decisions by health-care  
providers. What is known is that the number of places where women can  
go for abortions has been declining since 1982. About one-third of  
women live in a county with no abortion providers, reports the  
Guttmacher Institute, and as a result a growing number of women have  
difficulty receiving the services in a timely manner.

The vast majority of abortions are performed in free-standing clinics  
like that run by Mr. Tiller. Very few are performed in hospitals -- a  
sign that mainline medicine is not living up to its responsibility.  
What has been overlooked since Mr. Tiller's appalling murder is what  
will happen to women who need his services. Mr. Tiller was one of the  
few doctors who performed abortions in the third trimester, and the  
stories of these women are heartbreaking because, in large measure,  
they desperately wanted children but were dealing with something gone  
horribly awry in their pregnancies.

Attorney General Eric H. Holder Jr. is offering U.S. Marshals Service  
protection for abortion clinics and the doctors who staff them. It's  
the right call, but one that underscores the urgency of coming up  
with better solutions for the delivery of abortion services.

o o o

The Guardian, 3 June 2009


The best way to remember those who died in the Tiananmen massacre is  
to reaffirm the Chinese people's right to civil liberties

by Ian Buruma

It is a chilling thought that exactly 20 years after the "Tiananmen  
massacre" few young citizens of the People's Republic of China have  
much idea of what happened on that occasion. Many unarmed Chinese  
citizens were killed by People's Liberation Army troops on June 4,  
1989, not only in the vicinity of Tiananmen Square, but in cities all  
over China. Most were not students, who started the peaceful  
demonstrations against corruption and autocracy, but ordinary  
workers, the sort of people a Communist Party ought to be standing up  

Young people don't know, because most parents have shut up about it,  
lest they get themselves and their children in trouble, and because  
the subject is never mentioned in the official Chinese media; it is a  
taboo. Websites mentioning the events of 1989 are closed down. Emails  
are intercepted. People who still insist on talking about it in  
public are frequently arrested.

Zhao Ziyang was general secretary of the Communist party in 1989.  
Although no democrat himself, his sympathies were with the student  
demonstrators. Because he opposed the hardliners in his own  
government, he was put under house arrest until his death in 2005,  
and his memoirs had to be smuggled out of the country on cassettes,  
disguised as Peking Opera recordings. They have just been published  
in English and Chinese, but cannot be legally distributed in China.

Zhao's book will doubtlessly inspire more debates on what lessons we  
should draw from "June Fourth". These are necessary debates. If only  
they could take place in China. One strong school of thought that  
emerged almost as soon as the killing began in 1989, is that the more  
radical student leaders had been reckless. It should have been clear  
to them that a violent crackdown was inevitable. By provoking the  
regime, the students derailed any chance of slow political reform,  
which their more moderate elders had carefully set in train.

Indeed, so proponents of this school often add, China was not yet  
ready for democracy. And mass demonstrations certainly were not going  
to achieve it. Indeed, the radical student leaders had no more  
understanding of democracy than the Communist leaders they opposed.  
Life in the capital, and many Chinese cities, had been severely  
disrupted. The Chinese government was heavy-handed, to be sure, but  
had a perfect right to restore order in the streets.

If the student leaders had really wanted to take over the government,  
and use violence to do so, this theory would be convincing. Violent  
revolutions are rarely followed by liberal regimes. There is,  
however, no evidence that even the most radical students ever had  
such ambitions, and the demonstrations had been entirely peaceful.  
All the demonstrators had asked for was free speech, dialogue with  
the government, independent unions, and an end to official corruption.

As to whether the demonstrations were doomed to end in failure and  
bloodshed, this too is easy to say in hindsight. History may never  
repeat itself precisely, but certain patterns can be discerned.

Demonstrations alone almost never topple a regime, but they can do so  
in combination with other political shifts, which can happen  
suddenly. When East Germans protested against their Communist  
autocrats in 1989, they were not assured of success either. Indeed,  
some party bosses wanted to bring out the tanks, just like their  
comrades in Beijing. But when Mikhail Gorbachev refused to support a  
German crackdown, a mixture of overwhelming public protest and  
government bungling brought down the Berlin Wall.

South Korean students filling the streets of Seoul in 1986 could not  
have ended the authoritarian military government either. Again, it  
was a combination of events – pressure from the US, the impending  
Olympic Games, and the presence of plausible opposition politicians –  
that did it.

The students on Tiananmen Square could not have known what was going  
on inside the closed Communist regime. There were serious splits, but  
no one could have known exactly what the end results would be. In the  
event, Zhao Ziyang's conciliatory approach, which might have led to  
concessions, which in turn might have opened possibilities for a more  
open political system, lost out. Hardliners, who refused to give up  
their monopoly on power, won.

Would Zhao have prevailed, had the students retreated? Unlikely. In  
any case, it was not the place of the students, or the workers who  
supported them, to back any particular faction in the government.  
They lacked the authority. They were not politicians. All they asked  
for was more freedom. And this should be the main lesson to draw from  
those spring days in Beijing, and Shanghai, and Guangzhou, and many  
other places: Chinese have as much right as any other people to speak  
freely, without fear of arrest, to elect their own leaders, and to  
have laws that apply to everyone, even to the leaders themselves.

On 4 June, 1989, thousands of Chinese were killed for demanding less  
than that. The best way to remember them is to reaffirm their right  
to liberties that millions of people, in the west, and in many parts  
of Asia, take for granted. The worst way is to blame a few students  
who insisted on that right until it was too late.

Ian Buruma's latest book is The China Lover

o o o

 From The Times
May 26, 2009


Deborah Haynes, Defence Correspondent

They were the men and women who gave up comfortable lives to fight  
fascists in a foreign land. Mustered into a ragtag band of soldiers,  
they crouched at barricades all across the Spanish countryside  
challenging the marauding forces of General Franco.

Thousands died and the survivors returned to countries suspicious of  
their socialist sympathies. Now, more than seven decades after Franco  
conquered republican forces in the Spanish Civil War, their efforts  
are being recognised.

The gesture is too late for most, but next month Spain will give  
passports to the surviving members of the International Brigades.  
Seven British pensioners are due to accept their citizenship at the  
Spanish Embassy in London on June 9. An eighth, Les Gibson, 96,  
declined because of poor health, and the offer came too late for Jack  
Jones, the union leader, and Bob Doyle, both prominent brigade  
fighters who died this year.

Jack Edwards, 95, who gave up selling newspapers in his native  
Liverpool in 1937 to sneak into Spain via bus and boat, said that he  
was “elated” at the Spanish recognition.
Times Archive, 1938: Hard fighting at the Battle of Ebro

Severe fighting continued as squadrons of Nationalist aeroplanes  
bombed Republican positions

Mr Edwards, who was shot in the leg during his service, said that  
despite the hardships he had seen and experienced, he had no regrets.  
“You were fighting for rights. You were fighting for something you  
believed in.”

The Spanish Cabinet overcame political sensitivities in the autumn to  
implement legislation passed in 2007 that granted citizenship to  
volunteers who arrived from more than 50 countries between 1936 and  
1939 to combat the rebel fascist forces. Only a few hundred of the  
estimated 35,000 men and women remain alive to benefit from the  
citizenship offer.

The conflict, in which half a million people died, remains a painful  
period in Spain’s history. It began when General Francisco Franco,  
with support from Adolf Hitler and Benito Mussolini, challenged the  
republican government in a military uprising. Spain split between  
republicans and the fascists in a bloody clash of principles that  
ended in a fascist victory.

The persecution of anyone with republican leanings continued until  
Franco’s death in 1975 and it is only in the past decade that  
discussion of the conflict and its aftermath has become acceptable in  

When the war broke out, Britain and France chose not to help Spain  
because they were uncomfortable with Madrid’s close friendship with  
communist Moscow.

Dismayed at the decision, an unlikely group of activists took matters  
into their own hands. About 2,300 men and women, including trade  
unionists from Liverpool, Jews from London, a smattering of  
university-educated poets, and members of the IRA caught boats to  
France, from where they were helped across the border. Volunteers  
from countries such as the United States, Canada, Poland and the  
Soviet Union also joined the fight. Most had minimal, if any,  
military training and all were poorly equipped. They formed the  
International Brigades, united under the battle cry “No pasaran —  
they shall not pass.

Deployed to towns and villages along the front line, the amateur  
soldiers, dressed in khaki trousers and shirts with a soft hat, dug  
in alongside the Spanish republican army to face the rebels.

Thousands died, including 525 Britons. Chaotic scenes of machinegun  
fire, explosions and the ominous drone of German bombers are captured  
in a number of books, poems and films. George Orwell, who was shot in  
the neck while serving for an anti-Stalinist communist party rather  
than the International Brigades, wrote of his experiences in Homage  
to Catalonia.

Eventually, the might of the rebels with their German and Italian  
backers was too great. The end came when Juan Negrin, Spain’s  
republican Prime Minister, told the League of Nations on September  
21, 1938, that the International Brigades must leave, in the futile  
hope that the rebels’ foreign supporters would also depart. Defeated  
and despondent, many left, though others were kept as prisoners of war.

Not everyone who participated was motivated by anti-fascism. Thomas  
Watters, a bus driver in Glasgow, ferried wounded republicans from  
the front line as part of the Scottish Ambulance Unit. “I’m not  
interested in politics,” said Mr Watters, 96, who is due to receive a  
Spanish passport next month. “I wanted to help people.”

The other veterans are Lou Kenton, 101; Sam Lesser, 95; Joseph Khan,  
94; Paddy Cochrane, 96, from Ireland; and Penny Feiwel, 100.


Historians estimate that about 500,000 people died in the war

Despite other European powers signing non-intervention pact, about  
40,000 foreigners went to Spain to fight for the republicans

Germany and Italy ignored the agreement and sent troops to help  
Franco. Moscow provided supplies to government forces

The International Brigades suffered 5,000 fatalities, including 2,000  
Germans, 1,000 French, 900 Americans and over 500 Britons

The factions executed 120,000 people during the war. The victors put  
100,000 to death afterwards

Sources: The Spanish Civil War, Spartacus, Times Archive


[8] Announcements:


CACIM ( and Navayana ( invite you to a  
public discussion on


June 4, Thursday, 2009  | 3.30 - 6.30 pm, India Social Institute  
(, New Delhi


Oxford Early Modern South Asia Workshop
Faculty of Oriental Studies and Asian Studies Centre, St Antony's  

Religious Cultures in South Asia, c. 1500-1800

5-6 June 2009, Dahrendorf Room, St Antony’s College

Registration and enquiries: jennifer.griffiths @, tel.  




A View of Imperialism and Neo-liberalism from Orissa

Sunday, June 21, 2009
2:00 p.m.

Room A. 136 A, Langara College
100 West 49th Avenue, Vancouver

Aided by the wholesome adoption of the Neo-liberal agenda by the  
Indian state, the many-pronged penetration of Imperialism is now  
present in every sector of Indian econmy, every aspect of society and  
polity, and also in the defence-military establishment.

The focus of this Forum is however on only one aspect of this  
phenomenon: the large scale acquisition of hundreds of thousands of  
hectares of agricultural land; either for building mega projects, or  
for setting up Special Economic Zones - to serve the local and/or  
multinational big capital. Large scale resistance of peasants and  
tribal people are breaking up all over India, often met with severe  
state repression.

The Forum will attempt to examine these by paying a close attention  
to one region, the resource rich State of Orissa. Very many national  
and multinational corporations are waiting in the wings. It is also  
in Orissa (ruled by the Hindutava forces of BJP) that genocidal  
attacks on the Christian community took place last year. Thousands of  
affected families are still unable to return to their homes and hearth.


** Dr. Hari Sharma, Imperialism and India, an Update and a Brief  
** Dr. Manoranjan Mohanty, People's Movement Against Neo-Liberalism  
and Imperialism: A  View from Orissa
** Dr. Bidyut Mohanty, Right to Livelihood  from a Gender Perspective
** Mr. David Pugh, Peasant Displacements in India: Encountering State  
Power in Orissa


Dr. Hari Sharma, Professor Emeritus of Sociology, SFU, and President,  
South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy (SANSAD)

Dr. Manoranjan Mohanty, Retired Head, Department of Political  
Science, University of Delhi. Presently, Visiting Professor, Global  
and International Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara

Dr. Bidyut Mohanty, Head, Women's Studies Department, Institute of  
Social Sciences, New Delhi, Presently, Visiting Professor, Global and  
International Studies, University of California, Santa Barbara

         As a husband-wife team Drs. Manoranjan and Bidyut Mohanty  
are orginally from Orissa, and have been very actively involved there  
with the people's resistance movements.

Mr. David Pugh, a School Teacher, San Fracisco, California. On behalf  
of International League of People's Struggles, Mr. Pugh travelled to  
India to investigate the phenonomenon of massive displacements of  
peasants from their land and livelihood, and had an unforgetable  
encounter with the Orissa police.

Additional Forum

Monday, June 22, 2009
2:00 p.m.
F125 - Centre for Indo Canadian Studies, University House
University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford BC

Organized by
South Asian Network for Secularism and Democracy (SANSAD)

Endorsed and Supported by
Department of Sociology, Langara College, Vancouver; Centre for the  
Indo-Canadian Studies, University of the Fraser Valley, Abbotsford;  
Department of Sociology and Anthropology, Simon Fraser University,  
Institute for the Humanities, SFU; School for International Studies,  
SFU; and Simon Fraser Public Interest Research Group (SFPIRG)

for further information, contact:
Chin Banerjee, 604-421-6752; Harjap Grewal, 778-552-2099; Hari  
Sharma, 604-420-2972
For the Program in Abbotsford: Dr. Satwinder Bains, 1-604-854-4547


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