[sacw] SACW #2 | 28 Mar. 02

Harsh Kapoor aiindex@mnet.fr
Thu, 28 Mar 2002 03:13:58 +0100

South Asia Citizens Wire - Dispatch #2 | 28 March 2002


#1. Pakistan rights indictment : The report criticised restrictions=20
in freedom of speech
#2. Report on fast for secularism / Demo on 28 March + Sign on=20
declaration from People for Peace and Secularism (New Delhi)
#3. Calling The Bluff (Dipankar Gupta)
#4. Padma Vibhushan For Modi , And Bank Of Depravity (I.K.Shukla)
#5. (VHP's arms) Training camp for women, children (in Gujarat)
#6. Protesters call for Modi's resignation
#7.Justice J S Verma, chairperson of the National Human Rights=20
Commission, has returned
#8. Police in the Indian city of Calcutta have thwarted a planned=20
rally by young couples calling for a special "love zone". (BBC=20



BBC News
Wednesday, 27 March, 2002, 18:51 GMT

Pakistan rights indictment

The report criticised restrictions in freedom of speech

Pakistan's independent human rights commission has said religious=20
extremism is on the rise in the country, despite government promises=20
to improve the situation.

Sadly, earlier on in the year, few efforts were made to curb militancy

Human Rights Commission of Pakistan

In its annual report, the commission accused the government of=20
reluctance to act against those promoting intolerance towards=20

It also said that violence against women was increasing.

President Pervez Musharraf pledged to wipe out religious extremism in=20
January and subsequently banned five militant groups.

But the commission said militancy still posed a serious threat to=20
millions of ordinary Pakistanis.

Commitment doubted

The report said that religious minorities had suffered from a=20
backlash by extremists opposed to Pakistan's co-operation in US-led=20
war on terrorism.

The government says it is curbing extremism

"Sadly, earlier on in the year, few efforts were made to curb=20
militancy and even as arrests were made and bans imposed mainly under=20
international pressure, doubts about the regime's commitment to this=20
cause persisted," the commission said.

The report spoke of a rising spiral of sectarian violence, with at=20
least 100 murders in the past year, and it said intolerance appeared=20
to be on the rise at universities and in the workplace.

The report also said General Musharraf appeared to be consolidating=20
his power by making himself president while dissolving assemblies and=20
the Senate.

General Musharraf took power in a coup two and a half years ago and=20
last summer proclaimed himself head of state.

Commission members said throughout last year, democratic practices=20
have been curbed, with political leaders facing arrest to prevent=20
them from addressing meetings.

They added that despite the announcement that elections would be held=20
in October, there were doubts whether this would mean a true transfer=20
of power.

Violence against women

The report also said highlighted a shocking rise in violence against women.

Religious minorities have suffered most

Hundreds of women are killed every year in so-called "honour=20
killings", where women are murdered if they are thought to have=20
damaged their family's reputation.

"More cases of mutilation, acid burning and other heinous crimes=20
appeared to come in than before," it said.

"According to some estimates appearing in the press, every second=20
woman in the country had suffered some form of violence in the form=20
of verbal, physical or sexual abuse," it said.

There was no comment from the government on the report.



Dear friends,
We are now into the fourth day of the fast. The first three days have
generated tremendous energy and more than 500 people have participated over
these days - some on fast and others supporting. We have managed to reach
out to many many people who have been walking by, joining us for a while,
talking to us, supporting us, signing the pledge. And the news coming in
from Gujarat is only strengthening our resolve to take this fight against
communal forces forward.

The responses from many of the passers-by has been heartening and many
people condemn the targeted violence that is taking place. Songs are being
sung and poetry is being read out through the day and evening. Some members
of the public have also expressed their thoughts and feelings with the grou=
on fast. And all this through Saturday, Sunday and Monday which were all
holidays. The next three days will witness many more people in the area. At
the end of the day at around 8 pm, we have been having a candlelight vigil
as a symbol of our struggle for peace.

It has been planned to have a march on the last of the fast , i.e. March 28
starting at 5;30 pm. The march will be from Jantar Mantar to V.P. House fro=
where a delegation will present our memorandum to the President. The
memorandum is being attached with this. Please add your name and send it
back to Jagori so that we can add it to the memorandum. We request you to
get as many people as possible to sign this.

We urge everyone who has already been here and those who have not yet to
come and give strength to this struggle. Please come and join the fast, or
just come and support. For the march on 28th we are hoping for a big number
and request you to all to mobilise for this in a big way.

In solidarity
Jagori team
Jagori, Women's Resource and Documentation Center
C-54, South Extension- II, New Delhi- 49
Tel: 6253629, 6257015
Fax: 6253629
Email: <mailto:jagori@d...>jagori@d...


People for Peace and Secularism
Jantar Mantar, New Delhi=20=20
March 25, 2002


We, a group of concerned citizens, express our horror and anguish at=20
the incidents of the last one month that have engulfed Gujarat in=20
blood and death, and have brought our democracy to the very edge of=20

Our six-day fast and dharna at Jantar Mantar is an expression of our=20
condemnation of the perpetrators of the horrific incident at Godhra,=20
and the way in which it has been used to justify the continued pogrom=20
against Muslims in Gujarat. There is now overwhelming evidence,=20
corroborated by the enquiry of the National Human Rights Commission,=20
of the complicity of the State government in planning and executing=20
the murder of over 2000 Muslims.

The continued persecution of many thousands more who are presently in=20
the relief camps, including the denial of food, water and medicine,=20
denial of protection against attacks by the armed members of the=20
Sangh Parivar, are further proof of an organized attempt to=20
annihilate an entire community.=20=20=20=20=20=20

We demand

=85 Immediate dismissal of the Narendra Modi government and imposition=20
of President's rule in Gujarat.
=85 A full, immediate and independent inquiry into the Godhra incident=20
and subsequent violence in Gujarat, and that the findings be made=20
=85 Criminal prosecution of organizations like the Vishwa Hindu=20
Parishad and Bajrang Dal, that propagate and practice communalism and=20
=85 Relief and rehabilitation on equal terms for all those affected by=20
the carnage in Gujarat.

Signed by:
[Add your name here and return to Jagori]



The Telegraph
27 March 2002



It must have been noticed by now, but I will say it anyway: there is=20
a great difference between killing for a cause and dying for one.=20
Religious sectarians in India are always ready to kill for a cause,=20
but will never die for one. It should also be remembered that though=20
many Hindus died for the cause of nationalism, independence and for=20
glory of their land, there is not a worthwhile example of a Hindu who=20
became a martyr for the cause of Hinduism. In every other=20
world-religion there are martyrs, and these martyrs are remembered by=20
the faithful for giving substance and body to their respective=20
religions. There is no such tradition in Hinduism. Rana Pratap, Rani=20
Laxmibai, Lala Lajpat Rai did not die for Hinduism, though they were=20
all Hindus, after a fashion.

When the chairman of the Ramjanmabhoomi Nyas, Ramchandra Paramhans,=20
said that he would rather die than not start building the temple on=20
the disputed site, many in the government and elsewhere got really=20
worried. They should not have been so deeply agitated, for the recent=20
record of Hindu chauvinists does not give any reason to believe that=20
any one of them would die for a cause. These Hindu chauvinists are=20
paper tigers and only excel at hitting out at minorities, and that=20
too with government support. Wherever they have had unfriendly=20
governments, as in West Bengal, these sectarians, notwithstanding=20
their hellfire and brimstone rhetoric, have behaved themselves.

The appropriate response then to sectarians of all stripes is simply=20
to implement the law and to hold them responsible every time they=20
break it. To discuss, at such times, historical veracity or the fine=20
points of cultural interpretation will only encourage these=20
sectarians. They then begin to feel self- righteous and also come=20
through as bearers of intellectual capital. To talk to sectarians=20
about culture, religion, art and so on, is, therefore,=20
counter-productive. When anyone breaks the law the person should be=20
brought to book. Where is the need to discuss? If the government=20
feels there is an overwhelming reason to hold protracted talks with=20
these people, and not book them under grievous charges, then please=20
change the law and along with that our Constitution.

It can be proved beyond doubt, by taking several instances of=20
rioting, that in all cases the culprits had the active or tacit=20
support of the government. In these riots again, the number of people=20
killed show a hugely disproportionate number of people belonging to=20
the minority communities. This was true in Ahmedabad in 1969 when=20
Muslims died in large numbers. This is true equally of the Sikh=20
killings in Delhi when around 2,000 Sikhs died in Delhi and its=20
environs. This is true of Bhiwandi when the Shiv Sainiks went on a=20
rampage. This is now equally true of Ahmedabad after the Godhra=20
incident on February 26, 2002. Even in this last instance it is not=20
generally known that before Godhra happened and kar sevaks were=20
killed in the Sabarmati Express headed for Ahmedabad, Bajrang Dal=20
activists had harassed and beaten Muslims on February 24 when the=20
same train was going to Faizabad. Muslim women had the veils of their=20
burqas ripped off, some children were also hurt, and many Muslims=20
escaped being brutally assaulted by pretending to be Hindus. This=20
news item appeared on February 25 in Jan Morcha, which is a little=20
known daily published from Faizabad.

This incident has been covered up, for it then allows the Gujarat=20
government, and its supporters in Delhi, to justify post-Godhra=20
killings as a mass reaction. Even if this be true, it has to be=20
admitted at the same time that sectarian violence could not have gone=20
on for days had there not been government support in the shape of=20
pulling back the police and the army. The Bharatiya Janata Party=20
ministers, including the prime minister, did not intervene=20
effectively enough to make sure that Narendra Modi behaved according=20
to the provisions of the Constitution and not as a Hindu sectarian.

Ayodhya, on March 15, turned out to be an anti-climax simply because=20
people expected that the kar sevaks were really a determined and=20
committed bunch. I have always believed that if these sectarians were=20
to be challenged, and their bluff called, they would immediately=20
withdraw. I have historical evidence to back my claim, though sadly=20
it is a little dated. After the Partition, the population of Delhi=20
doubled in a matter of months and kept growing phenomenally. The=20
refugees who came from Pakistan were filled with hatred, anger and=20
hurt. This was the time when Hindu sectarian sentiments were at their=20
highest and communal riots shook the city of Delhi. Delhi was till=20
then a placid and laid-back place. In fact, its elected member to the=20
council was a Muslim.

When the communal elements were getting really dangerous, Jawaharlal=20
Nehru stepped forward to take matters in hand. He made sure that=20
members of the Hindu Mahasabha did not go unpunished. He very=20
demonstrably had them detained and put behind bars. This silenced=20
them for a considerable period of time. But when Mohandas Karamchand=20
Gandhi was assassinated Nehru banned the Rash- triya Swayamsevak=20
Sangh and came down on this organization with a very heavy hand.

What did the members of the RSS do? They did not come out roaring=20
like lions, but went to the prime minister bleating like sheep. With=20
folded hands and bended knees they implored Nehru to take a kinder=20
view of them. They assured the government that the RSS was simply a=20
cultural organization and had no desire to be involved in politics.=20
All this is known, and there are records to prove the cowardice of=20
these so-called Hindu heroes.

The lesson is very simple. If tough measures are taken against=20
sectarian law-breakers then they immediately begin to behave=20
themselves. It may also be mentioned in this connection that the=20
Hindu Mahasabha and the Bharatiya Jana Sangh were no match to the=20
Congress party electorally as well. From 1951 to 1967, that is for=20
twenty years after the Partition, it was the Congress that won=20
election after election in Delhi. How could this have happened?

The electoral victory of the Congress in the years when one expected=20
that Hindu chauvinists would do well can only be explained by the=20
fact that most Hindus are not professional sectarians. They have jobs=20
to do, they have families to look after, and they have career goals=20
and ambitions. Nehru made these communalists look inept because Nehru=20
promised an economic alternative. He did Bhakra Nangal, Bokaro and=20
Bhilai steel, he had a land reform programme, he had the five year=20
plans, and it was the Congress government that actually helped=20
refugees with their housing needs. In all these departments, the=20
Hindu communalists were useless. They had no idea as to how the=20
country would handle poverty and disease. All they could say was=20
"Hinduism is in peril".

Quite clearly, as Ayodhya demonstrates, the Hindu fanatics have not=20
changed. What has changed is that there is nobody like Nehru who can=20
call the bluff of these paper tigers. Indira Gandhi played the=20
communal card, and sadly, so did her son. The official inheritors of=20
Nehru's legacy undermined all the known pillars of secularism in=20
practice. Instead of attending to poverty, hunger and disease with=20
better and more effective policies, they indulged in the most=20
thoughtless political maneouvres for short-term advantage. This is=20
what has given these religious chauvinists so much credibility. If=20
communalists are stronger today than before it is because the=20
official secular parties abdicated their responsibilities and cleared=20
the road for sectarians to emerge as viable political alternatives.

Vajpayee has no alternative today but to go along with the RSS and=20
the Hindu sectarians. The hard core of the BJP is made up of Hindu=20
chauvinists. When the BJP lost face in the recent elections it had=20
only two options in front of it. One was to rework its basic policies=20
and make them more citizen- friendly. This is obviously very hard=20
work and also involves tremendous sacrifice on the part of its=20
members and supporters. In which case the only viable alternative=20
left for the BJP was to go back to the temple issue and appease their=20
hard-core supporters. So if Godhra had not happened, perhaps a Godhra=20
would have had to be invented. This is not an unheard of strategy.

There are two reasons why the Ayodhya temple-building programme of=20
March 15 ended with a whimper. One, the Supreme Court did not oblige.=20
It came out with a clear and unambiguous verdict that should make=20
every Indian proud that his judiciary is still intact. But this need=20
not have deterred the kar sevaks if they were really willing to die=20
for a cause. Then at least the sangh parivar could have claimed some=20
reflected glory for its cause. That too did not happen. This is why=20
the Hindu sectarians in the sangh parivar are all looking very=20
foolish. Although this time round, there was no Nehru to call the=20
bluff of these sectarians, it was the Supreme Court that stepped in=20
and exposed them.

The author is professor, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi




After having rewarded Attorney General Soli Sorabjee with instant=20
Padma Vibhushan for his meritorious services in the cause of=20
Hindutva, Vajpayee government, before its demise, should award the=20
same to the other Karsewaks of well earned ignominy. This=20
outrageously noble deed must not remain singular. Before these=20
busybodies, or their minions, resort to a fast unto death for this=20
coveted honor, it would be logically imperative for them to claim it=20
in view of their long and lethal services for the Hindu Rashtra of=20
their dreams. With Vajpayye and Advani at the helm, pledged to save=20
Hindutva and sacrifice India, it would be natural for them to expect=20
so to be honored.

A seventy-two hour long Kristallnacht in Gujarat, with Modi presiding=20
over the pogrom
against Muslims, being patted on the back by RSS Home Minister Advani=20
and twice commended by Vajpayee, the PM of Sangh Parivar, is quite a=20
record in rape and rapine, barbarism and depravity, terror and=20
tyranny that would embarrass any Hitler or Mussolini, their=20
achievements paling in spectacle and savagery. The disciples have=20
far outdone their fascist mentors many times over in just 72 hours.=20
That these centrally sanctioned and blessed 72 hours continue to=20
stretch on and on is due to the stentorian ability of the liars=20
constituting the Hindutva leadership at both the state and Union=20

The terrorists and outlaws of a violent cult (Hindutva) have excelled=20
themselves in Gujarat beyond their wildest dreams. But all this=20
needed long preparation, massive mobilization of louts and lumpens,=20
vast storage of lethal weapons, and relentless training in brutality=20
to the scum and dregs of Hindu society who were drugged and=20
brainwashed to restore glory to Bharat with rape and robbery, arson=20
and assassination, by metamorphosing themselves into the agents of=20
Satan. That is how they were inoculated against human attributes,=20
against personal and social morality, against national and=20
international legality.

The state withered away in Gujarat, but not in the Marxist sense. It=20
was in animated suspension to facilitate the orgy of violence and=20
viciousness that swept the state most bloodily for the infamous 72=20
hours, and then in driblets. Gandhinagar and New Delhi are=20
congratulating themselves for only six stabbings of Muslims and a=20
dozen torchings of property a day now. Isn=92t that a record to be=20
happy about? And, yes, the VHP-Bajarangis-RSS knickers are happy that=20
their workload has tapered off awhile so they could recuperate for=20
major massacres of Muslims-Christians-Dalits later.

Once Brecht, the German poet, wrote (I am paraphrasing): =93If people=20
don=92t vote you into power, abolish them=94. The saffronazis took this=20
sarcasm as a dictum and took it to heart.
They have been busy abolishing the people when and wherever they=20
suspect them not to have been their vote bank. Wounds of the multiple=20
defeats in the panchayat (local) elections in Gujarat by the=20
Hindunazis were raw, and the subsequent rout in the four assembly=20
polls poured tons of salt into these festering and fetid wounds a=20
little too soon. Thus, Muslims =93had it coming=94. Vajpayee had said in=20
February in Varanasi that he wondered why Muslims should not vote for=20
BJP. If they do not, the famous Hindutva =93goodwill=94 could not take it=20
lying down any more. It was just tit for tat. Subjected incessantly=20
to humiliating defeat after defeat, would it not be ignominiously=20
parading their impotence if the Hindu Taliban did not =93retaliate=94?

In order for the nation and the newspapers to get busy with the March=20
15 threat of VHP and forget the Holocaust in Gujarat, the VHP=20
regurgitated the Ram Temple in Ayodhya.
It was furious that the entire media did not fall for this ruse, and=20
reported the carnage and orgy of violence in Gujarat, however=20
skimpily or tardily. That the print and the electronic media did not=20
fully help cover up the crimes of the saffronazis became their=20
branding mark, a slur. Not only Modi but Vajpayee too held this view.=20
Only because the parliament is in session there is uproar over the=20
pogrom in Gujarat. So says Modi, the warlord of Gujarat.

Recall what Hitler had said about thousands of Armenians massacred in=20
Turkey: Who will remember it after a few years? True. Did Hitler=20
dream of such sturdy disciples to carry on his noble mission?=20
Vajpayee, on a visit to a destroyed church in the Dangs, in Gujarat,=20
had not admonished the Hindunazis for their vandalism but the nuns.=20
Why? Because they had not removed the debris; shards and splinters=20
lying around were too conspicuous as proof, and, for that reason, too=20
offensive to his Hindutva sensibilities. Being found out is bad, not=20
the crime.

Snap election to the Gujarat assembly is being now touted by Modi,=20
with a nod from New Delhi. Only a successor BJP government will=20
exonerate the criminals of BJP. And, New Delhi will be thus spared=20
the embarrassment of having to pretend that it will not suffer any=20
more damage to the Constitution and its guarantees to the minorities.=20
This is banking on depravity, this is a green signal for further=20
carnages and pogroms. This vote of depravity bank would ensure BJP=20
returning to power in Gujarat to further its agenda of total=20
annihilation of Muslims, and conclude its fiery and bloody project of=20
genocide that it launched on Feb.28.

Advani, whom I like calling AdolfVani, did not visit Gujarat for days=20
on end, nor did any of the other ministers. For fear that they would=20
be Fernandes-ized? For fear that they would be deemed soft on=20
Muslims? It was a green signal to Modis of Gujarat that they are=20
irreproachable, and must carry on the ethnic cleansing launched by=20
them in the =93laboratory of Hindutva=94, patterned on Hitler=92s labs in=20
Nazi Germany. AdolfVani inaugurated the Delhi elections amidst these=20
blood-splattered days without a word of remorse or condolence. A=20
criminal=92s consistency.

Does Hindutva bandwagon know that it is not 1930s, that Mussolini and=20
Hitler are now denizens of oblivion, that HinduTaliban would be=20
charged and held accountable for every crime that they perpetrate and=20
promote, and that history and Time would not be so indulgent and=20
considerate to them as their camp-followers are.

A reckoning will come, and criminals would not be allowed escape to=20
any sanctuary. They have desecrated temples (in Ayodhya too) no less=20
than mosques and churches. There is no place they would be able to=20
hide in. They will be hunted down for their crimes against humanity.=20
And, justice will be meted out to them. There will be no Z category=20
of security available to them in perpetuity for sheltering them=20
against reprisals. Even as pseudo-Hindus they must be aware of the=20
law of the karma.

India has been hacked and torched in Gujarat. Let not Gujarat envelop=20
India. The state did not fade out or wilt away. It aggressively=20
became evil. State as Evil is what fascism and all extremist=20
ideologies based on brute force exemplify. State as Terror is what=20
Hindutva signifies. State as Tyranny and ethnic cleansing, with=20
planned genocide as its pathological project, is what the saffronites=20
demonstrated. State as Outlaw became the paradigm of Hindutva.

This paradigm deserts people, militarily suppresses popular=20
resistance, subserviently aligns with neo-colonial powers, puts the=20
nation in hock for the benefit of masters domestic and foreign,=20
empties the national treasury stealing and squandering it, prolongs=20
the imperialist reign of terror, and shills for corporatist tyranny=20
of the West. It is this nexus that gives it legitimacy and longevity.=20
This nexus must be broken. Liberty, fraternity and equality must be=20
reclaimed for the millions of the deprived and oppressed of the=20
Indian earth. And, that just as a starting point.

Let India be purged of this scourge, let India redeem itself by=20
cremating this ugly and violent sickness of mind and soul. Let India=20
reclaim itself from the criminals and outlaws, reprobates and=20
renegades. Let India cleanse itself of its degenerates, its traitors,=20
its thugs. Only such an India, rid of its terrorists and morally=20
corrupt sub-humans would deserve a place in the comity of modern=20
nations. Only such an India deserves to exist.

27 March 2002



(VHP's arms) Training camp for women, children (in Gujarat)
The 49th All India Summer Training Camp organised by Ritambhara=20
Vishva Vidyapeeth will be held at Satapura, district Dangs, Gujarat,=20
from May 3 to May 22 for women and children. The camp will include=20
lathi-training, rifle-shooting, meditation, yogasana, prayers,=20
discourses and discussions on cultural and spirutual subjects.=20
Children between the age group 10 to 12 years can enrol. Call xxx xx=20
xx (phone number withheld by us) for details.

(A news brief in the Education Age supplement - page 21 -- of the=20
Mumbai edition of The Asian Age, Wednesday, March 27, 2002. Not on=20
the internet).

[Source: Sabrang.com]



Times of India

Protesters call for Modi's resignation

NEW DELHI: The news that Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi was in=20
town brought together several organisations at a protest dharna=20
outside the Gujarat Bhawan on Wednesday. The protesters were=20
demanding Modi's resignation. Modi however did not turn up at the=20
Activists of the All India Democratic Women's Association (AIDWA) and=20
Sahmat- People's movement for peace and secularism gathered at the=20
Bhawan at around 2 pm and blocked the two gates to the Bhawan, amid=20
heavy police presence. Students belonging to the Students Federation=20
of India also participated.
AIDWA chief Brinda Karat said the demonstration was against the=20
stategovernment's ''continued protection to genocide in Gujarat'',=20
adding that the Modi government was answerable to the violence in the=20
state. The activists were also armed with pamphlets demanding the=20
dismissal of the government, imposition of the President's rule in=20
Gujarat and relief and rehabilitation on equal terms.
''Modi was expected back at the Bhawan at 3.30 pm. He had even given=20
appointments to a few newpersons. But he did not turn up,'' said=20
Shabnam Hashmi of Sahmat. The demonstration was part of the protests=20
being carried out at Jantar Mantar and in other parts of the country,=20
Hashmi added.



March 26, 2002

The Rediff Interview/Justice Jagdish Sharan Verma

Jagdish Sharan Verma, chairperson of the National Human Rights=20
Commission Justice, has returned to New Delhi after what he describes=20
as a "disturbing and shocking" experience in riot-torn Gujarat. The=20
NHRC had earlier rejected the Gujarat government's 'perfunctory=20
report' on the violence and demanded a comprehensive report by the=20
state government 'within next four, five days.'

The former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, spoke to Senior Editor=20
Sheela Bhatt briefly on Sunday. [...].
Full text at: http://www.rediff.com/news/2002/mar/26inter.htm



BBC News
Tuesday, 26 March, 2002, 14:28 GMT

Calcutta quashes 'love zone'
Displays of public affections are still frowned upon in India

By Jill McGivering
BBC South Asia correspondent

Police in the Indian city of Calcutta have thwarted a planned rally=20
by young couples calling for a special "love zone".

Young Indians are far more open about romance

The couples say they want somewhere to meet, talk and kiss in public=20
without being harassed by the police.

Organisers hoped for about 200 couples.

In fact, about 30 people gathered for the protest, most of them teenagers.

Police prevented them from carrying out plans to march on city=20
government offices and kiss there as a form of peaceful protest.

Courting couples

The event was organised by a group called the Lovers' Organisation=20
for Voluntary Exhibition (LOVE), which is campaigning for areas of=20
India's cities to be set aside for courting couples.

They say so-called love zones would make it possible for couples to=20
meet and talk freely before marriage, as well as express affection.

But the city's mayor says Calcutta already has plenty of parks and he=20
accuses the group of wanting a love-making zone - something no=20
administration could accept.

Arranged marriages are still the norm in India, where displays of=20
public affection, even between married couples, are frowned upon.

Men hold hands with other men in public and women with women but for=20
a man and woman to walk hand in hand is still considered improper.


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