[sacw] SACW #1 (2 Dec. 01)

Harsh Kapoor aiindex@mnet.fr
Sat, 1 Dec 2001 20:10:18 +0100

South Asia Citizens Wire | Dispatch #1
2 December 2001


#1. Women, Rights and Afghanistan: Dr. Sima Simar Tours Canada
#2. Radical Salafism (Bernard Haykel)
#3. Pakistan: Xenophobic collective state of mind (Manzur Ejaz)
#4. India: History a la Joshi (Kuldip Nayar)
#5. India: The Problems of Plenty (Joanna Slater)
#6. New York Times disinformation on India (Mike Marqusee)
#7. India: Press Note - Public Hearing by the Dam oustees


Women, Rights and Afghanistan:
Dr. Sima Simar Tours Canada
When: 1-Dec-01 to 15-Dec-01

Dr. Sima Samar has been selected as this year's John Humphrey Freedom=20
Award recipient for her courageous efforts towards strengthening the=20
human rights of women and girls in Afghanistan and in refugee camps=20
in Pakistan.

As part of a cross-Canada tour, Dr. Samar will be visiting nine=20
cities: Vancouver, Victoria, Edmonton, Calgary, Montreal,=20
Fredericton, Ottawa, Toronto and Guelph.

For further details, see these Websites:
Rights & Democracy
Women for Women Afghanistan



The Hindu Saturday, Dec 01, 2001

Radical Salafism
By Bernard Haykel

Military victory in Afghanistan will not end the problem of radical=20
Salafism... moderate Muslims are the only forces that can ultimately=20
defeat the extremists.

RADICAL SALAFISM is the ideology of Osama bin Laden's Al-Qaeda=20
organisation. Its particular world view can be understood by looking=20
at the roots of this ideology in Islamic intellectual history and by=20
realising that its teachings have been marginal to and opposed by=20
mainstream Islamic thought. Muslims in the modern period are either=20
Sunnis (90 per cent) or Shias (10 per cent). The distinction pertains=20
to a dispute over the spiritual and political leadership of the=20
Muslim community after the death of Prophet Muhammad. In matters of=20
politics, two principles are strongly identified with the Sunnis: 1)=20
they are loath to declare fellow Muslims infidels, a practice called=20
takfir; 2) they prohibit war against Muslim rulers, however=20
tyrannical these may be, so long as Islam remains the religion of=20
state and Islamic law is enforced. Sunnis argue that adherence to=20
these two principles is crucial to maintaining social order and to=20
avoid warfare amongst Muslims which might lead to the demise of Islam=20

Osama and his followers are Sunnis of the Salafi branch. Salafism is=20
a minoritarian tendency within Islam that dates back to the 9th=20
century - under the name of Ahl al-Hadith - and whose central=20
features were crystallised in the teachings of a 14th century=20
scholar, Taqi al-Din Ahmad Ibn Taymiyya (d. 1328). Ibn Taymiyya's=20
importance lies in that he was willing to hereticise fellow Muslims=20
who did not share his views and, more importantly, he declared a=20
permissible war against Muslim rulers who did not apply the Shari'a=20
(he advocated war against the Mongols who had declared themselves=20
Muslims but did not apply Islamic law).

Salafism's hallmark is a call to modern Muslims to revert back to the=20
pure Islam of Prophet Muhammad's generation and the two generations=20
that followed his. Muslims of this early period are referred to as=20
al-salaf al-salih (the pious forefathers) whence the name Salafi.=20
Salafism's message is utopian, its adherents seeking to transform=20
completely the Muslim community and to ensure that Islam, as a system=20
of belief and governance, eventually dominates the globe (Osama bin=20
Laden quote?). Salafis are not against technological progress nor its=20
fruits; they do, however, abhor all innovations in belief and=20
practice that are not anchored in their conception of the pristine=20
Islamic age. They refer to such reprehensible innovations as bida, a=20
term of deligitimation in Islamic law or the Shari'a.

Another salient feature of Salafism is an obsession with God's=20
oneness while condemning all forms of polytheism (shirk) and unbelief=20
(kufr). Certain Sufi practices (Sufis are mystics of Islam), such as=20
visiting the graves of great Sufi masters, are condemned by the=20
Salafis as diminishing true belief in Allah. The world according to=20
the Salafis is unequivocally divided between the domains of belief=20
(iman) and unbelief, and it is incumbent on Muslims to be certain=20
they remain in the domain of belief. This they can do only if they=20
are Salafis. In its radical form Salafism leads to the practice of=20
takfir. This is exactly what Osama did in his November 4 statement:=20
Muslims who are not with him are, by definition, infidels.

The mantle of Ibn Taymiyya's teachings was most famously taken up by=20
a movement in central Arabia in the 18th century. Known to its=20
enemies as the Wahhabi movement, its adherents called themselves the=20
Muwahhidun (believers in the oneness of God). The Wahhabis had a=20
powerful reformist message and were able to galvanise the tribes of=20
central Arabia into a powerful military force that allowed them to=20
conquer much of the territory of present-day Saudi Arabia for a short=20
period. So great was their zeal to focus all the beliefs and=20
religious practices of fellow Muslims on God alone, that the Wahhabis=20
destroyed in 1805 tombs in Medina. Such excesses, including the=20
declaring of fellow Muslims as infidels whose blood could be shed,=20
horrified the wider Muslim world leading the Ottoman Sultan to send=20
an Egyptian military force and destroy the fledgling Wahhabi state in=20
1818. The example the Wahhabis set, however, left an indelible mark=20
on Islamic world and like-minded Muslims would look to their=20
experience as a model to be emulated.
King Abd al-Aziz ibn Sa'ud, commonly known as Ibn Sa'ud, founder of=20
the present Saudi kingdom, based his rule and conquests on Salafi=20
doctrine, and this remains the ideology of Saudi Arabia today.=20
However, it is important to know two features that distinguish the=20
official Salafism of the Saudi kingdom from the teachings of these=20
radical Salafis. The Saudis believe that: 1) war against an Islamic=20
ruler is not permitted, and 2) declaring fellow Muslims to be=20
infidels is also not permitted. For this reason, the Saudi Minister=20
of Islamic Affairs stated on October 19, in the aftermath of the WTC=20
attacks, that ``obedience to Islamic rulers is obligatory for=20

A principal reason radical Salafis like Osama advocate violence=20
against the Saudi state is in relation to the presence of U.S. troops=20
on Saudi soil. By permitting this, says Osama, the Saudis are no=20
longer adhering to Islamic law and consequently war against them is=20

Such differences in abstruse legal opinions, however, do not explain=20
Osama's massive appeal among Muslims. It is his genius at=20
manipulating images and symbols, as well as his ability to tap into a=20
wellspring of legitimate Muslim and Arab resentment at U.S. foreign=20
policies, that explains his success. Muslims live under the yoke of=20
authoritarian regimes. Regimes that have succeeded in destroying the=20
fabric of traditional Muslim education and networks of knowledge and=20

What Muslims react to enthusiastically is Osama's role as a leader=20
and symbol of Muslim resistance to domestic and Western oppression.=20
This reaction is fuelled by a century of arguments promoted by the=20
Arab regimes that all the problems of the Arab and Muslim worlds are=20
due to foreign intrigue, and are not due to any policies taken by the=20
Arab and Muslim leaders themselves. This reasoning explains, for=20
example, the eagerness with which so many Arabs and Muslims have=20
accepted the theories that the September 11 attacks were the work of=20
Jews and Zionists.

So far, moderate Sunni Muslims have been reluctant to condemn Osama=20
in the light of the September 11 events. This is a consequence of the=20
quiescent political culture Sunnis subscribe to: pointing fingers at=20
fellow believers might lead to the state of chaotic disorder they=20
fear most. Moreover, the present conflict involves unbelievers=20
(Christians and Jews) and Muslims prefer not to air their differences=20
in public.
Another reason for this conspicuous silence is that moderates feel=20
the evidence incriminating Osama in the attacks has not been provided=20
by the U.S. Finally, fear of violent retaliation by the radical=20
Salafis has kept many silent. Moderate Muslims, many of whom have=20
been and continue to be oppressed by Arab and Muslim Governments, do=20
exist and must be encouraged to take centre stage.

In short, the battle being waged today is at heart an internal=20
Islamic one and may take a very long time to end. It is part of a=20
larger battle about the very nature of Islamic society and politics,=20
and one in which there are many sides (moderate Muslims,=20
state-sponsored Muslims, radical and moderate Salafis, secular=20
nationalists, and Shias). The U.S. is not, and cannot be, the primary=20
actor in this ongoing drama.
Military victory in Afghanistan will not end the problem of radical=20
Salafism and more Osamas are available to continue the misguided=20
struggle begun by him. The U.S., however, can participate as a=20
catalyst for those moderate Muslims who are the only forces that can=20
ultimately defeat the radical Salafis and promote a version of Islam=20
that is neither extremist nor intrinsically antagonistic to the West.

(The writer is Assistant Professor of Islamic Law, New York University.)



The News International 25 November 2001

Washington Diary
Xenophobic collective state of mind

Dr Manzur Ejaz

We, the Pakistanis, living home or abroad, have become=20
master-monologues, despising or ignoring the value of a dialogue=20
among ourselves and with others. We have convinced ourselves of prime=20
target of persecution and discrimination by others without any=20
realization of our infinite propensity to do the same in our own=20
society and to others. In the course of time, instead of recognizing=20
the historical and socio-political realities we have started living=20
by cliches. Such a xenophobic collective state of mind is,=20
inadvertently, serving the interests of our misplaced state and the=20
ruling elite that have consistently undermined the rights of common=20
citizens for personal gains.

These days, the prized cliche is the American abandonment of Pakistan=20
after the Soviet forced withdrawal from Afghanistan. Pakistani=20
expatriates, interacting with the US politicians never miss a chance=20
to remind them of their infidelity. Most of the time such questions=20
are raised to prove patriotism among their selected peer groups.=20
There is nothing wrong in bringing up this subject because the=20
Americans did leave the region without fulfilling their=20
responsibility. However, American infidelity has become a cliche that=20
is excessively used to cloak many debacles of our own making.

Most Pakistanis believe that Pakistan has always stood by the US in=20
difficult times. A common perception is that despite joining US lead=20
SEATO and CENTO agreements Pakistan was not helped when it needed it=20
the most in its war against India. Fact of the matter is that the US=20
gave Pakistan arms, worth billions of dollars, to fight Communism.=20
Wisely, Pakistan did not actively participate in any anti-Communist=20
war other than jailing a few of its own left leaning activist=20
intellectuals and retired military officials.

The SEATO and CENTO agreements were specifically designed to fight=20
Communism and did not call for members' intervention if they are=20
engaged in wars against non-Communist countries. Therefore, from the=20
American angle, Pakistan misused its resources to fight India.=20
Furthermore, if these were unfair agreements, Pakistani negotiators=20
should have reviewed them closely before signing them. And, after it=20
had been shown that the US is an unreliable ally, Pakistan should=20
have terminated its close links with Americans and devised an=20
alternative foreign policy. But, our governing elite, having vested=20
interests in the US and its auxiliary international institutions,=20
carried on their servile attitude with the richest superpower.

Overwhelming majority of Pakistanis also believe that their country=20
fought a proxy war against the Soviet Union for the US. It is an=20
interesting episode. If one argues that the Soviet Union was defeated=20
in Afghanistan with mammoth infusion of American (and Saudis)=20
resources only, Zia-lovers start fuming. Quoting unpublished=20
suspicious classified intelligence reports, they fervently assert=20
that Zia had started anti-Soviet crusade much before the Americans=20
showed any interest in Afghanistan. If this is true then the US=20
helped Pakistan in its war against the Soviets and not the other way=20
around. Nonetheless, it is amazing that the same Zia-lovers are=20
usually in the forefront of accusing the US betraying Pakistan.

Many enlightened Pakistanis were warning the Zia government of the=20
pitfalls in its religious crusade in Afghanistan. Many scholars had=20
predicted that Pakistan's indulgence in the Afghan war would result=20
in social anarchy, religious bigotry, and prevalence of drug and=20
Kalashanikov culture. Pakistan's ruling junta was not willing to=20
listen to any dissenting voice. Ziaul Haq and his Islamic=20
comrades-in-arm were determined to drive the pagans out of=20
Afghanistan and cleanse the Pakistani society of 'impure' Muslims. A=20
record number of enlightened Pakistani activists were forced out of=20
the country during this period. Ziaul Haq and his cronies had a free=20
hand to use Pakistan for their immature ideas.

Much before the US abandoned Pakistan after the Soviet withdrew from=20
Afghanistan, Ziaul Haq had successfully subverted Pakistani society.=20
As a result of Zia's Islamization, religious fundamentalists had=20
usurped the entire social space for themselves. Ethnic divisions had=20
hardened because of warlike conditions in Karachi and Sindh.=20
Corruption was rampant and state institutions had become empty=20
shells. Nonetheless, many army men and inventive business people had=20
become millionaires and billionaires during this period.

Inflow of huge foreign funds in the name of the Afghan war and=20
billions of dollars transmitted by overseas Pakistanis created an=20
economic boom in Pakistan. Means of their wealth notwithstanding,=20
several hundred Pakistanis
were added to the list of notorious thirty richest families. The=20
situation was further exacerbated when the hungry politicians=20
accelerated the process of loot and plunder. The banks were emptied=20
and state-run institutions were robbed mercilessly. The irony is that=20
the rich continued getting richer while the US had allegedly betrayed=20
and abandoned Pakistan. However, common Pakistani citizens got the=20
short shrift in the entire process that benefited the selected ones=20
in the last two decades. One can, and may be should, blame the US for=20
abetting the ruling elite that ruined Pakistani society.

Of course the US abandoned Pakistan and Afghanistan like it left its=20
other poor allies after the Cold War ended. Of all, Afghanistan has a=20
very genuine grudge against the US for abandoning it after the=20
devastation of a prolonged war: The US was a party in the war and had=20
a responsibility to rebuild it. Pakistan's economy also suffered=20
because of lamentable penalties imposed by the US. However, most of=20
Pakistan's problems were of its own making and had started much=20
before the US changed its colours. But our evergreen ruling elite has=20
cleverly shifted the entire responsibility to the US betrayal.

The elite of many poor countries uses such mischievous techniques to=20
cover its tracks. The colonialists were blamed for every societal ill=20
for a few decades after independence. Now, the US is blamed if=20
anything that goes wrong. Even the road accidents and electricity=20
breakdowns are considered to be the misdeeds of Uncle Sam.=20
Anti-Americanism has become opium of the masses, often used to delude=20
the people for covering sins of the ruling elite. This is=20
duplicitous: As if this so-called indigenous elite would create a=20
heaven for the common citizens had the US remained engaged. What did=20
they do for their people when the US was throwing money at them? And,=20
did the ruling elite stop looting national wealth while the US choose=20
to remain disengaged? No one, having direct or indirect access to=20
state power, stopped allotting residential and agricultural lands to=20
themselves or looting the nations and its people. Of course the US is=20
the big boy in the block who uses unfair and highhanded tactics to=20
get its way. But, the main responsibility lies with the ones who are=20
at the helm of the society.


The Daily Star (Bangladesh) 1 December 2001
Between the lineS
History a la Joshi

Kuldip Nayar, writes from New Delhi
Proposals are afoot to abolish history books and replace them with a=20
treatise on culture. One can imagine the hacking job Joshi will do.=20
He is too biased and too fundamentalist to take any objective stand.=20
He does not even understand what our composite culture means, let=20
alone appreciate it... Joshi's exercise reminds me of the mess that=20
Pakistan has made of history. It has started history with the arrival=20
of Muslims in the subcontinent, nearly 1400 years ago. The=20
Mohanjedaro and the Taxila relics in Pakistan testify to the culture=20
of thousands of years back. But their mention has been deleted=20
because that was the Hindu period...

IT all began with a question on the 'Policy for Writing Text-books'=20
in the Rajya Sabha. Human Resource Development Minister Murli Manohar=20
Joshi was not even present in the House to give reply. He had left it=20
to his minister of state. Leader of the House Foreign Minister=20
Jaswant Singh was equally indifferent. He did not even come to the=20
House during the uproar which lasted for more than an hour after a=20
senior MP characterised the policy as the Talibanisation of education.

Talibanisation may be a strong word to use for the deletion of=20
certain portions from school history text-books. But what the=20
National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT) and the=20
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) have jointly done to=20
mutilate history is in no way less than what the Taliban have done to=20
disfigure human heritage. Since the ruling National Democratic=20
Alliance and the opposition are so apart and politically so tense,=20
particularly due to the coming UP election, that a sharp expression=20
by either side throws parliament out of gear. It is not what is said=20
is unbearable; it is the attitude which has become overbearing. The=20
Taliban have come a cropper because of their fundamentalist outlook.=20
It is only a matter of time when Joshi, under whose orders history=20
has been communalised, will become a relic of the past and relegated=20
to a footnote in history books. A person who refuses to accept=20
anything which conflicts with the interpretation of his beliefs is=20
too rigid to fit into the modern society. The tragedy is that the=20
harm Joshi is doing to the country's ethos of pluralism may be=20
difficult to erase.
Joshi initiated the debate that some 'distortions' had crept into=20
history books because the communist-minded teachers had authored=20
them. But he never spelled out the distortions. Without any debate on=20
what he found objectionable, he ordered the deletions.

Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee has said that they are willing to=20
have a debate on what he has described as 'one-sided history'. But=20
should there have been deletions before the debate? It is of little=20
consequence now when Joshi has presented the country with a fait=20
accompli. His fiat goes to the extent of saying that no class can=20
even discuss the portions his ministry has found to be twisted.

The deletions suggest that Joshi is annoyed mainly over the=20
references to the killing of cows and the eating of beef. For=20
example, one expunged portion is that cattle wealth was decimated=20
because cows and bullocks were killed in numerous Vedic sacrifices.=20
Another is that "beef was served as a mark of honour to special=20
guests in the Vedic times" and that "in later centuries the Brahmins=20
were forbidden to eat beef". Yet another is about the feeling of=20
'antipathy' among the Brahmins towards Asoka and Buddhism because of=20
'their anti-sacrifice attitude'.
Such deletions smack of religious bias, not of concern over the=20
accuracy of history. That Hindus do not eat beef (even the Kashmiri=20
Muslims do not) is a well-known fact. There have been demonstrations=20
by the sadhus in the past to demand a ban on cow-slaughter. They were=20
once able to surround the Parliament House. Some of those who are=20
presently at the helm of affairs were behind the agitation at that=20
time. Still Mrs Indira Gandhi's government was able to resist the=20
pressure and endorse the views of the Nehru-appointed committee that=20
a total ban on slaughter of all cattle would not be in the best=20
interest of the country as it was merely a negative approach.

Joshi has also expunged one reference to the caste system as if the=20
deletion will absolve Hinduism for the man-made differences. Why=20
should he fight shy of students knowing that the caste is the worst=20
kind of slavery that the upper castes have been sustaining for=20
centuries? The portion deleted states a fact which cannot be wiped=20
out even if its reference is dropped from history books.

The expunged text is: The rigid bind of the caste system which=20
started out as division of labour but was then 'made hereditary by=20
law and religion'. The lower castes worked and toiled in the belief=20
that they 'would deserve a better life in the next world or=20
birth...What was done by slaves and other producing sections in=20
Greece and Rome under the threat of whip was done by vaishyas and=20
shudras out of conviction formed through Brahminical indoctrination=20
and the varna system."

Whom are we trying to fool when we shut our eyes to the reality? The=20
caste into which one is born is the result of one's past life, Hindus=20
believe. One will be reborn in a future life in accordance with one's=20
behaviour in this life. This record of behaviour through former lives=20
is a man's karma. A man rises in caste through life after lifeor=20
through incarnation after incarnationas his karma shows a record of=20
increasing virtue.
True, the constitution of India today outlaws 'untouchability', and=20
makes it a criminal offence to discriminate against anyone because of=20
his caste, colour or creed. But the caste system is still very strong=20
because of its basis in religion. Joshi or his party the BJP does not=20
want to effect reforms in Hinduism and prefers to stay content with=20
the rewriting of history.

In fact, this is befooling oneself. Proposals are afoot to abolish=20
history books and replace them with a treatise on culture. One can=20
imagine the hacking job Joshi will do. He is too biased and too=20
fundamentalist to take any objective stand. He does not even=20
understand what our composite culture means, let alone appreciate it.
I do not agree with those who attribute more importance to=20
archaeological evidence than to traditions and writings connected=20
with the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and saints like Guru Teg Bahadur.=20
Whether they are myths, mere mythology or something else, they are=20
part and parcel of Hinduism. They cannot be rejectedhistorian Vincent=20
Smith tried to do thatjust because there is no monument to support=20
their veracity. If Joshi had allowed a discussion on that, students=20
would have themselves rejected the thesis. Hinduism is more a way of=20
life than the rituals which are increasingly entangling it. Openness=20
is its strength, not weakness. Let it stay that way. The government's=20
attitude to parochialise history is, however, only one example. For=20
the first time in the last 40 years, when the International Trade=20
Fair at Delhi became an annual factor, handicrafts by Muslims and=20
Sikhs have been displayed separately at a section called, 'Minority=20
Handicrafts'. Handicrafts are either good or bad, they are not tagged=20
as minority or majority. During the British rule, earthen pitchers=20
were categorised as Hindu water and Muslim water. Joshi's exercise=20
reminds me of the mess that Pakistan has made of history. It has=20
started history with the arrival of Muslims in the subcontinent,=20
nearly 1400 years ago. The Mohanjedaro and the Taxila relics in=20
Pakistan testify to the culture of thousands of years back. But their=20
mention has been deleted because that was the Hindu period and the=20
days of togetherness. What a way to close eyes to facts! History is=20
history, you cannot choose certain events and reject the rest. Akbar=20
tried to fight against orthodoxy. Pakistan Studies, a compulsory text=20
book for the intermediate class in Pakistan, says: "As a result of=20
Akbar's liberal policies the very existence of true Islam in South=20
Asia was threatened. Those who opposed these policies were either=20
martyred or exiled. All of this contributed immensely to the=20
resolution of the Hindu nationalists. Imagine their pleasure at the=20
Muslim adoption of Hindu dress and customs." Did Joshi take his cue=20
from here?

Kuldip Nayar is an eminent Indian columnist.



Far Eastern Economic Review (Hong Kong)
6 December 2001

The Problems Of Plenty
A combination of bumper harvests and high support prices has landed=20
the Food Corp. of India with a growing mountain of grain. It is also=20
forcing the government to review its policy on agricultural subsidies

By Joanna Slater/MUMBAI

ABOUT AN HOUR outside Mumbai, there is a sleepy government warehouse=20
that, depending on your perspective, represents either one of India's=20
finest achievements or one of its greatest embarrassments. In room=20
after room, coarse sacks filled with grain rise toward the ceiling,=20
piled on top of each other in bulky towers. The air is thick with=20
dust motes and the smell of wheat.

At hundreds of state-run depots across the country, it's the same=20
scene. India's public stock of food grains is at an all-time high,=20
and next spring, it will grow still further to a whopping 80 million=20
tonnes, or four times the amount necessary in case of a national=20
emergency. Yet while that wheat and rice sits idle--in some cases for=20
years, to the point of rotting--millions of Indians don't have enough=20
to eat.

At the centre of the conundrum is the Food Corp. of India, whose aim=20
is to give support to farmers and stock nourishment for the needy.=20
Instead, it acts as a vast holding system for mountains of grain=20
bought at fixed prices. Storage costs alone, according to officials,=20
touch $2 billion a year.

Until recently, the government showed little inclination to check the=20
waste. Last month, however, it began floating a proposal that would=20
vastly reduce its role in the food-grain business by handing over=20
much of its existing operation to the private sector. "At the present=20
stage of its development, the country can ill afford the continuation=20
of such a situation," says Shanta Kumar, the minister for consumer=20
affairs and public distribution.
While the reform suggested by the government is a start, much more=20
will be required to fix a food system that is badly broken. Like many=20
other older state-run institutions, the FCI is a legacy of a very=20
different India. Created during a time when the country's greatest=20
worry was famine, the FCI now presides over the opposite dilemma:=20
plenty amid deprivation. The shift has been equally dramatic for=20
Indian farmers themselves, who must now adjust to a situation of=20
increasing global competition under the World Trade Organization (see=20
story on page 64).

In fact, the two phenomena are related. Because the FCI buys grain=20
from farmers at such attractive prices, it doesn't "allow agriculture=20
to adjust rationally," says Subir Gokarn, chief economist at the=20
National Centre for Applied Economic Research in New Delhi. Too many=20
acres are devoted to wheat and rice, says Gokarn, at the expense of=20
other crops that might develop into profitable export niches.

Though observers disagree on how to revamp the government's purchase=20
and distribution of grain, no one disputes the need for change. The=20
problem begins at the busy agricultural markets in the country's=20
breadbasket states of Punjab and Haryana. As a sop to farmers there,=20
the government every year sets a minimum price at which it acquires=20
wheat and rice, with no cap on the quantity of grain to be purchased.=20
Over the last few years, the amount procured has risen steadily--30=20
million tonnes in 1999, 35 million tonnes in 2000--thanks partly to=20
generous prices offered by the government.

During the same period, the amount of grain actually released into a=20
national network of subsidized-food shops known as the=20
public-distribution system has decreased. Of that, up to 30% may be=20
diverted back into the open market, according to one study, thanks to=20
rampant corruption. India thus finds itself in "a piquant situation,"=20
said the country's comptroller and auditor-general in a hard-hitting=20
speech earlier this year. "While more attention is being given and=20
more money is being spent, the outcome is the opposite of what we=20

In September, the Supreme Court agreed, demanding an explanation from=20
the central government and certain states as to why the=20
public-distribution system had ceased to function properly. Colin=20
Gonsalves, one of the lawyers who argued the petition, says that=20
globalization is partly to blame for a situation where public stocks=20
of grain sit unused. According to the logic of free markets, "to give=20
away a sackful of grain to a poor person is bad economics," he says.=20
"But what can be more important than feeding people who are starving?"
The change proposed by the government sidesteps that question. It=20
would maintain the policy of setting a minimum price for wheat and=20
rice, but abandon the practice of buying and storing unlimited=20
amounts of grain. Farmers would therefore sell their harvest on the=20
open market; if the market price were less than the minimum support=20
price, the government would reimburse the difference. Such an=20
alternative "will reduce the stocks and the associated financial=20
burden, but it will do little to alleviate hunger," asserts Jean=20
Dreze, a professor at the Delhi School of Economics who helped draft=20
the Supreme Court petition.
Experts like Dreze say the root of the trouble is the fixed price=20
itself. Initially, the policy aimed to protect farmers from the=20
vagaries of the market and ensure the country would become=20
self-sufficient in food grains. It succeeded all too well. In recent=20
years, the fixed prices have increased faster than inflation.=20
Supposedly based on the cost of production, the prices tend to be=20
determined by "a vocal lobby with a marketable surplus," says V.S.=20
Vyas, chairman of the Jaipur-based Institute for Rural Development.

Not surprisingly, that economic burden doesn't translate into great=20
news for poor consumers, who only access the grain after an expensive=20
stint in FCI godowns. Families living below the poverty line can then=20
buy it at half the total price the government paid to procure and=20
store it--a price that, depending on the region, isn't that much less=20
than market rates. As a result, Vyas favours scrapping the=20
fixed-price system altogether: The government should buy only the=20
necessary grain from the open market, he says, and neither the prices=20
nor the quantities should be announced in advance.

However, behind all the talk of reform looms an unanswered question:=20
what to do with the current stocks? Even if the government were to=20
buy no more grain at all from farmers, it would still take eight=20
years to clear the warehouses at current distribution rates. Various=20
attempts to use the stocks in food-for-work and other welfare=20
programmes have met with limited success. "All useless," snorts one=20
senior government official.
Exports are an option, but remain small and hobbled by inadequate=20
infrastructure. Giving away the grain as aid to needy countries is=20
another possible outlet.

When pressed, however, officials admit they don't know exactly what=20
will be done with the burgeoning stocks. "That is the million-dollar=20
question," says S.N. Sharma, an executive director of the FCI.

The dilemma highlights the uneasy coexistence between government=20
interventions and the free market. Doing the most obvious thing from=20
a humanitarian point of view--distributing the grain free or at=20
cut-rate prices--will disrupt the grain market, except where it's=20
done on the margin and only to help the poorest of poor.
Meanwhile, as politicians and experts debate the way forward, the=20
bags of wheat and rice continue to sit piled in government=20
warehouses, a silent testament to a policy gone wrong.



New York Times disinformation on India

23 November

Thomas Friedman's New York Times article (Guardian 23 November) on=20
Muslims in India exemplifies the kind of disinformation that has kept=20
people in the US in the dark about global realities.

Among the recent events that Friedman omits to report are: the=20
desecration of the Taj Mahal by activists of the ruling Bharatiya=20
Janata Party, the shooting dead by police of ten Muslim demonstrators=20
in Malegaon in Maharashtra, the banning of radical Islamic groups,=20
government attempts to impose 'Vedic mathematics' and other methods=20
of 'Hinduising' Indian soiciety, and the severe restrictions on civil=20
liberties (particularly threateing to Muslims and other minorities)=20
currently being rushed through in the guise of 'anti-terrorism'=20
Friedman quotes actress Shabana Azmi's welcome critique of the=20
reactionary Imam of the Jama Masjid in Delhi but omits any reference=20
to her equally forceful criticisms of the attacks on Muslims by the=20
Indian government and media. He also omits any reference to the=20
persecution of Christians mounted in recent years by forces=20
associated with the ruling party.

Friedman's report is one of many efforts to conceal from the US=20
public the fact that among the most strident supporters of the US's=20
'war against terrorism' are the Hindu fundamentalists who now control=20
the central government in India. Sitting on the Indian cabinet are=20
individuals, including Home Minister Advani, who are directly=20
complicit in the destruction of the Babri mosque in Ayodhya 1992 - an=20
act of vandalism and intolerance as unacceptabe as the Taliban's=20
blowing up of the Bamiyan Buddhas.

With reports like Friedman's, it's no wonder so many people in the US=20
find it difficult to grasp the destructive hypocrisy of their=20
government's policies around the world.

Mike Marqusee
London N16 [UK]


B-13, Shivam Flats, Ellora Park, Baroda-390007 [India]
Phone:0265 282232, Email: baroda@n...

Press Note: 1.12.2001

Public Hearing at Kevadia colony by the SSP oustees and the=20
distortion by Media and Government of Gujarat

The flawed and distorted report on the Public Hearing in Kevadia=20
Colony held on 23.11.2001 are not shocking but rather revealing. The=20
criticism leveled against NBA by media and ruling party shows the=20
well known callousness and lack of sincerity in the oustees issue=20
while claiming ideal rehabilitation. While Ex-justice of Gujarat High=20
Court, Ex-Chief Justice of Rajasthan alongwith Haroobhai Mehta, one=20
of the senior advocate, Kiritbhai Bhatt, senior journalist cum=20
editor, and Sohan Singh of PUCL where the judges who thought it their=20
duty to hear the oustees of Sardar Sarovar reservoir, Colony, Canal,=20
they were unjustifiably attacked and defamed by media and a handful=20
of politicians, who are indeed working against the interest of the=20
affected people and the project itself.

The oustees of six villages and others under Narmada Bachao Andolan=20
decided to hold a Public Hearing only since their genuine grievances=20
are not being addressed over years and decades. What was organised in=20
Kevadia colony on 23rd November, was a simple Public Hearing. What we=20
saw was a totally distorted and biased media reports through pro-dam=20
reporters. Eventhough hundreds of oustees were arrested and prevented=20
by police from attending and expressing their grievances in the=20
public hearing, many hundreds succeeded in attending the hearing.=20
Colony affected ousted in 1961, Canal affected ousted since 1979,=20
rockfill-dyke affected ousted in 1985, and reservoir affected ousted=20
since 1980s deprived of their life supporting systems who are=20
relocated and not resettled. The first 3 groups left out of the scope=20
of R&R policy, the reservoir affected entitled for land for land,=20
community resettlement, etc. alongwith other amenities but large=20
number of them already evicted are yet to get their due entitlements.=20
Public hearing became necessary, as the Grievance Redressal Authority=20
(Gujarat) have not shown the capacity to solve the main problems of=20
land. GRA even refused to give an appointment to the organised=20

The arrest of adivasis at 3 am on the previous night, later arrest of=20
Medha Patkar inspite of release within 10 minutes due to the presence=20
ad intervention of sensible senior police officer and not taking any=20
action against the handful of politicians who tried to sabotage the=20
public hearing clearly shows the callousness of the state government=20
towards the oustees and state's desperation to scuttle the people's=20
voice and its incapacity to deal with non-violent people's movement.

In fact, even the Supreme Court has said in its order that complete=20
resettlement and rehabilitation is a must and non-fulfillment will=20
lead to stop the dam construction inspite of approval of authorities=20
and governments.

The Public Hearing was successful inspite of all the efforts to=20
sabotage it and the years old grievances of adivasis were heard by=20
all the judges with sensitivity and understanding.

The state, various political parties and media need to understand=20
that with no possibility of greening Kutch and Saurashtra and extreme=20
inadequacies as well as non-implementation in the case of=20
resettlement policies, the monstrous Sardar Sarovar Project can not=20
be pushed ahead. The political expediency will only boomerang as it=20
has been the case. The adivasis and others of Gujarat, already=20
affected and to be affected in the Sanctuary in Dadiapada, in Narmada=20
district, canal, colony, reservoir are determined to raise their=20
voice against injustice.



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