[sacw] SACW | 13 Dec. 00

Harsh Kapoor aiindex@mnet.fr
Tue, 12 Dec 2000 19:55:39 +0100

13 December 2000

[This issue of the SACW is dedicated to the memory of Begum Shaista
Suhrawardy Ikramullah who died in Karachi on 11 December 2000.]


#1. Pakistan / India: Human Rights Watch World Report 2001
#2. Pakistan: Sharif's Flight to 'Freedom'
#3. Pakistan: Lawyer challenges Sharif's release in court
#4. India: Surprise over Vajpayee ready to make India Mince Pie
#5. India: Statement from Bishop Dr. Paulose Mar Paulose Trust
#6. UK: Hindu Charity to pay for Slave Labour at Temple construction site



Human Rights Watch World Report 2001: Pakistan

Human Rights Watch World Report 2001: India:




(Dr. Iftikhar H. Malik)

Sharif's dramatic flight from Pakistan on a longer pilgrimage following his
under table deal with the generals has understandably bewildered his
supporters, raised hopes of a similar exit for interned Asif Zardari and
has, once again, reaffirmed the fears that the military regime is here to
stay no matter at what cost to political institutions or Pakistan's global
interests. It also sadly shows that even the highest courts--despite their
rigorous demeanour-- can be simply bypassed by an all-powerful executive.
Sharif's exit from the scene like Benazir Bhutto's self-imposed exile in
London and Altaf Hussian=EDs ensconce in Edgware, has further fragmented th=
political forces and processes besides affirming that the country seriously
lacks in the leaders of moral standing and courage, and is infested with
the opportunists geared up only to make an easy buck and when the going
gets rough they simply prostrate to save their own skin. It equally
affirms the fact that the politics and judiciary remain handiwagon to
specific sections/pressure groups, and like other institutions of the civil
society, are vulnerable to a vetoing military--the most organised
politico-economic force in the country. One cannot imagine of any future
political dispensation holding the forte without kowtowing to the generals.
The decade-long interlude between the two military regimes, characterised
by the politics of vendetta, corruption and drift, is already history! It
will take another generation or many more and several gigantic efforts to
rebuild the country, itself achieved through a sustained political struggle
and transparent constitutionalism. Today, Pakistanis sit bewildered,
rudderless, cheated and forsaken as the predictable politicking of
opportunism and patronage returns to haunt the country otherwise endowed
with unlimited resources and industrious, frugal inhabitants.
Nawaz Sharif's exit adds yet another year to the long
wasted decades of bewilderment. His inept leadership--not the first and the
last of its type--especially after the Kargil fiasco of 1999 and a
widespread economic despair had reached the nadir in
deinstitutionalisation, but still the ideal recourse could have been an
in-house change. Sharif=EDs escapade with Musharraf after a ludicrous
extension to the latter proved the last straw though Sharif was still
within his constitutional powers to replace the army chief. It was his
application of crude and uncivil manner of dismissal that led to his own
undoing. Despite the judicial verdict and the usual acquisition of helpful
approvers, the mysteries still surround the actual events leading to the
counter coup of October 1999. There are many unanswered questions but
things move on in Pakistan so rapidly that we never discover the truth. The
Liaquat's murder in 1951, Iskander-Ayub coup de tat of 1958 to forestall
the 1956 constitution, Yahya=EDs rise and Pakistan=EDs fall thanks to inept
generals and rent-seeking politicians, a comical Niazi's ignominious
surrender in 1971, ZAB's megalomania, Zia's Islamisation, his plane crash
of 1988 and the list goes on of unexplained disasters...
One may seek personalist and structuralist explanations of
Sharif=EDs overthrow and his subsequent incrimination but why he had to
submit to the Musharraf regime if he was on the right and had been
unjustifiably removed and punished, offers us a unique look into his own
political career. An unknown quantity, Sharif was discovered and launched
by the powerful defense establishment in the 1980s to neutralize Benazir
Bhutto=EDs populist appeal in her untested years. In a colonialist mould,
this was the usual divide and rule imperative though not becoming of a
sovereign country where official institutions are expected to honour a
well-defined remit solely based on professionalism. Sharif was dumped when
he was becoming too big for his boots especially by pointing fingers
towards the GHQ for the Kargil misadventure. His growing mutuality with
Atal Behari Bajpai had sent shivers across the establishment with the
ramification of radical cuts in the staggering defense budget, a possible
halt on kickbacks on arms acquisition and a more autonomist role for
politicians. The defense establishment could not afford a politician taking
on such a role that may eventually threaten the most powerful institution,
so well-entrenched in country=EDs body politic. Sharif=EDs own idiosyncrasi=
his amassing of economic assets, reactive policies and a steep graph of
authoritarianism helped the generals in his removal, especially when he was
already so isolated from the realities of his country thanks to his
psycophant and overwhelmingly corrupt associates.
Sharif's ouster and conviction had been achieved without
incurring any domestic annoyance but any future alliance of the PPP and
PML, despite some instigated bickering, could have proven threatening
especially if the clerics could have come in as well. The regime=EDs own
lack-lustre performance in all the areas, a dangerous stalemate over
Kashmir, persistent Western indifference towards Islamabad with green
signal for India=EDs graduation from regional preeminence to predominance
have been unnerving the Musharraf regime. Its local self-government scheme
has failed to inspire people particularly when the national and provincial
politics remain thwarted and the country stays dependent upon borrowed
financial injections. The brains and capital have been fleeing from
Pakistan displaying a serious crisis in confidence. Within such a context
the generals have decided to offload Sharif, Zardari and such discredited
politicians who might have had a chance in a million to get rehabilitated.
Benazir Bhutto and Altaf Hussain are not eager to come back for obvious
reasons and the politicians at home are, in several cases, willing to join
the military as junior partners. We may possibly even see a revival of
assemblies whose pliancy will help rewrite a presidential form of
constitution beside indemnification of other executive ordinances.
Sharif's submission, despite a possible cardiac ailment, is
still unbecoming of any politician with an iota of conscience. It reaffirms
his incompetence and corruption along with his role in the hijack and
attempted murder. It shows him as an opportunist out to save his own skin
rather than face the challenge courageously at least to clear his own and
his family=EDs name. It leaves his followers out in the cold who, in some
cases, will hasten to assume their subordinate roles as collaborators. But
it is a severe blow for the sane citizens who seek and deserve a better
future in a democratic, forward-looking and tolerant Pakistan away from the
official authoritarianism and societal dogmas. It has further isolated the
saner and committed elements seeking politics as a vehicle to mobilize and
empower the nation on a path to harmony and peace. Sharif's departure is
not good for the army either as it compromises its own stature nationally
and internationally. Its own insecurities, the assumption of a
non-professional profile, a full-throttle politics of divide and rule and
the muzzling of dissent are not good omens at all. Even after being at the
helm of the affairs for so long it has sadly failed to understand its own
limitations. It is getting deeply mired in a non-professional murk allowing
its critics an easy justification to denigrate it nationally and globally.
The country cannot be run through hand-picked individuals,
non-representative technocrats or merely through the intelligence agencies.
If the politicians and civil servants are so overwhelmingly inefficient and
corrupt how come the commanders remain untainted when they have held the
absolute power for so long! The uncharted route and ad hocist policies have
already hurt the country immensely and the politics, foreign policy and
economy are best left to the politicians and specialists. If all the
politicians are so bad and ustable then where are we going to find a new
leadership, naturally not from the localist, biradari-based councilors who
themselves will be dependent on the official largesse. In short, it is a
mockery of a whole populace which desires and deserves a better taste from
its rulers.



12 December 2000

Lawyer challenges Sharif's release in court

LAHORE, Pakistan (AP) -- A prominent lawyer launched a court challenge
Monday of the army's surprise decision to free Pakistan's former prime
minister, Nawaz Sharif, from prison and send him into exile in Saudi

"The government has unlawfully released a convicted criminal," said M.D.
Tahir, in his petition before the Lahore High Court.

Sharif, whose elected government was toppled in October 1999 by Gen. Pervez
Musharraf, was serving a life sentence on charges of hijacking and
kidnapping and was also found guilty of corruption.

On Sunday, his prison sentences were commuted, but he remains barred from
holding public office for 21 years and he must pay several million dollars
in fines. His extensive properties in Pakistan also have been confiscated
by the government.

Sharif's release has generated widespread criticism in Pakistan and
brought Musharraf's anti-corruption campaign into question.

"If Sharif can be freed why should other criminals be languishing in
prison, particularly those found guilty of minor crimes?" Tahir questioned
in his petition.

The court has not yet set a date of the hearing.

Musharraf, who promised the nation accountability when he took power,
accused Sharif of massive corruption, destroying institutions and
undermining the constitution.

In the capital of Islamabad, some politicians called for immediate
politicians. Imran Khan, chief of Tehrik-e-Insaaf, or Movement for Justice,
said his party had supported the army government's accountability drive and
was deeply disappointed with Sharif's release.

"The government needs to explain how Pakistan's interest has been served
by this move," Khan said at a news conference. "It has damaged the
government's credibility ... it should now immediately hold elections."

The military government's Information Secretary Anwar Mehmood said the
recovery of a huge amount of stolen wealth from Sharif was in the national

"The decision was in the national interest ... and the accountability
process will continue," he told The Associated Press.

Many Pakistani newspapers criticized the government's decision, with the
English-language newspaper The News calling it "the great betrayal."
Editorials said Sharif's release undermined the rule of law and reinforced
the concept that the wealthy in Pakistan can purchase their freedom,
regardless of their guilt.

"After the great escape of Nawaz Sharif, it will seem to the people that
crime and punishment have got nothing to do with law," said an editorial in
The News. "The deal blows to pieces the much trumpeted accountability of
the country's corrupt."

Copyright 2000 The Associated Press.




Dr. Jawaid Quddus=0B=0B

The recent statements of our esteemed Prime Minister has taken the National
Democratic Alliance (NDA) members by surprise. The BJP is committed to the
Sangh Parivar's dream of establishing a Hindu Rashtra. Atal Bihari Vajpayee
(ABV) during his recent visit to the U.S.A. had made it very clear that he
was a Swayamsevak and will always be one. To accept that a Swayamsevak
will deviate from the path propagated by the founder of the RSS is a folly
and is an attempt to pull wool over the eyes of us Indians. People from
the NDA who believe that the Sangh Parivar will discard their guru M.S.
Golwalkar's philosophy, in response to their pleas or admonishment, are
living in a world of their own. That they should express surprise at ABP's
recent statements regarding Ayodhya is the ultimate surprise!!=0B=0BThe NDA
partners are not a bunch of naive players who are unaware of the leanings
and the agenda of the Sangh
Parivar. Some of these partners, perhaps, are acting under the mask of
secularism and moderation, chiefly to remain in power and secretly to
sustain and implement the agenda of the saffron brigade. They, for example,
have known for a long time about the involvement of Mr. L.K. Advani, Dr.
M.M. Joshi and Ms. Uma Bharati's in the destruction of the Babri Masjid,
and yet have had no qualms in associating with them in a National
Government. Why this sudden need for alarm? Why this sudden upsurge for
doing the right thing? Has it ever dawned on them that when one associates
with criminals one becomes an accomplice and a partner? And once this
furor is over, and once they have compromised with the BJP on this issue
all over again, and once thay have issued their support for the Government,
as some of them have indicated or have already done so, will the issues
raised related to the criminal conduct of the serving Union Ministers cease
to exist? Will their lust for power and position not overcome this sudden
resurgence of conscience? I am afraid so! Wolves dressed up as sheep, I am
afraid, will always remain wolves!! =0B=0B

Our esteemed PM has stated that the construction of the Ram Temple at
Ayodhya was "an expression of the national feeling which is yet to be
realized." He added that "how the temple is built "is also very important".
Perhaps our PM is unaware of, or has purposely ignored the statistics that
has been published regarding this 'national aspiration of our people. Polls
conducted by Frontline and India Today indicate that in 1998 the Ayodhya
issue was at the bottom of the list of priorities. This was the reason for
the rath yatra and for the mobilization of the crowd in support of the
Hindutva cause. This was the Sangh Parivar's only chance to win elections
and form a government. But even after the destruction of the Masjid, the
Outlook-AC Nielson Lok Sabha opinion surveys indicated that 34% of the
people wanted a hospital to be built on the site, and 23% wanted that both
a Mandir and a masjid be built. Another poll by India Today in 1993 also
indicates that 52.6 % disapproved of the demolition and 52.9% believe that
the BJP and the UP government broke the law!! =0B=0B

So why the surprise. What the PM said on December 6, 2000 is consistent
with what he had said during the meeting at Staten Island in New York
recently. He had very clearly told the gathering , on their query about
building the Ram Temple, that when the BJP government will become a
majority government, they will then build the 'India of our dreams'. India
of our dreams may mean many things to many people, but to the Sangh Parivar
it means only one thing, i.e. establishment of a Hindu Rashtra. We the
minorities know this, most of our fellow citizens know this, and certainly
the NDA knows this. But the quest for power is such a strong force that
compromises have to be made, even if it costs the country its soul, or be
against all norms of a civilized and lawful society. Strength of character,
honesty, integrity, vision for a beautiful India mean nothing to these
power hungry despots. A few months ago they had raised a similar ruckus
about Ayohdya in the parliament but very soon fell in line with the Sangh
Parivar. ABV really does not need to wear a mask because these despots are
really a part of his support group masquerading as supporters of
secularism. They like Mr. Bangaru Laxman, do need the minority vote, hence
the charade. They are playing the same game, the game of deception, and
have been taught well by their Masters . =0B=0B

Any one who has studied in detail about the workings of the Sangh Parivar
knows by now that they are past masters at creating confusion and double
talk. ABV, who had condemned the destruction of Babri Masjid and had also
indicated on July 19, 1989 to Prof. Hiren Mukherji, M.P. that " it is not
possible to pinpoint the e, I find a prima facie case to charge Shri Bala
Saheb Thakre, Shri Lal Krishan Advani, Shri Kalyan Singh, Shri Vinay
Katiyar and others under sections 147, 153(A), 153(B), 259, 295(A) and 505
read with section 120(B) of the Indian Penal Code. But for many years the
official BJP's version has been that the kar sevaks suddenly became
agitated in the heat of the moment and brought down the Masjid. That there
was no prior plans to do so. Those people who accept this line fail to
question the fact that if there was no premeditation, where did the
pick-axes and other implements used to demolish the Masjid suddenly
appeared from? Also what about the photographs and the video footage
reports by various journalists indicating that a demolition squad
specifically trained in climbing and demolition techniques had taken over
the structure and used the ropes and other implements, previously stored
inside the Masjid, to bring the structure down? No wonder many such
journalists and photographers were assaulted and thrown out of the area to
prevent them from photographing members of the demolition squad. And what
about the presence of Mr. Advani and Ms. Bharati who urged the crowd to
move forward and finish the job. If, as ABP has claimed that these
charge-sheeted ministers were present at the demolition site on demolition
day to protect the monuments, then why is it that these same people have
time and again refused to appear before the Liberhan Commission despite
being summoned by them numerous times. Would it not be in the benefit of
the Nation that they do so and by doing so clear their 'tarnished' image?
What are they afraid of? =0B=0B

The realization is slowly dawning on the saffron brigade that the citizens
of our beloved India have woken up from their stupor and have now realized
that the BJP and its cohorts are leading the nation into an abyss? This is
apparent considering the dismal performance of the BJP in the recent polls
in Gujrat and U.P., and the growing chaos and turbulence the policy of this
present government has created among the farmers and the other sections of
the population. Even the recent Virat Kar Sevak Convention organized by by
the VHP on December 6, 2000 to celebrate to observe Shaurya Divas failed to
stir up the citizens and very few even bothered to show up. It is clear
that the concept of Hindutva as propagated by the Sangh Parivar is not
acceptable to the majority of the Indians, let alone inspire them. They are
not taking the bait! The BJP chief's call to the Muslims 'as flesh of our
flesh' and 'blood of our blood' has not gained him or the BJP the vote bank
that it needs. They cannot use Kargil any more! What else remains? The
Ayodhya card of course! A concerted effort is now being made to play the
Hindutva card once again ( Times of India 12, December 2000). The people
are being communalized, the stage is being set for the construction of the
Ram Mandir in violation of the supreme court's directives and against the
pledges made by our esteemed PM and the NDA coalition Government.

To believe that the Sangh Parivar will follow the law of the land and court
directives would be denying the past. The Masjid was demolished despite of
the promises made to the supreme court and to the people of India. That the
Sangh Parivar is not going to abide by the supreme court decision if it
went against them (in the case of the Babri Masjid) has been stated by many
in the Hindutva brigade, including Mr. Ashok Singhal. Mr. V. K. Malhotra,
party spokesperson for the BJP ( The Hindu, December 12, 2000) admitted
that till 1998 the BJP's official positions was that 'the Ayodhya dispute
could not be resolved by the courts as it was a matter of faith. But that
today's stand is that the Supreme Court verdict on the issue must be
accepted by all was quite different'. But having said that he also went on
to say that this commitment was only while this government was in power.
Meaning that they will revert back to their older stance of not being bound
by the court's verdict and rule of the law once they no longer are in
power.. Great Philosophy for a party that is in power and assumes the moral
authority to enforce the Constitution. But does it matter? Law and order
are 'political issues' and going against the law of the land is just a
'political crime', just like the destruction of Babri Masjid was a
'political offense' (as per Mr. L.K. Advani's statement in 1992). Ethics
and morality and 'insaniyat' should play no part in the surge towards Hindu
Rashtra! Twisted logic, but consistent with the distorted thinking and
activities of the Sanghis. Nothing surprising about that! All part of the
master plan to change India into the land of 'one people, one religion and
one culture'. To achieve this, the society is being communalized, history
rewritten and attacks on Christians Churches, priests, nuns continue.

Ethnic cleansing of 80 Christian families from their village with the
support of the police, and the recent destruction of a Masjid in U.P. , and
the attack on another Masjid and stabbing of the cook in Palayamkottai in
Tamil Nadu (Hindustan Times, December 10, 2000), encroachment of
historical monuments such as Qutub Minar and Sher Shah's Tomb and
construction of a temple in the vicinity, will continue with fervor and
will increase with time. This attempt to communalize India is consistent
with the Sangh Parivar's modus operandii for getting votes. But will it
work? Only time can tell. Indications are that people are fed up with the
Sangh Parivar's policy of dividing the community and the Nation in the name
of religion. In their lust for power, in their zeal for converting India
into a Hindu Rashtra, in their support of the high caste baniyas and
industrialists who are the financial masters , chief supporters and an
intrinsic part of the Sangh Parivar, the Sanghis will not hesitate to
sacrifice the interest of the common citizen or the unity of the country.

It is time that all Indians, irrespective of their religion, caste,
regional origin and political persuasion to come together and excise this
cancer form our midst. India will not prosper if a policy of division based
on religion, caste, social status, gender bias is continued , if laws are
flaunted, criminals are appointed ministers and the police and law officers
kill, torture falsely imprison, harass the innocent, take part in communal
killings, and protect the criminals and other mafia groups. We need to make
a choice and we need to make it now! Slowly, but surely, the India of our
dreams is dying, and we are responsible for it!=0B=0B



Trichur [India]

Chairman Secretary

Prof.Ninan Koshy Metropolitan Mor Meletius


The recent statement by Prime Minister A.B.Vajpayee about the agitation for
the construction of a Ram temple at Ayodhya is not befitting the Prime
Minister of a secular state and is a violation of the principles of the
Indian constitution.

There is enough evidenced to show that in the last few weeks the RSS and
the BJP have given a new momentum to their ideological campaign with a view
to speeding up the implementation of their Hindutva agenda. When the
statements made by the RSS chief Mr.Sudarsan on minorities and nationalism
at Nagpur, Agra and Trivandrum, the statement by the Home Minister about
the inspiration of the RSS to the BJP government and the statement made by
Prime Minister Vajpyee at Staten Island during his visit to the USA about
=EBmaking India of your dreams=ED to a Vishwa Hindu crowd, are all read
together with the latest statement of Vajpayee about the temple are all
read together they clearly show that the nation is driven along a dangerous

The fact that the statement that the temple would be constructed on the
site of the Babri Masjid was made by the Prime Minister on the anniversary
of the demolition of the Masjid clearly indicates that the Prime Minister
justifies the destruction. Further the statement about the site for the
temple is an insult to the judicial process as the case is before the
Supreme Court. BJP=EDs partners in the government should realise that the
Vajpayee government under the cover of a National Democratic Agenda is
actually pursuing the BJP=EDs own agenda.Their continued support to the
government will be an abdication of the secular credentials they claim.

The basic issue that the statements of the Prime Minister and those of the
RSS chief raise revolves around the definition and interpretation they give
to nationalism. When the Prime Minister claims that the agitation for
building the temple is an expression of nationalist feeling and when the
RSS chief accuses the minorities of the lack of nationalist feelings they
uphold a religion-based narrow nationalism. This is a rejection of the
broad secular nationalism which the leaders of our independence struggle
like Gandhi and Nehru stood for and thus a repudiation of the
constitutional principles. Through such statements the Prime Minister and
the RSS chief endanger secularism and democracy. They make a demand on the
minorities to behave as they instruct within the framework of a nationalism
of their definition. Otherwise they will not be tolerated. This is the real
threat to the minorities.

The response of the minorities to the narrow nationalism of the Hindutva
proponents including the Prime Minister should be neither minority
communalism nor compromise with the Sangh Parivar. We have to state this as
we see unfortunately both these trends among some sections of the Christian
minorities. Today the minorities in India should align themselves with
secular political movements and progressive forces for the preservation of
the secular democratic framework of the country.

The Trust inspired by the ideals of Bishop Paulose Mar Paulose is committed
to secularism and democracy in this country and therefore deplores the
statement of the Prime Minister.

Prof.Ninan Koshy Metropolitan Mor Meletius

Chairman Secretary

10th Dec.2000



The Asian Age
12 December 2000


London, Dec. 11
Indian masons brought to London to work on a Hindu temple have won $145,000
compensation after being paid a fraction of the minimum wage for more than
a year, their spokesman said on Monday.
The 11 skilled stonemasons came to Britain to work on the largest temple
complex in the Western world in Wembley, North London, to earn higher wages
than in their native Rajasthan.

While in India, the men signed contracts entitling them to the equivalent
of 30 pence an hour, three pounds 40 pence beneath Britain=92s national
minimum wage, and were promised free board and lodging.

Complaints of =93slave-labour,=94 exploitative working hours and squalid li=
conditions led Arvind Ladwa, a visitor to the Shri Sanatan temple complex,
to take up their case with both the Inland Revenue and the Overseas Labour

According to Mr Ladwa, both groups instructed employers Shrico Ltd to bring
the men=92s wages into line with the national minimum wage with retrospecti=
effect from April 1999 working out at between =A38,000 and =A310,000 per pe=
and settled privately between the company and its employees.

The masons are now earning the full minimum wage and have been made
honorary members of UCATT, the London-based Union for Construction and
Allied Trades and Technicians.

But continuing concerns over their accommodation has prompted the union to
hold a meeting in north London on December 16 to decide how best to proceed
with the case.

=93They were, and still are, living six to eight in a portakabin (on site),
their clothes are under their beds and there are no recreational
facilities,=94 Mr Ladwa said.

Shrico is owned by British-registered Indian religious charity Shri Vallabh
Nidhi, which was unavailable for comment.

On September 5, Britain=92s Charity Commission launched a separate formal
enquiry into the finance and administration of the organisation after
members of the local community, home to an estimated 100,000 Hindus,
expressed concerns.

The commission said on Monday it had met trustees and was considering the
information provided.
Home office minister Paul Boateng, whose constituency office in Brent South
is situated near the temple, has also been implicated in the affair.

Earlier this month, Britain's Observer newspaper accused him of intervening
in the foreign office application procedure to help the workers enter

SACW is an informal, independent & non-profit
citizens wire service run by South Asia Citizens Web
(http://www.mnet.fr/aiindex) since 1996.
Dispatch archive from 1998 can be accessed
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Disclaimer: opinions expressed in materials carried in the posts do not
necessarily correspond to views of SACW compilers.