[sacw] S A A N Post | 8 Sept. 00

Harsh Kapoor aiindex@mnet.fr
Fri, 8 Sep 2000 10:41:52 +0200

South Asians Against Nukes Post
8 September 2000

#1. On Pakistan Nuclear Waste Management
#2. Nuclear safety and security in South Asia"
#3. India: National Convention For Nuclear Disarmament & Peace
#4. South Asia Anti Nuke Book Proposal Appeal


Pakistan Nuclear Waste Management

Pakistan Federal Minister for Environment and Local Government Omar
Asghar Khan reported that the Pakistani government was creating a nuclear
regulatory board, which would oversee the transportation, storage, and
geological disposal of nuclear waste.

"Pak. to set up board on nuclear waste"


Stanford University hosted a seminar on "Nuclear safety and security in
South Asia" in Thailand on August 11-12, with participation by US,
Indian, and Pakistani academics and government officials. They discussed
their perspectives on nuclear decision-making and deterrence in South
Asia, nuclear weapons safety, arms control verification technologies,
confidence building measures, and future courses of action.

"Dialogue with Pakistan"



11-13 November 2000
1 September 2000

Dear Friend,

The testing of nuclear weapons by India in May 1998 (followed by Pakistan)
and its reprehensible entry into the Nuclear Club violated India's own
principled stance against nuclear weapons for over 50 years. In protest
against this volte-face by the government, many organisations and groups
around the country, which have steadily supported global nuclear
disarmament, intensified their campaign to halt and reverse the process.
More than 40 cities have witnessed such protests. They have marched,
demonstrated, campaigned, and lobbied for total nuclear disarmament in Indi=
and around the globe.

The peace movement is now growing in India, but it has not yet had a
nation-wide identity and co-ordinated presence on a large enough scale. To
help co-ordinate this effort, representatives of several peace groups from
different parts of India met in Nagpur on 26 March and again on 30 July 200=
to plan a broad-based National Convention for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace=
We expect about 500 delegates at the Convention including a strong
contingent of peace activists from abroad.

On behalf of the Organising Committee set up in that effort, we would like
to invite you/a representative of your organisation to the National
Convention that is going to be held in New Delhi from 11 to 13 November
2000. Your presence at the Convention would be especially valuable as a
representative of the global peace movement and the world-wide effort for
nuclear restraint and disarmament. It will give you and peace activists fro=
here an opportunity to share ideas and experiences.

Unfortunately, owing a lack of funds, we will not be able to reimburse your
travel expenses. We will however provide board, lodging and transport durin=
your stay in Delhi, including some home-stays.

The broad aims and objectives and an outline of the proposed programme alon=
with a list of the sponsoring organisations (as on 25 August 2000) are
appended to this letter.

We shall shortly send you the Draft Charter for Nuclear Disarmament and
Peace being prepared by the many organisations and individuals involved in
the Nagpur meetings.

We hope that the National Convention will clarify views, provide
information, and help plan co-ordinated strategies as well as demonstrate
the global solidarity of the peace movement. We appeal to you to participat=
in the Convention and contribute in all possible ways for its success.

We look forward to hearing of your participation. All communications can be
sent to the Secretariat located at the address given below.

In Solidarity,

On behalf of the Organising Committee,
National Convention for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace,
C/o Delhi Science Forum,
B -1, Second Floor, L.S.C.,
J - Block, Saket,
New Delhi 110017

Tel. nos.+91-11-652-4324; +91-11-652-2053;
Telefax: +91-11-686-2716
E-mail: natcon2000@f...


To consolidate and strengthen the campaign to prevent a nuclear
To educate the public on the horrors of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and
the continuing suffering of victims of nuclear weapon tests.
 To work for a nuclear weapons-free world and to support all effort=
in pursuit of this goal.
 To halt and roll back all nuclear weapons-related activities of
India and Pakistan.
 To oppose assembly, induction and deployment of nuclear weapons.
 To oppose acquisition, development and deployment of nuclear
weapons-specific delivery systems, including ballistic missiles.
 To oppose advanced research on and testing of nuclear weapons.
 To seek compensation and reparations to all victims for damage to
health and the environment conditions by activities related to all aspects
of fissile material production and use.
 To seek immediate no-first-use pledge by all the nuclear weapon
 To seek immediate de-alerting of deployed nuclear weapons on
hair-trigger alert.
 To seek immediate freeze on the entire global nuclear weapons
 To seek a commitment from all nuclear weapon powers for time-bound
nuclear disarmament through a process of rapid, systematic, and continuous
reduction of their nuclear arsenals.
 To persuade the Government of India to return to the global nuclea=
disarmament agenda.

The National Convention shall discuss and debate the following issues befor=
proceeding to adopt the Charter for Nuclear Disarmament & Peace and the
Action Plan:
 History of the Nuclear Arms Race[*]
 History of Nuclear Disarmament Movements[*]
 Nuclear War-Fighting/'Star-War' Doctrines, Weapons Stockpile and
 The Case Against Nuclear Weapons with Special Reference to South
 Social, Economic & Political Costs of the Nuclear Arms Race:
Lessons for India and Pakistan
 Militarism, National Security and Common Security
 Role of the UN and the Non-Aligned Movement in Preventing Nuclear
 Incremental Steps for Nuclear Arms Control and Disarmament:
Lessons and Perspectives (No-First-Use, NPT, CTBT,
De-alerting, Weapons Freeze, etc.)
 Strengthening the Movement for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace:
International/Indian Experience[*]
 Nuclear Weapons and the Scientific Community
 Hazards of Fissile Material Production and Use: Human and
Environmental Costs
 Nuclear Weapons and nuclear Power: The Connections
 Culture of Militarisation: Impact on Women, Minorities, Education,
Media, etc.
 Educational Campaign Methods for Nuclear Disarmament
 Cultural Campaign Methods for Promoting Nuclear Disarmament
(Choir, Theatre, Slide shows, Exhibitions, Videos, Films)
 Role of Political Parties in Promoting Nuclear Disarmament
 Organising the Peace Movement: Role of Sectoral Groups and
(Artists, Doctors, Engineers, Environmentalists, Gandhians, Human Rights
Activists, Journalists, Lawyers, Scientists, Students, Teachers, Trade
Unionists, Women's Groups, Youth, etc.)
[*] These are Plenary Sessions

As on August 25, 2000 those sponsoring the National Convention include:
 All India Peace and Solidarity Organisation (AIPSO)
 All India Peoples' Science Network (AIPSN)
 Anti-nuclear Movement, Nagpur
 Anumukti, Vedchhi (Gujarat)
 Bangalore Platform Against Nuclear Weapons, Bangalore [AIBEA
(Canara Bank); Alternate Lawyers Forum; BEL Employees Union; Centre for
Education and Documentation; Citizens Against Nuclear Energy; Documentation
and Dissemination Centre for Disarmament Information; Federation of
Voluntary Organisations for Rural Development; Gandhi Peace Centre; General
Insurance Employees Union; Indian Scientists Against Nuclear Weapons;
International Energy Initiative; Karnataka State Peace and Solidarity
Organisation; Manasa; New Entity for Social Action; Peoples Union for Civil
Liberties; Pipal Tree; Samvada; Science for Society; Anglo-Indian Guild;
Visthar; Bharat Gyan Vigyan Samiti]
 Campaign Against Nuclear Weapons, Calcutta
 Chhattisgarh Anu Mukti Manch, Chattisgarh
 Delhi Forum, Delhi
 Delhi Science Forum, Delhi
 Ekta, Mumbai
 Gandhi Peace Foundation, Delhi
 Greenpeace-India
 India Peace Centre, Nagpur
 Indian Scientists Against Nuclear Weapons, Chennai
 Indian National Social Action Forum (INSAF)
 Indian Institute for Peace, Disarmament and Environmental
Protection, Nagpur
 Indian Social Institute, Delhi
 Institute of Social Studies, Delhi
 Jharkhandi's Organisation Against Radiation, Jadugora
 Journalists Against Nuclear Weapons, Chennai
 Lok Abhiyan, Lucknow
 Movement in India for Nuclear Disarmament (MIND), Delhi
 Movement in India for Nuclear Disarmament (MIND), Mumbai
 National Alliance of Peoples Movements (NAPM), Delhi
 National Alliance of Peoples Movements (NAPM), Nagpur
 National Council of Churches in India (NCCI), Nagpur
 National Federation of Indian Women (NFIW)
 PEACE, Delhi
 People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL), Delhi
 People's Union for Civil Liberties (PUCL), Jaipur
 People's Union for Democratic Rights (PUDR), Delhi
 Physicians for Peace, Chennai
 Public Interest Research Centre, Delhi
 Saheli, Delhi
 SAHMAT, Delhi
 Student Christian Movement, Trivandrum
 Vikas Adhayan Kendra, Mumbai
 Wan Kamgar Sanghathna, Nagpur
 Youth for Nuclear Disarmament (YND), Delhi
 Youth for Unity and Voluntary Action (YUVA), Nagpur

Natcon2000 Delhi

Name in full:=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=
[First name] [Middle Name] [Surname]



Representing (Name of Organisation)=D6=D6:=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=

Position in Organisation:=D6=D6...=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=

Mailing Address:=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6..=D6=D6=



PIN Code:=D6=D6=D6..=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6.Country:=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=

Passport No.:=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6...Place of Issue:=D6=D6.=D6=D6=

Date of Issue:=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6...Valid Until:...=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=

Telephone: (Office)=D6=D6..:=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6=D6(Personal)=D6=D6=D6.=


Other than Plenary Sessions, name four Working Group Sessions that you woul=
like to attend: [select on the basis of the Programme outline given above]:





(Please fax or mail your pre-registration form to the Secretariat of the



OUT OF THE NUCLEAR SHADOW: A Fund-Raising Appeal from Zia Mian and Smitu

Dear Friends,
we are writing to ask for your support in raising funds to help with the
productions costs of a book, to be published initially in India, that
would serve as an introduction to the ideas and actions of the South
Asian anti-nuclear and peace movement that emerged from opposition to
the May 1998 nuclear tests. The book, which also contains extensive
lists of films, organisations and books, would also be a resource and
teaching guide both for the many peace groups within this movement and
concerned people everywhere.

The book, to be called OUT OF THE NUCLEAR SHADOW, (a preliminary table
of contents is given below) will be published by Rainbow Press, a small
non-profit publisher and Lokayan (which means "Dialogue of the People").
Lokayan was started in 1980 as a way to bring together activists and
intellectuals on the issues of development, democracy and
decentralisation. In 1985 Lokayan received the Right Livelihood Award
-- the alternative Nobel Prize as it is sometimes known [for the
citation and an introduction to Lokayan see

We would like to have the book ready for release at the first National
Convention of Indian anti-nuclear groups, planned to be held in New
Delhi between November 11 and 13, 2000. Work on keying in the text has
started, and we are in the process of finalizing the contents and copy

We hope that "Out of The Nuclear Shadow" can make accessible in one
place the arguments against the nuclear option in South Asia and
highlight the diversity of voices, traditions, and approaches that are
themselves into an anti-nuclear movement in India and Pakistan. With the
resource guide, we hope to encourage peace groups in the region to
contact and learn from the experience and understanding of peace
movements around the world.

Individuals or Groups wishing to contribute to the project can do so by
taking out an annual subscription to the Lokayan Bulletin. Please send a
postal (money) order for $40 for individuals and $55 for
groups/institions, made payable to LOKAYAN BULLETIN, to:
Lokayan Bulletin
13 Alipur Road
Delhi, 110054

For further information, you can contact Zia Mian (zia@p...) or
Smitu Kothari (smitu@u...).

In peace,
Zia Mian/ Smitu Kothari


The Atom Bomb and Ahimsa -- Mahatma Gandhi
India's Obsession, Our Choice -- Eqbal Ahmad
India's Nuclear Nemesis -- Rajni Kothari
Of Men, Women and Bombs --Amrita Basu and Rekha Basu
The Epidemic of Nuclearism -- Ashis Nandy

The Wages of Armageddon -- C. Rammanohar Reddy
The Smile That Makes Generations Sick -- Surendra Gadekar
Reaping the Whirlwind -- Kalpana Sharma
Atomic Error -- Bittu Sahgal
The Patriot Games -- Shiv Visvanathan
Nuclear Bomb Attack Scenario. Bombing Bombay? -- MV Ramana
Nuclear War in South Asia: Estimates of Casualties

The Climber's Case -- J Sri Raman
Nostrums of Nuclearism -- K Venkataramanan
The Uncounted Costs -- B. Baskar and R. Suresh
Glorification of Nuclear Nationalism -- Zaffarullah Khan
Of Science and Nuclear Weapons -- T Jayaraman
Bombs, Missiles, and Pakistani Science -- Pervez Hoodbhoy
Nuclear Power and Human Security -- Itty Abraham
Do Nuclear Weapons Provide Security? -- MV Ramana
Why Pakistan Should Renounce the Nuclear Option -- Zia Mian

War and Peace -- Anand Patwardhan
A Report of the Anti-Nuclear Mission to India and Pakistan -- Yasuhiko
Letter from Nagasaki: Dear Pakistanis... -- Dr Mariko Kitano
A Pakistani in Hiroshima -- Beena Sarwar
The Hard Choice -- AH Nayyar
Education for Peace -- Lalita Ramdas
Why Women Must Reject Nuclearism -- Kumkum Sangari, Neeraj Malik, Sheeba
Chhachi and Tanika Sarkar

Why India Should Sign the CTBT -- Praful Bidwai and Achin Vanaik
India's Draft Nuclear Doctrine -- MIND
Against the Nuclear War Doctrine -- MIND and Pakistan Peace Coalition


The Struggle for Nuclear Disarmament -- Praful Bidwai
A Plea for a United Struggle for Peace -- IA Rehman
Forging a Strategy -- Rohini Hensman

Indian Scientists Speak out Against the Indian Nuclear Tests
Scientific Workers' Forum, West Bengal
Stop This 'Scientific' Jingoism: An Appeal by Journalists Against
Nuclear Weapons
Biologists in India for Nuclear Disarmament
Anuvam Virodhi Andolan, Mumbai
Sabarmati Declaration
Join the Struggle -- Indian Writers and Poets
A Call for Peace
Opposing Nuclear Weapons -- Solidarity for Peace
'Candle Light Vigil' Held at Wagha Border
A Call for Revival of the Nuclear Process
Against Nuclear Tests and Weapons
Retired Pakistani, Indian and Bangladeshi Armed Forces Personnel
Pakistan Peace Coalition Conference
Condemning the Nuclear Arms Race -- Joint Action Committee for Rights,
Marching for Peace in Nepal
Call for a Nuclear- Free South Asia -- Sri Lankan Forum for Nuclear
Call for a United Movement Against Nuclearisation -- South Asia
Solidarity Group
Raise Your Voice Against the Nuclear Test in India and Pakistan -- South
Asians Abroad
Petition Against the Nuclearisation of South Asia
Demanding Global Disarmament
South Asian Magazine for Action and Reflection
Condemning the Indian and Pakistani Government -- Des Pardesh,

Goodbye Gandhi -- Narayan Desai
I Will See If You Like It Or Not -- Amitava Kumar
Dear Civilised People -- Sahir Ludhyaniwi
Mankind's Error -- Khushal Habibi

Films on the Nuclear Issue
Organisations Working Globally on Nuclear Issues
Selected Nuclear Issues Bibliography



From: Isa Daudpota <...>
To: Undisclosed.Recipients@s...
Date: Thursday, August 31, 2000 3:44 PM
Subject: let them eat nukes. indo-pak stats. summary received by email.

> Summary of an article by Muhammad Ahmedullah, "LET"EM EAT NUKES - Two
>after their nuclear
>tests, India and Pakistan are less secure, economically weaker, and plague=
>with increasing poverty," The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, pages 52-57,
>September/October 2000.
><At this moment the article is not available on the Bulletin's web site.
> July 1998 - India & Pakistan explode their nukes
> Pakistan: Population 130 million ---- 160 million in 2005 ---- double by
> Human Development Index: 138
> Seeking IMF release of $250 million from $1.6 billion IMF Credit
>negotiated in 1997.
> IMF regards Pakistan as basket case: As IMF has bailed out Pak. 17 times,
>granting emergency
> loans to cover its external loan repayment commitments.
> Also sought to reschedule $600 million Eurobond loan & an $877 million
>debt to foreign banks.
> 1983-93: $15 billion spent on weapons (Source: U. N. Arms Register)
> 1998-99: $3.5 billion additional on defense - 15% of National Budget.
> Total Foreign Debt: $37 billion ~ more than 50% of GDP
> Monthly trade deficit: $150 million
> Foreign Exchange Reserves: ~ $1.3 billion
> Major Source: Expatriates working in Gulf Region.
> Freeze of Foreign Exchange -- Rs. Lost 25% of its value -- $1 =3D Rs. 54.
> Defense: Since 1990, sanctions on Military assistance/sales imposed due
>to Pressler Amendment.
> Thus from 1995-98 Pakistan bought $2 billion worth of used submarines,
>ships, missile armed
> helicopters and surveillance aircraft from France (four Atlantique
>Surveillance planes for
> $60.00 - one shot down by India).
> Big customer of China & North Korea for armaments (missiles, etc.) Paid
>cash for help.
> Most likely, single war-head design acquired from China (25 kiloton) (4th
> 1990 - it was known that Pakistan had 10 such war-heads.
> Estimated cost of Pakistan's nuclear program: $5 billion.
> 1998 Chhagai explosions deprived Pakistan from conventional weapons from
>U.S. as well.
> Very little local defense industry: Pakistan depends on foreign companies
>for minor spare parts.
> Army: Best paid in South Asia ~ avg. salary of $200/month is those in
> During peacetime growth rate was ~6.5%
> Population: 1 billion plus (~400 million poor) + 30 persons/minute birth
>rise or 15 million/year.
> 400 million people earn less than $1$ a day in India.
> Human Development Index: 139
> Unemployed: 100 million
> Pinches budget for education , birth control and basic health care to fee=
> Military Industrial Complex.
> Major problem is to get money for electricity, telecommunications, water,
>and roads
> Despite Clinton's visit in March 2000, foreign investment in 1999-2000 wa=
>$8.3 billion versus
> $9.6 billion in 1997-98, except increase in exports of software (that too
>created on
> contract to foreign firms.)
> Defense: Due to friendship with Russia, India has amassed more weapons fo=
>less money
> From 1998 to 1999: $10 billion on best weapons in Asia, and lesser amount
> previous years - qualitatively superior to China.
> 1997 - $1.8 billion for 30 Sukhoi fighter planes from Russia ~ at par wit=
> During 1999 Kargil war India used laser-guided bombs launched from
> Mirage 2000 ~ nearly at par with NATO.
> Rusian surveillance planes + AWACS type from Israel
> (now Russian AWACS as of 3/2000)
> Russia - sold more than $3 billion military gear during last three years.
> Budget: 8-10 % of National Budget, increased to 25% in 2000.
> Perceived need to match China not Pakistan (as Indians say)
> After the 1998 Nuke test, cost of deterrent is estimated at $10-25 billio=
> the next 10 years. For 150 warheads ~ $70 billion. (China has over 300)
> During peace time the growth rate was 7%, whereas avg. growth rate during
> 1998-99 & 1999-2000 was 5.5 % as compared to expected value of 6.5%
> World Bank (June, 1999 report) estimates that by 2025, South Asia will
>have the greatest number of people living in poverty anywhere in the world=