[sacw] SACW | 25 Oct. 02

Harsh Kapoor aiindex@mnet.fr
Fri, 25 Oct 2002 02:04:34 +0100

South Asia Citizens Wire | 25 October 2002


#1. Pakistan: Here comes the hirsute brigade (Khalid Hasan)
#2. Pakistan: An Islamist experiment in the Frontier ( Iqbal Khattak)
#3. India / Pakistan: Brutality, power and the use of religion (M V Ramana)
#4. India: Cow and culture (Kancha Ilaiah)
#5. Police State (Maja Daruwala)
#6. India: ALERT - A repeat of 1999?=A0Threats and intimidation on=20
Christians in South Gujarat
#7. USA: A Public Lecture & Discussion on Fundamentalism in South=20
Asia - Rise & Challenge of Hindutva in India (November 9, Los Angeles)



The Friday Times
Oct 25 - 31, 2002 - Vol. XIV, No. 35

Here comes the hirsute brigade

Khalid Hasan

The Americans are no less worried by the election gains of the MMA=20
than Pakistan=B9s barbers and hairdressers. Women are to be required to=20
wear that awful thing called the hijab. Since the world began, women=20
have tried to find new ways of beautifying themselves, and that is=20
their privilege. The hijab is one invention that immediately turns a=20
woman into something unbearably drab. If you put a hijab on Marilyn=20
Monroe, she would be indistinguishable from, say, the late Phoolan=20

ll things good and bad come to an end, and so have the elections.=20
What is to follow is of course another matter. There may be=20
uncertainty in the air but of one thing we can be certain. This is=20
bad news for barbers. The hirsute ones are coming. General Pervez=20
Musharraf who takes credit for everything, done and undone, true to=20
form, has also taken credit for this phenomenon.

No longer can Pakistani representatives in Western capitals begin=20
their conversations with, =B3But you know the religious parties have=20
never taken more than two or three slots in parliament.=B2 This=20
standard opening served our diplomats and visiting delegations=20
splendidly for many, many years. Often, it was able to clinch an=20
argument and even during the years of Zia-ul-Haq when this dragon=B9s=20
harvest was being well and truly sown, this gambit served to deflect=20
criticism that Pakistan was going fundo. Well, surprise, surprise.=20
Pakistan has gone fundo and Zia-ul-Haq rests in peace at last.

How can we ever express our gratitude to the Pakistan Army? Whatever=20
we are today, we are because of our Bahadur Mussalah Afwaj (stirring=20
sounds of the national anthem whose words 99.9 percent of the=20
population of Pakistan is unable to understand, rise in the air.=20
Stand up everybody). I think this grateful nation should pin another=20
medal on the General Musharraf=B9s chest, though it appears to be=20
running out of space. Perhaps he should be respectfully asked to put=20
some of them in storage, as museums do with their art collections.

The Americans who have maintained near silence over the election=20
results are no less worried about the future, speaking privately=20
than, say the All Pakistan Anjuman-e-Araish-e-Gaisoo, or in less=20
ornate language, Pakistan=B9s barbers and hairdressers. Between Maulana=20
Fazlur Rehman, Qazi Hussain Ahmed, Maulana Sami-ul Haq =B3Sandwich=B2,=20
Maulana Shah Ahmed Noorani of the India-ink beard, Prof Sajjad Mir=20
who used to be perfectly normal once, believe it or not, should have=20
at least a donkey load of hair, give or take a few kilos. It is hard=20
to believe today that this country was created by that elegant,=20
immaculately dressed gentleman Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Are they going to=20
put a beard on his face as well? After all, a beginning has already=20
been made by the federal secretary with his directive that all who=20
draw their salary from the exchequer begin wearing =B3the national=20
dress=B2 whose only advantage is that the wearer will never know how=20
much blubber he has put on.

My friend Mir Jamilur Rahman has warned in a newspaper piece that the=20
holy warriors of the MMA are all poised to have Friday redeclared the=20
weekly holiday. I suggest they go a step further and have Sunday=20
abolished altogether so that it no longer exists on the calendar to=20
dilute the piety of the faithful. Women are to be required to wear=20
that awful thing called the hijab. Since the world began, women have=20
tried to find new ways of beautifying themselves, and that is their=20
privilege. The hijab is one invention that immediately turns a woman=20
into something unbearably drab. If you put a hijab on Marilyn Monroe,=20
she would be indistinguishable from, say, the late Phoolan Devi.

The MMA, writes my friend, is also determined to =B3end vulgarity and=20
obscenity=B2 on PTV. I would suggest, it go a step further and end PTV=20
itself since, along with Radio Pakistan, PTV makes up the twin otters=20
of dullness and disinformation. Like that poet in Julius Caesar, it=20
should be killed for its bad verses. And what is it that the MMA find=20
particularly sinful on PTV? It turns out that bareheaded women in=20
sleeveless shirts and jeans do not let the maulanas sleep at night.=20
Perhaps they have stolen a leaf from Mian Nawaz Sharif=B9s book who=20
once wrote out a memo in his own hand directing that =B3these=20
jean-jacket boys with long hair=B2 should be banned from TV and,=20
further, that the satellites that brought down =B3shameless Western=20
programmes=B2 should be =B3jammed.=B2 Had he succeeded, we would have seen=
Star Wars in our own time.

The Pure Ones also want to abolish co-education once for all. Why=20
don=B9t they go ahead and abolish women themselves because the female=20
of the species it is that appears to bother them the most. The great=20
contradiction of the mullah is that while on the one hand he leches=20
for women, he detests them at the same time. My first visit to Iran=20
after the Khomenei takeover was instructive. Everywhere, there were=20
signs that women should on no account be seen without the chador, nor=20
should their hair be visible to the naked eye. It struck me that the=20
edict had come not from women but men. Women had no problem at all=20
with looking their best and wearing nice clothes. It was only the=20
mullah who felt in need of =B3protection.=B2 So the sinfulness lay not in=20
the appearance of the women but in the hearts and minds of those who=20
issued such decrees. It was they who needed moral reform.

At the height of the Taliban terror, Kishwar Naheed wrote a lovely=20
poem that began: Wo jo bacheeyon se dar gaye (They who felt=20
threatened by girl children). But the Taliban were across the Durand=20
Line in Afghanistan. This is happening right here and now under the=20
rule of a man who is afraid to be seen in public with his dogs. Mir=20
Jamilur Rahman wrote that the MMA was also of the view that women=20
should not travel by the same public buses as men. He added that if=20
this were to be carried further, it could well lead to the demand=20
that there should be separate passenger aircraft for women.

But more sinister is the determination of the MMA leaders to=20
implement the Hudood punishments. It is typical of the hypocrisy of=20
those who have ruled us that none of them had the decency or the=20
courage to strike off these primitive laws. While Nawaz Sharif=20
because of his father or out of his own inhibited outlook was=20
unlikely to have done so, Benazir Bhutto was afraid that if she=20
acted, the mullahs would come after her. What she did not realise was=20
that they were going to come after her anyway. General Musharraf=20
began on a promising note but soon retreated into the reactionary=20
cocoon that Pakistani leaders have fashioned for themselves. The=20
mullahs, thrown up by the general=B9s shenanigans and the genius of=20
General Tanveer Naqvi, will begin to chop hands, stone adulteresses=20
and blind others on the =B3an eye for an eye=B2 basis before long. Is=20
there someone to stop them?

Someone wrote to a newspaper the other day that he was going to leave=20
Pakistan the day Maulana Fazlur Rehman became Prime Minister. Since=20
no other country would give a Pakistani a visa, he was proceeding to=20
Papua New Guinea where no such restrictions existed. My advice to him=20
is to hurry before Papua New Guinea also slams the door shut.



The Friday Times
Oct 25 - 31, 2002 - Vol. XIV, No. 35

An Islamist experiment in the Frontier

Performance of the soon-to-be MMA government in the Frontier will be=20
a gauge of whether or not the alliance can deliver. Iqbal Khattak=20

Political analysts are wont to believe that once the Muttahida=20
Majlis-e-Amal (MMA) forms the government in the Frontier province,=20
and likely in Balochistan, practical day-to-day running of affairs=20
will force it to moderate its rabid rhetoric. But this may just be=20
wishful thinking, according to other pundits.

Even though political leaders like Makhdoom Amin Fahim and Chaudhry=20
Shujaat Hussain, among others, have been courting Maulana Fazlur=20
Rahman and Qazi Hussain Ahmed, the MMA philippic stands little=20
changed. Calls to proselytise or Islamicise the country are being=20
pitched as the only means through which the country can be redeemed.

Though his =B3demand=B2 has been downgraded to a =B3request=B2, Qazi and hi=
Muttahida army are vociferously opposed to the presence of US=20
soldiers and intelligence operatives on Pakistani soil. The Pathan=20
from Dir has also spoken out against cable television and coeducation=20
while Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Fazlur group (JUI-F) parliamentarian-elect=20
Maulvi Noor Mohammed has successfully managed to press for the=20
release of a dozen former Taliban soldiers that had been languishing=20
in Quetta Jail. All this, observers fear, is a portent of things to=20

Nowhere else are such fears more likely to be realised than in the=20
Frontier province where the 48 parliamentarians-elect of the MMA and=20
four independents will form the government. The MMA government in the=20
frontier will be the strongest one yet since the 1988 elections. The=20
alliance has 52 seats and is expected to take around a dozen more=20
earmarked for women. This will give the electoral alliance an=20
unquestionable majority in a house of 124.

The province will serve as a petri dish for the great Islamist=20
experiment as the mullahs attempt to bypass or short circuit the=20
system and bulldoze their campaign promises through. This will be the=20
first time in thirty years that a single party alone manages to form=20
a government here. Mufti Mohammed, Fazalur Rahman=B9s father, was made=20
chief minister in 1972 when the party he founded, Jamiat=20
Ulema-e-Islami, pulled a surprise win to form a short lived coalition=20
government with the National Awami Party, the forerunner of the=20
current ANP.

With Ramadan around the corner, analysts will be keeping an eye out=20
for the MMA to see whether it can deliver on its promises. =B3To begin=20
with,=B2 onepolitical analyst told TFT, =B3we should look at the issue of=20
Eid and whether the alliance will come through on its promise.=B2=20
Clerics and religious leaders in the province are averse to federal=20
authorities and have seldom accepted the word of the federally=20
appointed moon sighting committee. This is why Eid-ul-Azha falls on=20
three separate days in the province. =B3If the MMA can deliver on this=20
count,=B2 the analyst added, =B3It will prove a good start for the=20
alliance.=B2 Ramadan is expected to begin on November 7.

=B3Such things are easy to say when you=B9re not in government,=B2 a=20
political observer told TFT, =B3Religious parties and groups=20
successfully exploited the public=B9s sentiments on the question of=20
social justice, sovereignty and the Islamic system. Now that they=20
have been voted in, despite allegations of pre-poll and election day=20
rigging, they really have no excuse. The MMA must deliver.=B2

Haji Muhammad Adeel, central information secretary of the nationalist=20
Awami National Party (ANP), believes the MMA will not be able to=20
deliver onits promise of conducting fiscal matters Islamic style.=20
=B3Will it be able to receive bank loans without a mark-up or will any=20
bank extend loans to the Frontier government without interest?=B2 he=20
asked. =B3I wouldn=B9t be optimistic on either count and the eradication=20
of this one =8Cevil=B9 they cited as a priority during their campaign. If=20
they fail on this front, the alliance will start collapsing=20
automatically.=B2 Adeel lost to a little known MMA candidate in the=20
PF-6 Peshawar constituency.

=B3And how do you think they will proceed against smoking,=B2 Adeel told=20
TFT. =B3If they ban smoking, as they vowed during the campaign, and=20
stop farmers from cultivating tobacco the province and federal=20
government will lose billions of rupees in revenues from this cash=20
crop.=B2 Adeel also believes that the promised ban on cable television,=20
cinema houses and entertainment-relevant businesses will leave=20
hundreds unemployed.

=B3This is a media trial,=B2 Professor Muhammad Ibrahim, provincial Amir=20
of the Jama=B9at-e-Islami told TFT. He said all negative talk=20
surrounding the soon-to-be MMA government in the Frontier province=20
would be proved wrong. =B3The elected MMA officials will give the=20
people the best and most simple of government,=B2 he said. Ibrahim=20
dispelled the notion that the alliance would look to the vanquished=20
Taliban government as a model. =B3We have come through a democratic=20
process while the Taliban grabbed power through use of force. The=20
Taliban is not a model for the MMA government,=B2 he said. =B3We will=20
honour all the pledges we made with the public.=B2

Ibrahim said cable television might be banned because it is rife with=20
vulgarity and obscenity. =B3Everything that spreads vulgarity has to be=20
banned and TV programmes need to be reviewed and given an Islamic=20
colour,=B2 he said. Ibrahim said no changes in the constitution were=20
required to implement the =B3Islamic system=B2. He said: =B3We will not=20
take extra-constitutional steps to bring Pakistani society into an=20
Islamic framework. The (present) democratic system is absolutely=20
Islamic if laws repugnant to the Sharia do not exist,=B2 he remarked.

Morale is high at a madrassa in the cantonment run by the JUI-F=20
though students were reluctant to record their statements. =B3We have=20
been asked not to open up to the media,=B2 one student said. According=20
to MMA insiders, alliance leaders are choosing their words carefully=20
these days. =B3The official policy right now is to not issue any=20
statements that might put out a =8Cwrong=B9 message,=B2 sources told TFT.=20
=B3Long term policy will be unveiled once the hold on power (in the=20
province) is consolidated and it will, eventually, be extended to=20



The Daily Times (Lahore)
October 25, 2002

Brutality, power and the use of religion
M V Ramana

The use of the religious idiom to entrench these power relations=20
should be firmly opposed; modern societies should allow religion no=20
place in public affairs
Last week Virender Singh, Dayachand, Kailash, Raju Gupta and Tota Ram=20
were lynched =8B beaten to death =8B in the Indian State of Haryana for=20
the =B3crime=B2 of skinning a cow. All five were Dalits, which means the=20
oppressed and is the name given to themselves by the untouchables.=20
Though the events have initiated widespread outrage and condemnation,=20
right wing Hindu fundamentalists have excused the killings due to the=20
purported injury to Hindu sentiments.
Representative of this was Giriraj Kishore, the leader of the Vishwa=20
Hindu Parishad (VHP) =8B the most antediluvian of the family of Hindu=20
right wing organisations known as the Sangh Parivar =8B who stated that=20
Hindu scriptures accord an important place to the cow, holding it as=20
sacred. Clearly in his mind, the lives of the five Dalits were not as=20
sacred. The local office-bearers of the VHP and the Shiv Sena=20
submitted a memorandum to the police forbidding them from taking=20
action against the guilty.
That the lynching happened outside a police station and in the=20
presence of police officials and a senior member of the civil=20
administration indicates that these authorities were also effectively=20
in connivance. What is more, the police registered cases against the=20
victims under the Cow Slaughter (Prevention) Act. Worse was to=20
follow: two days after the gruesome lynching, the local=20
administration ordered a post mortem =8B of the cow, to find out=20
whether it was dead or alive when it was skinned!
Before reflecting on the events, it is important to dismiss some=20
misconceptions. While cows are given a prominent place in Hindu=20
writings, apart from the occasional day when cows are washed and=20
decorated, for the most part the lot of cows in India is quite=20
pathetic. The sight of them wandering around in a half-starved state=20
looking for food in garbage dumps is common.
The second misconception is that beef is not produced or eaten in=20
India. According to government statistics, among animal meats, beef=20
is the meat India produces the most (1.44 million tonnes in 2000);=20
the second is buffalo meat (1.42 million tonnes) and only third, is=20
mutton and lamb (0.7 million tonnes). Nor is this a new trend. In a=20
recent book =B3Holy Cow: Beef in Indian Dietary Traditions=B2, historian=20
D. N. Jha has quoted extensively from Hindu religious texts and=20
scriptures to argue that beef eating was widely prevalent in Vedic=20
India. The response of the Hindutva brigade was to call for the=20
banning of the book =8B historical facts are not things that religious=20
fundamentalists pay any heed to, especially when it does not suit=20
their needs.
An event like this cannot also be reduced to one cause. The case=20
reflects for example, the persistence of the caste system and=20
untouchability, as well as the lack of accountability by police and=20
other government officials. But perhaps the most important force on=20
display here is the rise of the Hindu right wing, and its tacit=20
supporters, who have not hesitated to use violence to mould society=20
according to their wishes. The fact that Dalits have borne the brunt=20
of this violence also reveals the fact that such violence, and indeed=20
the growth of Hindutva, has come about partly as a reaction to the=20
increasing social and political assertion of marginalised groups.
These underlying factors suggest that this is unlikely to be an=20
isolated incident. As the leading Indian newspaper The Hindu (which=20
despite its name is no supporter of the right wing politics of the=20
Hindutva variety) pointed out in its editorial: =B3the barbarism=20
witnessed... could be enacted in several other parts of the country=20
given the prejudices inherent in the thought process of some=20
sections, even now, against any form of egalitarianism and assertion=20
of this right by the oppressed.=B2
In a striking testimony to the common nature of social conditions in=20
India and Pakistan, the late Pakistani journalist Najma Babar put=20
forward a similar argument in 1984. (I must mention that I would have=20
never come across this but for the wonderful little collection of=20
Babar=B9s newspaper columns, The Dispossessed that documents the=20
erosion of women=B9s rights during the reign of General Ziaul Haq.)=20
Writing about an incident where some people from a landlord family=20
beat up a poor carpenter and forced the women in his family to dance=20
naked in the streets in Nawabpur near Multan, Babar forcefully argued=20
that =B3unless the feudal system is done away with, such atrocious=20
evils not disappear.... The fight for human rights and dignity for=20
women... has to be a fight for the total abolition of feudalism.=B2
If the case in India was about brutality towards one disempowered=20
section, namely the Dalits, in the Pakistani case the brutality was=20
directed at women. The 1984 case was but one instance. More recently=20
we have witnessed brutal honour killings in Pakistan most prominently=20
in the murder of Samia Sarwar in 1999 for wanting to divorce her=20
husband. Acting somewhat like the VHP in India, the ulema in Peshawar=20
then reportedly issued statements saying that the man who murdered=20
Samia Sarwar should instead have killed her lawyers Asma Jahangir and=20
Hina Jilani because they are leading Pakistan=B9s young women towards=20
waywardness and working against Islam. Samia Sarwar=B9s was not an=20
exception =8B the same year the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan=20
(HRCP) reported that 888 women were murdered in Punjab alone.
What is common to all these cases is the invocation of religion to=20
justify the power of the elite few to determine how the vast majority=20
should think or act. The power could be that of (some) men to=20
determine the conduct of women, or the right of the privileged=20
sections of society to determine who shall marry or not marry, who=20
shall have sex and who shall wear what kinds of clothing. Such=20
expressions of power and the use of the religious idiom to entrench=20
these power relations should be firmly opposed; modern societies=20
should allow religion no place in public affairs.



The Hindu (Chennai)
Friday, Oct 25, 2002
Opinion - Leader Page Articles

Cow and culture

By Kancha Ilaiah

They killed five Dalits for skinning a cow... At least now the whole=20
nation must stand up against this kind of spiritual and political=20

IS A cow's life worthier than that of five Dalits? The Dalits have=20
had to pay an enormous price =8B of remaining untouchables =8B for=20
removing carcasses from villages and towns for thousands of years.=20
They had to pay the price of remaining illiterate and insecure for=20
building up the leather economy of India. If they had not removed=20
dead cattle, dogs and even humans, the people in the towns and=20
villages would have died of disease =8B dreadful contagious diseases at=20
that. Even now they keep paying a price =8B sometimes with their lives=20
as happened at Jhajhar in Haryana.

What was essentially scientific was constructed as spiritually bad=20
and sinful in Manudharma Shastra. Such superstitions keep getting=20
passed off as spiritual and scriptural. More shocking is that=20
Hindutva organisations such as the VHP want to implement them,=20
emboldened by the fact that their ideological twins are at the helm=20
of the state. They killed five Dalits for skinning a dead cow on a=20
roadside in Haryana. They say the Hindu scriptures prohibit such an=20
act. To bolster their case, for the modernist legal context, the=20
murderers say the Dalit youth were skinning a live cow.

The leather industry was one of the first that Indian society had=20
established, much before the Europeans and Americans. Instead of=20
being proud of them, society rendered the builders "untouchable".=20
There is some thing basically wrong with this mode of understanding=20
divinity and spirituality. The problem is deeper than present=20
behaviour of the VHP and its ilk shows. An anti-scientific temper=20
runs deep in the Hindu psyche. Does this not deserve much more=20
serious debate? Is the struggle against such a spiritual psyche to be=20
carried by only the Dalits?

Many of the VHP leaders themselves are industrialists. Some of them=20
are training their children in America =8B their dreamland =8B to become=20
successful industrialists. Some of them are even involved in the=20
leather industry. How does the leather industry exist without=20
skinning dead cattle? If doing leather business is not sinful, how=20
does skinning a carcass become sinful? How does leather come into=20
existence without skinning dead animals? The Shastras say that it was=20
for doing this early industrial job that the Dalits became=20
untouchable. Now Dalits get lynched for doing this job. What kind of=20
nationalism is this?

Incidentally, when this took place I have been touring America =8B the=20
dreamland of many Indians. I met many boys and girls =8B many of them=20
Brahmin too =8B who are working in beef-packing and leather units. A=20
majority of them eat beef as well. Do all of them become=20
untouchables? By invoking the same scriptures that the Hindutva=20
forces are talking about, they too should be declared untouchable and=20
never should be allowed to enter the Hindurashtra that Bal Thackeray=20
is talking about. But these beef-eating NRIs fill their hundis with=20
dollars and hence they are most lovable. How do they explain this=20
mode of Hinduism?

Indians do not live with one mode of scriptures. We have the Buddhist=20
scriptures, we have had the Bible as a living book for 2,000 years in=20
India. The Quran has been India for more than 1,000 years. The Dalits=20
in the spiritual realm have more affinity with Buddhism and=20
Christianity than Hinduism. In their spiritual realm, the cow is not=20
sacred. How can Hindutva forces impose their spirituality on others?=20
Second, how can spirituality allow so much hypocrisy, terrorism and=20
brutality in day-to-day life? The Hindutva forces want to welcome=20
economic globalisation but do not want to learn any thing from the=20
process of cultural globalisation. How do the global spiritual=20
cultures see the relationship between animals and human beings? Is it=20
not important to learn from all positive cultures?

In the economic realm, they want to do the leather business, in the=20
political realm, they want to use Dalits as vote givers, and in the=20
spiritual realm, the science and technological process that the=20
Dalits as historical people constructed became impure, polluted. Not=20
that the professions that the OBCs are involved in their day-to-day=20
life - washing clothes, making pots and rearing sheep and cattle =8B=20
have become spiritually acceptable for Hindutva forces. They too=20
still =8B perhaps forever =8B remain impure. All the Sudras/OBCs involved=20
in productive activity continue to be unacceptable to become priests=20
in Hindu temples. But their muscle power becomes acceptable to kill=20
Dalits in the name of cow protection, Muslims in the name of=20
religion. Even the Yadavs who work within Hindutva organisations do=20
not ask why the buffalo, that gives us most of our milk, is not=20

Our intellectual class does not ask why Hindu nationalism gets=20
constructed around issues such as animal sacredness and human=20
pollution? When I asked this question at my Columbia University talk,=20
the Indian diaspora intellectuals appeared to entirely agree with me.=20
But how much writing they did on such issues is the moot question.=20
What kind of theoretical and practical nationalism do we have? No one=20
asks why the cow alone should remain a constitutionally protected=20
animal under the Directive Principles of State Policy.

Today the whole world knows that the black people's culture got=20
assimilated not only in American civil society. It became part of the=20
state system as well. The American Constitution values the black life=20
absolutely equally to the white life. The Indian intellectuals must=20
realise that the civil war to grant equal rights for blacks was not=20
fought by blacks. It was fought by the whites under the leadership of=20
Abraham Lincoln. African-American taxi drivers tell a lot of positive=20
stories about white intellectuals. They say that because many of them=20
sacrificed their lives for the freedom of the blacks. Where is such a=20
rebellion against the barbarity of treating the life of a cow as more=20
worthy than that of five Dalits in India? Imagine such a thing taking=20
place against African-Americans today. Would not such an incident=20
have created conditions for another civil war? Look at the way the=20
Indian legal agencies are dealing with this brutality. They are=20
waiting to find out whether the cow was dead or alive when it was=20

The Hindutva forces do not think of abandoning such superstitious=20
notions of life and religion. So far there is no evidence of the=20
Hindu spiritual leadership coming down heavily on the VHP leadership=20
even on this issue. The rulers in New Delhi remain indifferent as=20
well. After the BJP came to power, the cow question was brought to=20
the national agenda again and again. Earlier, it was always in=20
reference to Muslims. Now Dalits get lynched. Their very livelihood=20
is attacked.

The OBCs who are getting used in all kinds of fundamentalist=20
activities, including the Gujarat pogrom, possibly must have been=20
used in this lynching of Dalits as well. Many Dalit activists have=20
been complaining that the OBCs are getting involved in attacks=20
against them more and more. The OBCs must realise that the very same=20
fundamentalists are going to say that the caste hierarchical=20
practices must come into operation in classical form. They may=20
disqualify them to contest elections and administer the state. The=20
Hindutva attacks did not stop with Muslims. They targeted Christians=20
and now the Dalits. At least now the whole nation must stand up=20
against this kind of spiritual and political nationalism.



The Hindustan Times
Friday, October 25, 2002
Police State
Maja Daruwala
Everyone knows the image of the police has fallen to a new low in=20
recent months. Gujarat will lie like a stain across the face of=20
Indian governance and the whole police force even if only one state=20
was involved.

The quick and effective action at Akshardham and soon after is not a=20
vindication. It's only one more example that the police can act well=20
when it wants to, and that it will 'want to' only at the behest of=20
the political establishment and not in routine obedience to its duty=20
under law.

People want an efficient police service. The poor want reforms=20
because it is they who feel the yoke of the law, its oppression and=20
abuse, at every turn. The National Human Rights Commission wants=20
reform because it is overwhelmed by public complaints against the=20
police that range from death, rape and torture in custody, to the=20
refusal to file FIRs, manipulation and bias in investigation, illegal=20
detention, coercion and threats to witnesses, and demands for money=20
to register, neglect or pursue a case.

The other arms of the criminal justice system like the magistracy,=20
prosecution and legal aid groups, need police to reform so that they=20
can be nudged into some sort of stirring to change their functioning=20
from their present Kafkaesque mode. The Supreme Court wants reform so=20
that it can see its own might mean more than mere orders given but=20
left unimplemented time and again to the detriment of its image.=20
Hauled over the coals for a rising crime rate, poor investigation,=20
and conviction rates as low as 6 per cent by the courts, accused of=20
bias and corruption by the people, and pulled this way and that by=20
the politicians, no one wants reform more than good people within the=20
police itself.

If there are problems with the police that require solving there are=20
also solutions staring us in the face.

Today, police functioning is governed by the Police Act of 1861 and=20
state acts which are equally old and unreformed. The fact that a=20
country that so emphatically threw off the British yoke is satisfied=20
to be ruled by a colonial act whose objective was to subjugate the=20
population, indicates the determination of successive governments not=20
to take up police reforms. Unless this is changed it would appear=20
that independence, self-rule, the dictates of the Constitution and=20
especially the Bill of Rights have not at all intervened between 1861=20
and 2002.

A new police act is essential. It needs to be underpinned by a new=20
statutory framework that pins down accountability, separates out=20
responsibilities, makes certain that the chain of command lies within=20
the police and that promotions and punishment do not rely on=20
patronage from outside. It must also create a division of labour=20
between the government and the force and set out exactly where the=20
responsibility lies. The law needs to state that the police must act=20
strictly according to the law and will be answerable only to the law=20
and not to any person. This is the legal position today but in the=20
present state of patronage that has grown up between the police,=20
politicians and executive, this just cannot be done.

Nearly 25 years ago, the National Police Commission had carefully=20
analysed the problems of the police and the pressures it has to deal=20
with. It had made recommendations which remain relevant today. The=20
heart of the NPC's recommendations was concerned with two aspects:=20
insulating the police from undue political influence and=20
accountability of the police to law alone and not to any person.

Everyone in the state and central governments is aware that a quarter=20
century has passed by since the NPC sought a police force which is in=20
harmony with democratic rule. Desperate police officers have since=20
then tried to awaken the government's conscience and asked for the=20
implementation of the NPC's recommendations before the Supreme Court,=20
where it lies unresolved. Recently, the Rebeiro Committee has given=20
its recommendations along similar lines to the NPC as has the=20
Padmanabhaiah Committee. The Vohra Committee has indicated that the=20
police-politics-mafia nexus is ruining governance. Yet, nothing has=20

Many believe improvement can be made even without new laws if only=20
the police had the courage to rise above corruption and resist=20
political pressure. But leaving it to superhuman individual efforts=20
in a debased system that everyday rewards the bad and punishes the=20
good is not the answer.

The police argue that it is useless to reform them without reforming=20
every other segment of the criminal justice system. With 30 million=20
cases pending, the jails full to the brim with undertrials awaiting=20
their day in court, and the miscarriage of justice when the rich and=20
famous are involved, who can deny that the magistracy, the=20
prosecutorial system, the forensic system, the prisons and the laws=20
in all these areas need improvement?

In answer, the Centre explains that it is engaged in improving the=20
police through 'modernisation'. While improvement in infrastructure,=20
housing, equipment and service conditions is needed, it's not enough.=20
Reform requires adherence to law, accountability and autonomy of=20
functioning. To 'modernise' without the requisite change in attitude=20
and re-articulation of what the role of the police in a democracy=20
must be, seems nothing more than bringing better facilities and=20
weapons to the aid of a lawless force.

The Centre pleads helplessness 'because law and order is a State=20
subject'. Sixty per cent of the districts in India are in some way=20
affected by civil strife, communal violence, crime, or security=20
risks. Yet, the Centre has not made enough effort at sustaining a=20
dialogue with states on the subject.

New Delhi has influence in relation to the states and is seldom shy=20
to use it. One example would suffice. The police 'modernisation'=20
grant stands at Rs 10,000 crore. That gives the Centre useful=20
leverage over every state to link improved police performance to the=20
disbursement of the grant. Police performance is not simply linked to=20
arrests, but to a reduction in crime, safety for women, and an=20
increasing measure of public satisfaction and confidence in its good=20
behaviour and impartiality. Here the Centre can lead by example. It=20
has forces and territories under its control, most notably Delhi.=20
These can be the venues of quick model experiments in reform.

Police reform is too important to neglect and too urgent to delay.=20
The vicious culture of crime (especially against women) which has=20
gripped our metros and towns, especially Delhi, and increasing cases=20
of police atrocities, as the lynching of Dalits in Jhajjar, have=20
reduced the civil society into a helpless victim. Lack of reform is=20
destroying India's international credibility and reputation. It is an=20
obstacle to foreign investment, swift development and social justice;=20
so it is hard to understand why there is no response.

One would think that politicians (who, with every change of=20
government, see themselves threatened by their adversaries) would see=20
their own protection in creating a police service which is unbiased,=20
autonomous and accountable only to law and not to any person. Sadly,=20
there are even more compelling reasons for the political mafia to=20
keep the police lean and hungry and tied up in their political=20
backyards. Politicians have a biddable force ready to protect them in=20
all their wrong doings. Everyone believes that the police are a=20
puppet on the political string.

No child in the street could have missed the ironies implied in the=20
police response to the post-Godhra carnage and the response to=20
Akshardham. The Akshardham action indicates the absolute ability of=20
the police (and other forces) to act instantly and efficiently to=20
overcome difficult situations. It proves that it is the ishara=20
(signal) from above that will prompt both good and bad actions.

The truth is, if police reforms are blocked, then there is no end to=20
the trauma of ordinary people, especially those who don't have clout.=20
This will be a travesty of justice.

The writer is Director, Commonwealth Human Rights Initiative



Carnage in Gujarat:=A0Citizens=B9 Initiative for Justice & Peace
Update October 23, 2002=A0
Since the BJP rode to power, alternate and brutal attacks on=20
Christians and Muslims have soured the climate fof Gujarat=20
culminating in the Gujarat Genocide of 2002. Communalism Combat has=20
tracked these events over five cover stories thatcan be visited in=20
our archives.
Now again, in the run up the forthcoming elections, the cabinet=20
ministers of Modi=B9s government are blatantly indulging in threats and=20
intimidation in Dangs in South Gujarat. In the run up the next=20
election, we will be sending regular updates on the Gujaraty=20

Teesta Setalvad Javed Anand

*Urgent Alert* * Urgent Alert * *Urgent Alert*=20
*Urgent Alert* *Urgent Alert*

A repeat of 1999?
Threats and intimidation on Christians in South Gujarat

Fr. Cedric Prakash S.J.

Early this year, during the carnage in Gujarat, one of the=20
trump-cards of the BJP was to highlight the role of the tribals and=20
dalits in the attack on the Muslims. It is a known fact that only a=20
very tiny section of these groups were actually involved in the=20
killing, arson and loot. This too, after being literally bribed with=20
liquor and money and provided with trishuls and other arms.

There has been a consistent effort to divide the tribals and to deny=20
them of their fundamental rights. The latest is a circular of the=20
Gujarat Government insisting that the tribals leave the forest areas=20
of the State. This is in consonance with the move to call the tribals=20
"Van Vasis" instead of Adivasis. The latter provides them with an=20
identity wherever they are, the former denies them of the identity=20
once they leave the forest areas or if the forests are rampaged and=20
pillaged as it is today by politicians and rich vested interests.

The bogey of conversions is once again doing the rounds in the tribal=20
areas of South Gujarat, very specially in the Dangs. Vicious=20
pamphlets and inflammatory articles in South Gujarat editions of the=20
Sandesh and Gujarat Samachar are doing the rounds. The venom is=20
towards the Christians and the Christian Missionaries with absolute=20
lies being propagated.

On October 22, 2002, a Ram Katha by Morari Bapu began outside the=20
Jesuit Centre of Subhir in the Dangs. This Katha was inaugurated by=20
Narendra Modi. There is plenty of tension in the air with efforts now=20
being made by the trustees of the Sabari Mata Mandir to forcibly take=20
away a land near the school which has been donated by a tribal woman=20
to the Sisters to start a dispensary and a Girls Hostel for tribals.=20
At the moment, the temple authorities have just gone and occupied the=20
land for boarding and lodging of the people who have come from=20
outside to attend the Katha. The Katha is supposed to last till=20
October 30, 02 and already fears among the Christian community is=20
high because some of the tribal children of the boardings run by the=20
Fathers and Sisters have been threatened by the fascist elements.

=B3Would you like to live as Hindus or die like Christians?=B2 is the=20
intimidation being directly used. Girls and Jesuits were trembling=20
with fear after the incident. This intimidation happened in the=20
presence of no less than a minister from the Gujarat cabinet Karsan=20

In the meantime, a massive campaign has been launched by the Member=20
of Parliament from Dadra and Nagar Haveli, Mr. Mohanbhai Delkar=20
(Independent), in most of the tribal areas of South Gujarat. He calls=20
it the "Parivartan Manch" and he is apparently flush with funds. He=20
talks about "the tribal identity" but his proximity to the Sangh=20
Parivar is well-known. A huge amount of orange stickers have been=20
distributed to the tribal households in which "Parivartan Manch" is=20
emblazoned to be stuck on each of the adivasi houses.
The situation is becoming alarming in the tribal heartland of Gujarat !

Gujarat mantri threatens Dangs Christians
- By Deepal Trevedie

o o o o

[See Related Report]
The Hindu
Friday, Oct 25, 2002

VHP pamphleteering worries Christians in Dangs
By Manas Dasgupta



A Public Lecture & Discussion on
Rise & Challenge of Hindutva in India
Saturday, November 9, 2002=A0
2:00 PM=A0
University Hall, Room 1000
Loyola Marymount University
1 LMU Drive, Los Angeles, California 90045

Speaker: Virendra Prakash, IAS (Ret.)
Author of "Hindutva Demystified"

Mr. Virendra Prakash retired as Secretary to the Government of India=20
in the Ministry of Home Affairs, having held senior positions both in=20
India and abroad. As Deputy Commissioner Manipur and as Advisor to=20
two Governors of J&K state, he dealt closely with fundamentalist=20
militancy. His book "Hindutva Demystified" which received wide=20
acclamation was based on his intimate interactions with Hindutva top=20
leadership and the study of relevant literature, history as well as=20
contemporary developments right up to the tragic events of Godhra,=20
Gujarat and Orissa.

The rise of fundamentalist politics around the world and especially=20
in South Asia has affected the fragile majority and minority=20
relationships, casting a long, dark shadow on the future of the=20
entire region. Lately, the rise of majoritarian militancy in India in=20
the name of HINDUTVA has added a catastrophic new dimension to an=20
already explosive situation. The minorities, dalits & women, in=20
particular, find themselves the target of increasingly vicious=20
In this context, some issues to ponder over are:
=AD What is HINDUTVA - its motives and roots, its threats and prospects?
=AD What does it bode for the future of a pluralist, egalitarian and=20
progressive India?
=AD What does it mean for the future of the South Asian States?
=AD What is the role of the expatriate South Asian Community?
This event is free to the public and plenty of parking is available.
>From Valley: Take San Diego (405) Freeway south. Exit on Manchester=20
Blvd (W) and turn right towards the beach.
>From Orange County: Take San Diego (405) Freeway North. Exit on=20
Manchester Blvd (W) and turn left towards the beach.
>From Downtown: Take I-10 West Freeway north and merge on to the San=20
Diego (405) south. Exit on Manchester Blvd (W) and turn right towards=20
the beach.
After following the above, turn right on Lincoln Blvd and make=20
another right on LMU Drive. University Hall will be the first Bldg on=20
the right, enter the underground parking structure from the second=20
entrance and take the elevator to Room 1000.

For more information please contact:
Robin Khundkar (714) 895-5048 or rkhundkar@e... ;I K Shukla=20
(310) 514-2934 or ikshukla@h...; John Ishvaradas-Abdallah=20
(310) 748-9369 or SufiSays@y...; Asad Zaidi (714) 313-2703 or=20


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